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Male | 27

Нужна ли мне консультация по выравниванию челюсти при дыхании через рот?

Мужчина, 27 лет, дыхание через рот, типичное лицо, дышащее через рот, необходима консультация по коррекции положения челюсти.

Др прамод бхор

Хирург по замене суставов

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Судя по тому, что вы описали, у вас может быть заболевание, при котором ваша челюсть не выравнивается должным образом. Это может произойти, если зубы не касаются друг друга так, как должны. Признаками этого состояния могут быть затрудненное дыхание через нос, враждебность носовых пазух и лицо, похожее на типичного человека, дышащего через рот. АдантистСпециализируясь на этом, можно помочь пациентам с помощью таких процедур, как установка брекетов, хирургическая операция на челюсти или другие способы исправления выравнивания.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

my right leg/thigh/hip is bigger than the left What is wrong with me

Male | 20

If one leg/thigh/hip is bigger than the other, it might be because of a muscle imbalance. This means that one side is stronger than the other. You may develop this condition by constantly using your one leg when walking or doing physical exercises. To solve this problem, ensure workouts that will serve each side equally.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Scapula me sikai kar sakte he

Female | 17

it is not recommended to treat yourself a shoulder injury like a scapula on your own. It is advised that you see an orthopedic doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your case. Self-treatment may cause additional problems and contribute to prevention of the timely recovery. Please talk to an orthopedic specialist for future suggestions and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’m really anxious about something that happened recently and wanted to get your thoughts. So, I went to see a doctor today because I’ve been dealing with some pain in my shoulders. He said it’s due to a deformity in my spine and that it should go away in a few days. The pain is sharp, burning, and kind of aches—it’s definitely worse than what I’ve felt before, but he didn’t seem too concerned. Here’s where I’m stuck: I noticed some scratches on my shoulders, but the doctor didn’t seem to pay much attention to them. When I talked to my dad about it later, he noticed the scratches right away, which freaked me out a bit. The doctor did say that I was vaccinated against rabies a year ago and also for other infectious diseases, so I should be protected, but my mind keeps going to worst-case scenarios. I’ve also been feeling nauseous, but the doctor thinks it’s just nerves. I got super anxious after the whole thing, and now I can’t get it out of my head. I barely slept last night because I’m so worried. I even asked my friends who were there, and they said it didn’t look like anything bit me—just that something flew by. I know I’m probably overthinking this, but should I be worried, or is this just my anxiety getting the best of me? Would appreciate any advice you can give! Thanks!

Male | 17

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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i am suffering from bone problem

Male | 29

You may have an issue­ with your bones. This could stem from lacking calcium or Vitamin D. When bone­s don't receive e­nough of those nutrients, they we­aken. Pain sets in, making moveme­nt difficult. To combat this, consume calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt. Eat leafy gre­ens high in Vitamin D.

Answered on 31st July '24

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I am 34 years old,myself and my partner was kn a car crash last year march. We have physio (thunk it was 8 or 10 sessions) I had stiffness in my neck but after the physio it was fine. Last month my left arm from my shoulder to my elbow really hurts,I struggle to lift my left arm up and sometimes I have to use my right arm to move my left arm as its really painful.

Female | 34

You may have adhesive capsulitis, which is also referred to as a frozen shoulder. This usually occurs after an injury in the shoulder has taken place such as a car accident for example. Pain and stiffness are common symptoms of this condition thereby making it difficult for one to move the affected arm or arms. To alleviate these signs try gentle stretching exercises coupled with warm compresses applied to the painful area.

Answered on 10th June '24

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I have nee problem, the MRI report shows ACL ligament is completely disrupted. What should I do now please give me useful advice sir ?????

Male | 20

The consultation with an orthopedic surgeon who has particular knowledge of the ACL injuries is of crucial importance. They will evaluate the extent of the injury, and thereafter, they will decide the best way of treatment which could be surgery, physiotherapy or a combined treatment. .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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