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Male | 24

Yesterday I didn't sleep because I was at work and earlier I slept late. I felt this morning when I was on my cellphone as if my neck was aching. And now im too dizzy can you help me

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Pl take Acupressure and Acupuncture for your problem.
Spine correction will also be given which will help in case of alignment problem with the neck and you will feel the difference.

92 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

How to relieve achilles tendon pain?

Other | 40

pl take acupuncture for your tendon pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 36 years old and i had got injured two years ago and bone of my foot was cracked and doctors bind it with plate and it was recovered but now a major infection arose in foot that cause redness in my foot and it is spreading toward leg and whole body is swelled and i am feeling pain in my chest

Male | 36

The redness, swelling, and pain spreading from your foot to your leg and chest could mean the infection is getting worse. It may be the case that bacteria attack cells resulting in a serious health condition called sepsis, characterized by the infection invading the body. This requires immediate attention. The treatment of sepsis consists of antibiotics and other medications to maintain the infection under control. To avoid any complications it is necessary to act quickly.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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HI doctor I m. Madhusudhan I m 35 yr old My back is paining from 6 month.. When I sleep my back n ribs got stiff n pain in the morning.. I do strching exercise and do hot water therpy then to I m not getting relife. Day by day pain getting worse.. Plz let me knw what happen to me

Male | 35

pl try acupuncture. it has answer for everything
for back pain it gives amazing results
you can take few sessions and then take a call for further ones.
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hey, what I’d like to check is what the implications are that I seem to have symptoms developing after having the first vaccine. The bite mark has swelled and is itchy/prickly. The muscles in the affected leg feel tired and heavy. Might be totally unrelated but I woke up today with the hamstring in the other leg feeling pulled, I don’t think I was doing anything that would pull it. Facts are - I was lightly bitten by a wild dog on the evening of the 15th. By noon of the 16th I had the vaccine (Rabivax-S). Since then the symptoms above have appeared around the bite mark.

Female | 25

Swelling and itching near the bite, tired legs, and muscle heaviness are likely due to the dog bite and the vaccine. Your body might be overreacting to the vaccine. The hamstring pain in the other leg may not be related to the bite or vaccine. Use cold compresses and OTC antihistamines for itching and pain. Rest your legs and avoid physical activity to ease fatigue. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Ensure rabies prevention by following your doctor’s advice.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

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My child spine bend in will cure by belt/

Male | 12

Your child could have conge­nital scoliosis - a curved spine. This happens due­ to abnormal growth before birth. Symptoms are une­ven shoulders, or hips. In some case­s, a brace helps. But surgery may be­ needed if the­ curve is severe­. Make sure to see­ a pediatric orthopedic specialist. The­y'll discuss the best treatme­nt options for your child's spine.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Hello, I have A.V.N. of the left hip joint since 2 years. I did the core decompression operation a year ago but it did not work. Is it possible to recover my joint by Stem cell therapy and what is the cost of the same?


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, My mom is 58yrs undergoing methotrexate 20mg for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her blood report shows Anisocytosis +. Hb 10.34 Rbc count 3.90 Pcv 35 Mchc 31.3 Rdw 18.7 TotL wbc count 4160 Absolute neutrophils 1830 Monocytes 13 Eosinopbills 9 Pdw 19.4 Vitamin b12 is 265.6 Vitamin D 12.18 Tsh 3.58 Uric acid 2.3 Bilirubin total 0.13 Creatinine 0.44 BUN 7.3 Hba1c 6.4 Is this something serious. I don't read good things about Anisocytosis. Kindly advise..

Female | 58


Answered on 23rd May '24

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