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महिला | 7

Left Side Paralyzed

Left side peralisis mind

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

One way of paralysis, which is hemiplegia, is the one where a person experiences a lack of movement and sensation on the left side of the body. It can be caused by a stroke, brain injury, or other problems related to the brain. Although this option may be available, it may be best to consult a neurologist who specializes in the treatment of such disorders.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Tingling and itching sensation inside of top leftside of head everytime I move my head I get a pleasurable sensation what Is it?

Male | 19

IT MAY BE SCALP PARESTHESIA If symptoms persist, CONSULT a evaluation Other possible causes include MIGRAINES, scalp infections, or NERVE DAMAGE Maintain good scalp hygiene and avoid scratching or irritating the area Consider any recent head injuries or changes in medication

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother suffering from stroke last 3 days i have a ct scan report please analysis on it.

Female | 47

A stroke can lead to various symptoms, including weakness, confusion, or difficulty speaking. It happens due to disrupted blood flow to the brain, often from a clot or bleeding. The CT scan is vital for determining the type and extent of the stroke and guiding treatment. I strongly encourage you to share the results with her healthcare provider, as they can offer personalized insights and potential recovery plans tailored to her specific needs. Remember, professional medical support is crucial during this time. Be assured that there are effective approaches to assist her recovery journey.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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What causes me to be dizzy and if I look at something it looks like it moving

Male | 54

Inner ear diseases, headaches and migraines, low blood pressure and some medications can cause dizziness or abnormal visual perceptions such as the illusion of movement. A neurologist should be consulted for the right diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Trigiminal neuralgia right side V nerve there is loop which is making me difficult to concentrate, swallowing, blurred vision, light headedness ,

Male | 33

In case of trigeminal neuralgia right sided V nerve involvement symptoms include difficulty in concentrating, swallowing, blurred vision and lightheadedness may occur. This can be diagnosed and treated by a neurologist to get rid of the following symptoms. Therefore, early medical attention is recommended to prevent any complications or improving the quality of life.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am paraplegic due to spine Tumour is it can be recovered may I walk again?

Female | 28

Spine tumour leading to paraplegia is a disease that requires specialist care. It is best to work with a neurologist or spine specialist who will evaluate your situation and advise you of any possible treatment alternatives. Recovery, that is to walk again is dependent upon the tumour type and extent of spinal cord damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I always had sleep paralysis during sleep and I can't sleep well

Female | 18

Sleep paralysis is a condition where you wake up but can't move or speak for a short time. It's quite common and usually not harmful. It can happen due to sleep deprivation, an irregular sleep schedule, or stress and anxiety. To prevent it, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule, relax before bed, and manage stress. If it becomes more frequent or concerning, you can consult a sleep specialist for help.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I hit my head around 3:46pm uk time it’s now 10:55pm uk time I banged my head on the top right part of my head basically on the top of my head right side It has cut my head around 1.5cm long It’s not deep etc looks nothing to worry about It bled quite abit but The cut etc looks nothing serious It’s stopped bleeding many hours ago now a lump as you can imagine I’ve took no paracetamol or any other medication But I have had 2 cans of beer and a cigarette Got in bed around a hour ago And I have a really thumping throbbing pain on the top of my head like a MINEGRANE or HEADACHE kind of feeling And I feel really drowsy and tired etc as it’s hurting my head Just worried about going asleep will I be ok As scared of as I see about head concussion and head injuries on the telly all the time ? Thanks

Male | 28

The ailments you mentioned, such as pounding pain, sleepiness, and fatigue are normal for a concussion. Drink no alcohol and take it easy, but don't sleep now. See if you can manage to stay awake for a few hours and check your symptoms. Go to the doctor in case the symptoms become more serious. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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Major headache almost all time.. Taking diljem sr90 morning Deplatt cv 20 night Bypass surgery 2019 me Doing Sitting job.. Bp 65-90

पुरुष | 45

The medicines you me­ntioned are used ofte­n after bypass surgery. Your low blood pressure­ and a sitting job could be causing your headaches. Stay hydrate­d. Drink plenty of water. Take bre­aks from sitting. Tell your doctor about what's happening. Your doctor can help manage things be­tter if you keep the­m updated.

Answered on 12th Aug '24

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I'm having stroke symptoms

Female | 19

It is essential to recognize any unusual signs your body shows if you suspect you may be experiencing stroke symptoms. These signs can include sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arms, or legs. A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when your brain doesn’t receive enough blood, usually due to an artery being blocked by a blood clot. If you notice these symptoms, call emergency services immediately.

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.

Male | 20

Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Sir My husband has hydrocephalus prblm, we have done operation, but now there is is so shunt is not working properly, now dr. Telling again have to feet shunt another side. Please one solution immediately.

Male | 43

If the shunt isn't working right, symptoms can come back. In such cases, replacing or adjusting the shunt may be necessary to ensure it properly drains the fluid. It's important to address this quickly to avoid complications. Talk to the specialist who has been treating your husband, may be able to provide further guidance on the next steps. It is important to follow the doctor's advice and closely monitor your husband's condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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