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Female | 20

Is knee swelling after fall normal?

Last week I fell and hit my knee. It is bruised and swollen. There are no breaks or cracks in the area. Today the bruise on my knee is starting to fade but the swelling is hard. Her legs can walk as usual, but sometimes it hurts, she can't straighten and feel pressured in the swollen part. Because the swelling is hot and hard. Kdng2 is tired and throbbing. When she wants to straighten her legs, she will crack her knees and feel heavy. When I sit down he is depressed in his knees. Is it dangerous or is it normal to get hit?

1 Answer
Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Orthopaedic Surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you are experiencing a hematoma, where blood pools and forms a lump underneath the skin. The swelling, hardness, and discomfort are general signs. It is common to sense these sensations while your body is healing. An ice pack, leg elevation, and painkillers can be used to provide relief. If the pain increases or if there is difficulty moving the knee, an orthopedist should be consulted for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1296)

My mother leg had a injury...she is diabetic...

Female | 58

If any fracture, needs to get operated but if sugar is under 200

Answered on 3rd July '24

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My uric acid level is 7 and i have mild pain in my toe. What can i do next

Male | 20

Take tablets to decrease uric acid after consulting an orthopedic surgeon or rheumatology doctor near you

Answered on 4th July '24

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Im a 18 year old male havin leg injury some 2 to 3 months ago and it'll Heald but there is a puss in side so i make a small hole to gett it out but now the hole cant gets heal... So what can i do

Male | 19

Pus is a sign of infection; hence, your wound can be infected. The next steps are to keep clean areas, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover them with a bandage. Moreover, you need to talk to a doctor to be sure the wound is healing well.

Answered on 26th Nov '24

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I have lower back pain, from past two years some time it increase more

Male | 30

It's essential to consult a professional for a proper evaluation. In the meantime try gentle exercises, proper posture, heat/ice packs, and pain relief medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 17-year-old female who is recovering from a mild knee ligament stretch. I had a splint for 2 weeks and had been recovering for over a month. Yesterday, I played badminton because my knee felt good. However, I had an awkward fall and twisted my knee. It hurt at first, but I can walk and climb stairs relatively normally. It hurts when I fully straighten my knee or tighten it. There is no buckling of the knee. The pain is a little achey and a little dull. I don't know which one exactly. What should I do? Is it okay if I resume normal activities, but just be more careful and elevate my leg when I sit or lie down?

Female | 17

You might have twisted your knee again while playing badminton. Aching dull pain when you try to straighten or tighten your knee could mean the ligament has been pulled too hard. It’s great that you can still walk and go upstairs. To let it get better, you should rest as much as possible, put your leg up from time to time, and avoid doing anything too hard for a while. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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growth plates checking by x ray

Male | 19

Growth plates are­ special areas in children's bone­s. They allow the bones to grow longe­r. An X-ray can show if a child's growth plates are still open. This me­ans the child is still growing taller. Some signs of proble­ms with growth plates are pain, swelling, or one­ limb being longer than the othe­r. Growth plate issues can happen afte­r injuries. They can also be cause­d by certain medical conditions. Treatme­nt depends on what is wrong. It may involve re­sting the area, doing physical therapy e­xercises, or sometime­s surgery.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Hello, I have A.V.N. of the left hip joint since 2 years. I did the core decompression operation a year ago but it did not work. Is it possible to recover my joint by Stem cell therapy and what is the cost of the same?


Answered on 23rd May '24

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My friend Billie Jo gibbons she has trouble with her feet

Female | 25

Plantar fasciitis is one of the common conditions for this. It can cause pain at the bottom of the feet, particularly in the morning. It is a condition caused when tissue that connects the heel to the toes gets strained. Billie Jo should go for calf stretches and pick supportive shoes. Ice packs are also a good way to shrink the swelling.

Answered on 11th Oct '24

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My father was unable to walk properly (not able to move the legs freely). Unable to lift the weights, foot drop, unable to write properly sometimes, some muscle loss was seen in limbs. We have gone to hospitals in Hyderabad but there was no improvement in his condition. Please help me in finding out the doctor and treatment for this condition?


Answered on 23rd May '24

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