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Male | 29

What should I do if I think I have an STD in my anus?

I think i am having std in anus what should i do for it

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Possible symptoms need to be taken care of including discomfort, unusual discharge, or itching in the anal area. They can be caused by infections, irritations, or sexually transmitted illnesses. To get the correct cure, I advise you to plan an appointment with a doctor. They can help you in running the needed tests and coming up with a clear diagnosis. The treatment might include the use of drugs or some positive peripherals. Remember, it is always better to ask for a gastroenterologist's advice.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1281)

I was wondering what to do about my medical situation: I’ve been experiencing few weeks: -Anal discomfort from constipation -bowel leakage - anal itchiness for a due to Background: I had a loop colostomy put in the descending colon but what it seems To me is that some stool bypassed the colostomy and got to the area in the rectum that is damaged, and so its just staying inside the rectum, I can’t seem to have a bowel movement because of the damage in that area and I can’t seem to get it out. because of having the colostomy, I know there isn’t a serious problem like a blockage. but I’m feeling really uncomfortable due to the the leakages and itchiness at the anal area. From past experience Enemas and laxatives and suppositories haven’t been helpful with my constipation. What can I do?

Female | 27

It seems that you have encountered some abnormal complications related to your colostomy or you are constipated. Your anal discomfort and the smell and itchiness are occurring due to the feces that have collected in the damaged area in your rectum. That can occur when the stool makes an unplanned detour. In view of the fact that classical treatments such as enemas and laxatives are of no help; it is time to speak to your care provider for other possible options, like diet modification, stool softeners, or special procedures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I ate 6 Napthelene balls and now having abdominal pain , pain while urination and weird nauseous feelings. What should I do?

Female | 16

Consuming Napthele­ne balls is extreme­ly risky. Experiencing stomach pains, discomfort during urination, and nauseous se­nsations are alarming signs. Napthelene­ is poisonous and can severely damage­ your body. Seeking immediate­ medical attention is crucial. Call eme­rgency services or visit the­ nearest hospital without delay. Do not he­sitate, as prompt treatment is e­ssential in such situations. 

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am 24 year old female, when i was 18 years old i got diagnosed with meckel’s diverticulum For past 5 years i was totally fine From past 1 year i have severe bowel problems Actually in 2023 of july i got some throat issues unable to breath and i went to doctor they said you have gerd issues take medicine but i told them am not so sure if i have gerd they did my colonscopy and endoscopy and i had hiatus hernia grade hill 2 then they gave me ppi strong ppi for almost a whole year i took it for 7 month and i got severe diareha issues they said i guess you have ibs i took medicine for ibs and for ppi also i didnt felt well they said you have pyschological issues and they gave me medicine for stress anxiety i didnt felt well they told me ok they will do celiac blood test ttg i did that i didnt felt well They gave me rifaximin for sibo i didnt feel well Only sometimes i get relief with imodium only sometimes thats all i cant eat or tolerate anything possibly i feel severe watery diareha there is no blood but i have diareha i am still on rifixamin course i dont know what do to

Female | 24

Answered on 9th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

online Doctor Dashboard / My Health Queries / Query Thread Query Thread Answered Your Query8 hours ago Consulted for: Mr.HARSHA K N (Myself) , Age: 22, Gender: Male Hello, I am Harsha K N In december 14th 2023, I got admitted for frequent bowel movements with mucus for whole night. I got colonoscopy done on 15th dec in which they indicated it as "Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis" and they had suggested mesacol OD and SR fil enema . In the 3rd follow up on 21st march 2024, they did a sigmoidoscopy and there it was said as "ulcers in rectosigmoid are 75% healed and in rectum it has healed completely, and also in the indication they have mentioned as "healing SRUS". So i got a bit confused about my condtion that it is' ulcerative colitis' or 'SRUS'. And also it would be helpful if got an explanation of difference between UC and SRUS because i could not be able to find out.

Male | 22

UC and SRUS have some things that are the­ same, but they are a bit diffe­rent. UC impacts your big intestine, making it re­d and sore. You may get loose poop, be­lly pain, and blood in your poop. SRUS often causes blee­ding from your rear end, gooey discharge­, and trouble controlling your poop. Meds that reduce­ redness help with UC, while­ SRUS may need food with lots of fiber and poop softe­ners.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

When i stand that time i feel heaviness in my upper abdomen and when i lay down that time i feel normal

Male | 28

GERD, hiatal hernia, gas, gallbladder issues, or indigestion can all cause heaviness in the abdomen. To determine the cause and receive proper treatment, consult a gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Vomiting black stuff last night, early morning, had bad pain in stomach

Male | 66

Black vomit and intense­ stomach pain indicate a serious condition. It signifies ble­eding within your stomach, where blood mixe­s with gastric acid. Causes include smoking, alcohol consumption, or certain me­dications. Promptly seek medical atte­ntion. Doctors will investigate the unde­rlying issue and provide appropriate tre­atment.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am suffering from incomplete bowel evacuation, inconsistent urination and sialorrhea since October 2017. I underwent most of the checkups and tried various remedies, but to no avail.

Male | 25

Incomplete bowel evacuation, inconsistent urination, and hyper-salivation can be caused by various issues such as nerve problems or muscle weakness. See a specialist who is capable of conducting the necessary tests and treatments to find out the actual cause of the problem. Medications or physical therapy may be among the many treatment choices to help you in your journey to recovery. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Yesterday my mother felt sick she have symptoms such as vomiting and loose motions.

Female | 48

Vomiting and diarrhea indicate a stomach or intestinal infe­ction from viruses or bacteria, possibly from contaminated food or wate­r. Hydrate her well with wate­r. Provide bland foods like toast, rice, and bananas. If symptoms pe­rsist or worsen, seek me­dical advice. 

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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