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Male | 59

Что мне делать с моими болезненными, опухшими ногами?

Мои ноги болят и опухают, что мне делать?

Доктор Дип Чакраборти

Ортопедическая хирургия

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Чаще всего причиной симптомов является воспаление, которое является естественной реакцией организма на травму. Травмы могли быть вызваны тем, что вы слишком долго стояли или сидели, или, возможно, вы недавно ударились ногой. Вы можете помочь в этом, отдохнув с поднятыми ногами, приложив холодный компресс и приняв безрецептурные обезболивающие, такие как ибупрофен. Кроме того, пейте много воды и сократите употребление соленой пищи. Если через пару дней боль и отек не уменьшатся, лучше пойти к врачу.ортопед.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1042)

Issue Spinal teraa qamar dard

Female | 25

Spinal teraa may bring about excruciating pains in the lower back that are just too much to manage. It is necessary to have an orthopedic referral to receive the correct diagnosis and treatment options. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My child spine bend in will cure by belt/

Male | 12

Your child could have conge­nital scoliosis - a curved spine. This happens due­ to abnormal growth before birth. Symptoms are une­ven shoulders, or hips. In some case­s, a brace helps. But surgery may be­ needed if the­ curve is severe­. Make sure to see­ a pediatric orthopedic specialist. The­y'll discuss the best treatme­nt options for your child's spine.

Answered on 26th June '24

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I am 35 years old and I have knee pain as well as back pain since long time and I have had consulted many doctors but have not get relief yet.

Female | 35

you should visit an orthopedic specialist for your knee and back pain. For the moment, pain-relieving methods such as gentle exercises might bring some relief including stretching and hot/cold therapy. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 years old. I have been having a sharp pain in my left shoulder blade for up to four months now

Male | 21

You may have a muscle­ strain in your left shoulder blade. This happe­ns when you use that muscle a lot or have­ poor posture. You may feel sharp pain, e­specially when moving your arm. Try gently stre­tching and putting ice on the area. Do not do things that make­ the pain worse. If it kee­ps bothering you, you might need to se­e a physiotherapist for help.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother has a small tumor on her elbow is it possible cancer?

Female | 48

There’s an urgent need for an expert like an orthopedic surgeon or an oncologist to inspect the tumor on your mother's arm. Not all tumors develop into cancer, so a thorough investigation is necessary to avoid any malignancy. Once it is confirmed that cancer is present, treatment alternatives can be explored. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother leg had a injury...she is diabetic...

Female | 58

If any fracture, needs to get operated but if sugar is under 200

Answered on 3rd July '24

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HI doctor I m. Madhusudhan I m 35 yr old My back is paining from 6 month.. When I sleep my back n ribs got stiff n pain in the morning.. I do strching exercise and do hot water therpy then to I m not getting relife. Day by day pain getting worse.. Plz let me knw what happen to me

Male | 35

pl try acupuncture. it has answer for everything
for back pain it gives amazing results
you can take few sessions and then take a call for further ones.
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What is the best treatment for degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease is a common age related low back problem. It can be a significant cause of low back pain. The best treatment for it is non-operative. Back strengthening to stabilize the spine and application of topical pain measures should be tried first.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello I am Riyana Banu from Nepal I am spinal cord injured patient my T12 L3 bone is broken can you give me some advice about it sir

Female | 19

If bones are broken, then surgery is the only solution.. But I doubt if there is really broken bones. In case of injury exercises n diet can be help.. Add calcium in your diet, do bhujangasana and hip raises,.. for consultation call, Dr Abhijit's diet physiotherapy n healing clinic, Kolkata at 08910356684

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I am having neck pain for 1 year 6 months now...i did every scans i did MRI , CT and even XRay found nothing....I did physiotherapy and even excercise for 3 months .... But still there is pain

Female | 21

ok. looks like there could be more to it. can you post your xray photo and MRI report photo.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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