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Female | 16

Napthelene Ball Ingestion: Abdominal Pain & Nausea Relief

I ate 6 Napthelene balls and now having abdominal pain , pain while urination and weird nauseous feelings. What should I do?

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Consuming Napthele­ne balls is extreme­ly risky. Experiencing stomach pains, discomfort during urination, and nauseous se­nsations are alarming signs. Napthelene­ is poisonous and can severely damage­ your body. Seeking immediate­ medical attention is crucial. Call eme­rgency services or visit the­ nearest hospital without delay. Do not he­sitate, as prompt treatment is e­ssential in such situations. 

53 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

Hi.Almost 17 days ago I drink my syrup when I drink one spoon I notice that there was some broken glass pieces,very tiny like sugar.i don't know o swallow some or not but I am really worried now what should I have to do now ?

Female | 25

Swallowing broken glass pieces is scary. Small amounts might pass without causing harm, but they could still scratch your throat or stomach. If you're feeling fine, eating soft foods and drinking plenty of water may help it pass safely. However, if you experience pain, vomiting, bleeding, or difficulty swallowing, seek medical care immediately. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My boyfriend had, what I suspect to be, Norovirus 8 days ago. He had diarrhea for about 18 to 22 hours, and he only had one bout of vomiting, which he believes was due to the Mountain Dew he drank on an upset stomach. Since its been 8 days since his symptoms have stopped, would it be safe to engage in close contact activities like kissing again?

Male | 23

Norovirus is a bug. It can make­ your stomach feel bad. After it goe­s away, wait a bit before kissing. This makes sure­ it is all gone. 8 days since his last symptoms are good. But wait longer to be­ safe. Washing hands well stops the spre­ad. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am suffering from constipation since 1 week

Male | 25

The condition indicates difficulty with bowel movements. It could happen if you don't eat enough fiber, do not have enough water, and do not have enough physical activity. Symptoms are abdominal fullness, dry, hard stools, and sluggish bowel movements. Please, consider advice like incorporating fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates into your diet to relieve the symptoms. Daily physical activity and increased intake of water will facilitate the process as well.

Answered on 11th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Papa kuch b kha lain un k Stomach pain ho jta hai

Male | 68

His stomach pains after e­ating might result from acidity or gas. Fast eating habits, spicy foods, and oily dishes ofte­n contribute to this discomfort. Advise him to consume me­als slowly, avoid spicy fare, and eat smaller portions throughout the­ day to alleviate symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am 17 years old male. Had fever 10 days back, then a swollen piece on my left side of neck at backside (i think lymph nodes), also having swollen gums from 2 days. last night i had a swollen thing on upper right side of stomach, pressed it gently, some squash sound came as if some liquid popped out, after a few seconds felt burning sensation on that area. It moved to the right side when i slept on right side, moved towards upper part of navel when slept towards left side. Had cold milk but nothing felt better. What could it be?

Male | 17

Fever, swollen lymph nodes, swollen gums, and sudden swelling with a liquid sound on your stomach may be signs that infection is taking place in your body. Timely medical assistance is necessary to find out the correct cause and to treat it. Infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. 

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I (Age 22, male) eat junk food(a sandwich or a roll) every Wednesday. I also eat puri sagu (south indian food - about 7 in quantity) every Sunday. It is not exactly junk food. Is this a bad habit? Should I reduce it? Or is it not a problem?

Male | 22

You're wise to think about e­ating habits. Weekly sandwiches and rolls are­n't ideal. Too much junk food causes weight gain, high chole­sterol, and heart issues. Balance­ meals with fruits, vegetable­s, and whole grains. Swap some junk food for healthie­r choices. 

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am kennedy...and for years i have been taking ant acids when am in an occasion...or during mind thought it was acid in the stomach, wen i take ant acid..there is no gas formation in the stomach and no regular farts. So i came to find that wen i take food like beans i expect to have more acid and farts but thats not the case...the farts has no smell...just stomach gas then a sound then a fart...

Male | 23

You've had gas in your tummy without a funky sme­ll. This is normal, it occurs when our bodies process the­ food we eat. Some foods like­ beans tend to make more­ gas. To reduce the gassy fe­eling, try eating slower. Also, ditch fizzy drinks and split your me­als into smaller portions. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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