Female | 27
నాకు 2 రోజుల క్రితం బెణుకు వచ్చింది మరియు చీలమండ చుట్టూ వాపు ఉంది మరియు నొప్పి ఉంది. కానీ ఇప్పుడు పాదాల చుట్టూ వాపు ఉంది కానీ నొప్పి లేదు. చీలమండ వాపు తగ్గింది. కానీ నొప్పి ఇంకా అలాగే ఉంది

జాయింట్ రీప్లేస్మెంట్ సర్జన్
Answered on 23rd May '24
లక్షణాలలో ఈ మార్పు వాపు, ద్రవ కదలిక లేదా వైద్యం ప్రక్రియ వల్ల కావచ్చు. నొప్పి కొనసాగితే, నిపుణుడిని సంప్రదించడం మంచిదిఆర్థోపెడిస్ట్సరైన రికవరీని నిర్ధారించడానికి మరియు ఏవైనా ఆందోళనలను పరిష్కరించడానికి మూల్యాంకనం మరియు మార్గదర్శకత్వం కోసం.
64 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1039)
I have suddenly randomly gotten lower back pain right above my tail bone out of the blue. No prior injuries or accidents. It does not spread but is a 24 7 constant pain and a little warm. My mid spine was also sore for about 2 days but has gone now and hasn't come back but the back pain is still there. It has been like this for almost 3 months. Excerises helps for atleast 20min and then the pain comes back again. Sitting and lying down is the worst. I can't sit for more than 10min.
Female | 26
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi my knees keep cracking all the time when I move them
Male | 42
Knees cracking when you move them is usually due to the movement of gas bubbles in the joint fluid or the rubbing of soft tissues over bones. If there's no pain or swelling, it's generally harmless. However, if you're experiencing discomfort, it's best to consult an orthopedic doctor to rule out any underlying issues.
Answered on 31st July '24
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Please I have severe pain in my lower back down to both of my legs
Male | 24
You might be suffering from sciatica, a condition where pain starts in your lower back and goes down to your legs. This happens because a nerve in your back is under pressure. The pain can be shooting, sharp, or constant. To relieve the pain, it is important to rest, use heat or ice packs, and do gentle stretches. If the pain persists, it's best to see an orthopedist for further tests and treatment options.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
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I’m 15 and was diagnosed with soft tissue damage at the top of my right foot going into my ankle. It started in November 2023. It’s gotten worse.
Female | 15
You have hurt the soft parts in your right foot near the ankle. This could have happened by doing too much, a sports injury or even twisting it. Pain, swelling, and hard to move the foot are some common signs. Make sure you rest the foot, put ice on it and keep it up so that it does not swell. You can also try stretching it gently and taking pain relief medicine. If the pain does not improve, talk to an orthopedist about what else you should do.
Answered on 12th June '24
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I m 32 years age female last two having pain heels of legs x-ray n medicine done no effect x-ray shows enlargement of heel bones.
Female | 32
Acupuncture offers relief from chronic heel spurs and has proven record in treating calcaneal spur.
Extra bone tissue known as heel spurs which develop due to over stress of the foot can cause pain in back of heel. Electro Acupuncture points, Moxibustion, Acupressure and seed therapy have shown great relief in heel pain and inflammation. Also correction in the enlargement of heel bone is observed as the acupuncture treatment is taken on regular basis. I.e. 2-3 sessions weekly continued for a period of 1-2 months.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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What can be the case of back pain on my spinal cord
Male | 29
Experiencing back issues along your spine? It could be due to muscle strain, injury, poor posture, or disc problems. Feeling achy, stiff, or sharp pain? Try gentle stretching, maintain good posture, and lift properly. If the problem persists, consult an orthopedist for a proper diagnosis and treatment guidance.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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i have broken my ulna bone of left arm in an accident about 5 weeks ago. I got an plate implant on ulna bone. I need to know can I drive the car?
Male | 30
You should visit and have your doctor or an orthopedic specialist who will help in determining the condition. Whether you can drive a car comfortably depending on the severity of your injury and how soon your healing progresses could not be determined.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Why Achilles tendon pain?
Male | 25
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi Sir I am 70 years old. I want to take Knees surgeryfor two knees. Plz suggest good experienced Doctor. Thanks T.Badarivisalakshmamma. Mail------bsrangaiah@yahoo.com. cell------9441709948
Female | 70
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to stretch and strengthen Achilles tendon?
Male | 57
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am experincing upper neck ,back and chest pain since 3 years. I experience it everytime I get stressed.
Male | 26
Stress can make your neck, back, and chest muscles feel tight and painful. When stressed, your muscles tense up, causing discomfort. Remember to take breaks, breathe deeply, sit up straight, and try gentle stretches or a massage to relax tense muscles.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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I have phase 2 ACL injury. Now I can climb stairs but sometimes feel pain slightly during downstairs. But there is slight swelling. Should I go for Physiotherapy? I supposed to journey by bus and auto. Sometimes feels slight buckles in my knee.
Male | 35
You better see an Orthopedic Specialist. ACL injuries necessitate accurate diagnosis and treatment to prevent additional damage. Sometimes physiotherapy may be beneficial, but it is more advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in order to get an adequate treatment regimen. Since the buckling can be a symptom of an unstable joint, you must address it immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Answered on 23rd May '24
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What is seropositive rheumatoid arthritis?
Female | 45
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Suffering from Knee Joint Pain from last 6 Years, visited different and experienced Doctors but still unable to cure the Joint Knee pain I'm suffering from, in this regard Pl help and guide.
Male | 46
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Last week I fell and hit my knee. It is bruised and swollen. There are no breaks or cracks in the area. Today the bruise on my knee is starting to fade but the swelling is hard. Her legs can walk as usual, but sometimes it hurts, she can't straighten and feel pressured in the swollen part. Because the swelling is hot and hard. Kdng2 is tired and throbbing. When she wants to straighten her legs, she will crack her knees and feel heavy. When I sit down he is depressed in his knees. Is it dangerous or is it normal to get hit?
Female | 20
If you are experiencing a hematoma, where blood pools and forms a lump underneath the skin. The swelling, hardness, and discomfort are general signs. It is common to sense these sensations while your body is healing. An ice pack, leg elevation, and painkillers can be used to provide relief. If the pain increases or if there is difficulty moving the knee, an orthopedist should be consulted for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I feel like dizzy and stiff back in the early morning. Please suggest a solution for this??
Male | 23
There are many reasons why you might wake up feeling dizzy and with a sore back. It might be that you did not drink enough water before going to bed, or that you slept in an awkward position which caused your back to become stiff. To combat this, try drinking some fluids before falling asleep and refrain from shifting your weight onto alternate sides during the night. Moreover stretching gently upon waking up can help loosen any tight muscles. If none of these solutions work then it would probably be wise to consult a orthopedist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Take medicine for leg pain 10 days. After that 3 or 4 days when eat food feeling nausea and fatigue.. don't know after effect medicine or not when eat lunch rice feel fatigue and nausea
Male | 65
If your belly feels upset after taking medicine for leg pain, that's normal. Nausea and tiredness can occur due to certain drugs. When you consume lunch and feel ill, your body reacts to the medication. Ensure hydrating well and eating smaller, lighter meals until you feel better.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to get rid of wrist,back head and neck pain?
Male | 25
To relieve wrist, back, head, and neck pain, focus on maintaining good posture, taking regular breaks to stretch, and applying heat or cold packs. Practice relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension and consider pain relievers as your doctor prescribes.. So consult your doctor for proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I've been having severe back pains for the past 3 days and its getting worse by the day.
Female | 18
It is advisable to see an orthopedist for severe long term back pain. The diagnosis and choosing the correct treatment is only possible by a doctor after the tests and examination are conducted.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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