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Male | 17

Persistent Left Hand Pain: Nerve or Muscle Issue?

I have had alot of pain in my left hand on the front part then at the opposite back which persist when i lift my hand upward or raise a heavy load..the pain has been there for1 year and 3monts time....i think i strained my chest muscles because i feel twitches all over the chest which makes it easy for me to feel my heartbeat easily.also my vains feel painful atimes...then i dont understand the problem i it is issue with nerves or muscles please asist me

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Something could irritate­ some nerves or muscle­ tissues in your left hand. When lifting obje­cts, you feel discomfort - likely signs of muscle­ strain there. Separate­ly, those chest twitches, fe­eling your heartbeat more­ strongly - those sensations correlate­ with nerve agitation. To pinpoint root causes and tre­atment options, consulting an orthopedist prove­s crucial.

45 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

Lower back pain at right side while sitting for more than 30 minutes

Female | 18

Causes of the lower back pain at right side that occurs after one sits for more than thirty minutes include a number of factors which can range from poor posture or muscle strain to herniated discs. However, it is best to visit an orthopedic specialist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother have knee Pain and back Pain We think they have calcium issue

Female | 44

Your mom's knees and back might hurt because­ her body lacks calcium. Calcium deficiency can cause­ bone and muscle aches. It brings we­akness, knee/back pain, and bone­s that break easily. Eat dairy products like milk and che­ese which contain calcium. Also, leafy gre­en veggies have­ lots of calcium. Supplements provide e­xtra calcium too.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I am trying to find the starting point to getting my knees replaced

Knee replacement surgery is done to replace the damaged joints so patient is relieved of symptoms. The knee joint with an artificial knee called prosthesis made of metal, plastic, and ceramic. It helps to restore function of the damaged knee and relieve arthritis pain. Knee replacement surgery is advised if the pain is interfering with your daily activities and negatively affecting your quality of life. Types of knee replacement surgery Simultaneous bilateral knee replacement - When both knees are replaced at the same time. The primary advantage of a procedure is that there is only one hospital stay and one rehabilitation period to heal both knees. But rehabilitation may be slower. Also these patients may need assistance at home also. Generalized fitness is important here. Staged bilateral knee replacement- Each knee is replaced at a different time. These surgeries are done a few months apart. This staged approach helps one knee to recover before the second surgery. The main advantage of a this procedure is the reduced risk of complications and also requires a shorter hospital stay. However, since this procedure requires two surgeries, the overall rehabilitation period can be longer. Either surgery may involve any combination of total knee replacement or partial knee replacement. The risks associated with this surgery: infection, blood clots, failure of the artificial joint, heart attack etc. Post surgery care, rehabilitation is very important. Hope our answer helps you. This page might help you with regards to what you are looking for - Best Knee Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Scapula me sikai kar sakte he

Female | 17

it is not recommended to treat yourself a shoulder injury like a scapula on your own. It is advised that you see an orthopedic doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your case. Self-treatment may cause additional problems and contribute to prevention of the timely recovery. Please talk to an orthopedic specialist for future suggestions and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my back hurts and i can’t bend

Female | 25

You seem to have back pain and trouble bending. It could result from any number of factors, such as a muscle strain or back trauma. To correctly be diagnosed and treated for your condition, I would suggest that you visit an orthopedic physician.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey, what I’d like to check is what the implications are that I seem to have symptoms developing after having the first vaccine. The bite mark has swelled and is itchy/prickly. The muscles in the affected leg feel tired and heavy. Might be totally unrelated but I woke up today with the hamstring in the other leg feeling pulled, I don’t think I was doing anything that would pull it. Facts are - I was lightly bitten by a wild dog on the evening of the 15th. By noon of the 16th I had the vaccine (Rabivax-S). Since then the symptoms above have appeared around the bite mark.

Female | 25

Swelling and itching near the bite, tired legs, and muscle heaviness are likely due to the dog bite and the vaccine. Your body might be overreacting to the vaccine. The hamstring pain in the other leg may not be related to the bite or vaccine. Use cold compresses and OTC antihistamines for itching and pain. Rest your legs and avoid physical activity to ease fatigue. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Ensure rabies prevention by following your doctor’s advice.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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Hi,im a 15 year old boy and i have a really bad lower back pain that has been white for like 1-2 months and i can't walk, sit, stand or sleep because of the pain.

Male | 15

You should seek immediate medical attention from a professional, orthopedist, or family doctor for an evaluation and diagnosis. Possible causes include muscle strain, injury, structural issues, or medical conditions. Avoid activities that worsen the pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever and body pain.. Cold

Male | 19

When you're sick, your body fights a virus, leading to symptoms like fever, aches, runny nose, and cough. To recover, rest, drink fluids, and take it easy. If needed, use over-the-counter meds for relief.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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i have broken my ulna bone of left arm in an accident about 5 weeks ago. I got an plate implant on ulna bone. I need to know can I drive the car?

Male | 30

You should visit and have your doctor or an orthopedic specialist who will help in determining the condition. Whether you can drive a car comfortably depending on the severity of your injury and how soon your healing progresses could not be determined. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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मेरी नाक की हड्डी एक तरफ से बढ़ गई है क्योंकि सास नहीं ले पा रहा हूं अच्छे से 1 साल होने वाला है

Male | 18

नाक की एक तरफ का बढ़ना और सांस लेने में परेशानी कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे कि नाक का टेढ़ा होना, अलर्जीज, या साइनस इन्फेक्शन। अगर आपको लंबे समय से यह समस्या है, तो यह जरूरी है कि आप किसी विशेषज्ञ से मिलें। डॉक्टर जांच करके उचित निदान कर सकते हैं और उपचार के लिए सही कदम उठाएंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो उपचार में दवाइयाँ या सर्जरी शामिल हो सकती हैं। अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखें और जल्द से जल्द चिकित्सा सहायता लें। 

Answered on 8th Jan '25

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I diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis on feb 2024 that time my ESR was 70 and now its down to 26 whats that mean

Female | 25

An ESR test me­asures inflammation levels in your body. A lowe­r ESR reading, like 26, indicates le­ss inflammation compared to a higher value like­ 70. This suggests the inflammatory condition is relative­ly better controlled. Ankylosing spondylitis cause­s back pain and stiffness due to inflammation in the spine­. Effective manageme­nt involves staying physically active through exe­rcise routines, adhering to pre­scribed medications, maintaining a balanced die­t, and avoiding tobacco use. 

Answered on 17th July '24

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