Male | 26
సార్ నాకు కుడి చేతి ఉంగరపు వేలిలో స్నాయువు వైకల్యం ఉంది

జాయింట్ రీప్లేస్మెంట్ సర్జన్
Answered on 23rd May '24
స్నాయువు వైకల్యానికి చికిత్స మారుతూ ఉంటుంది. ఎంపికలలో ఫిజికల్ థెరపీ, ఆర్థోటిక్ పరికరాలు, మందులు, ఇంజెక్షన్లు, సర్జరీ, ఆక్యుపేషనల్ థెరపీ, విశ్రాంతి మరియు నిపుణుడిని సంప్రదించండి. మీ పరిస్థితి ఆధారంగా తగిన సలహా కోసం నిపుణుడిని సంప్రదించండి.
32 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1039)
Is the presence of fluid in the knee two years post knee replacement a cause for concern?
Male | 45
a fluid in the knee is something to worry about because it might be an infection or loosening of an implant. A visit to an orthopedic specialist is necessary so that the condition can be evaluated and suitable treatment advised. In some cases, postponing treatment may result in additional complications that will require more aggressive procedures.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, I am a 39 year old woman and I have been experiencing left-side back pain: under the ribs for six months now following with heart ache and shortness of breath. I have been using painkiller and paracetamol, but it's of no use currently. Could you please tell me what could be the reason, and the treatment for it?
Female | 39
You are suffering from pain in the left side of the back, heartache, and shortness of breath which are challenging symptoms. They could be owing to some issue with your heart or lungs. It is crucial to consult an orthopedist as soon as possible to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 31st Aug '24
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I just got to know that my mother leg fractured
Female | 48
In this case It's best to consult an orthopedic for detailed evaluation and treatment. Depending on the severity and type of fracture further interventions will be needed such as realignment of the bones (reduction) or surgical intervention.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 21 years old and I've got severe neck from past a year when I move my neck side way's I feel cracking sound from it and pains now extended to back
Male | 21
You may have some problems with your neck, such as strained muscles. The cracking noise could be coming from your joints. If you sit with your head bent down for a long time or do not move around much this can happen. It’s important to gently stretch and move your neck. You may want to do some exercises that will make the muscles in your neck stronger too. If the pain doesn’t stop, it would be best for you to see an orthopedist who can give more advice on what's going wrong.
Answered on 15th Aug '24
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I have a injury on my left shoulder ligament and bone join.
Male | 19
You might have damaged the ligament and bone where your left shoulder connects. Therefore, it may result from a fall or a sudden impact. The symptoms may comprise pain, swelling, and inability to move your arm. It is important to stop using your injured shoulder, put some ice on it, and avoid any activities that might aggravate the hurt. Mild workouts and physiotherapy can be beneficial for recovery.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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I have huge pain in neck and whole back. I have seen many dr therapy and medication but still it’s paining.recently I have done mri and in mri shown my c4,c5 and c5,c6 level indenting the thecal sac,m and l5,s1 disc. Diffuse posterior disc bulge noted what is the meaning and what ptob I hv.
Female | 30
It sounds like you're experiencing severe pain in both your neck and back. The MRI results indicate that some discs in your spine are pressing on your nerves, causing this ongoing pain. This could be due to the gradual wear and tear of the discs over time. See an orthopedist to discuss treatment options and help manage your pain effectively. It's important to follow your doctor's advice closely to aid in your recovery process.
Answered on 11th July '24
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I slipped while stepping out of the shower and landed on my knee and now it’s swollen what can I do
Female | 22
It seems you hurt your knee. Swelling is frequently an indication of inflammation. Rest, elevate and ice should be applied to the affected area. It is essential to consult an orthopedic physician for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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मी महिला आहे. मला संधिवात आहे. आता माझा पाय उजवा पाय गुडघ्या खाली खुप दुखत आहे. दुखण्यावर कोणती गोळी घेवु. तातडीचा इलाज काय
स्त्री | 51
For joint pain, especially with rheumatoid arthritis, it's important to consult a rheumatologist. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen may help with the pain temporarily, but seeing an orthopedic specialist will give you the best treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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Ive been having severe neck and shoulder pain radiating down my leg on my left side for a couple weeks now. Nothing has been able to relieve the pain. Im having trouble walking and sitting down or rolling over while i sleep. I have no knowledge of hurting myself or straining anything.
Female | 28
You're possibly dealing with sciatica. That occurs when a nerve gets pinched in your lower back area. Neck and shoulder discomfort could stem from muscle tension or strain. Gentle stretches, warm baths, and OTC pain meds may provide relief. However, if the pain lingers, see an orthopedist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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Sir, my uric acid was high and pain in my leg joint after taking medicine febuxostat 80 mg it comes normal 5.5 but still I have pain in my joint, I am taking zero dol pain killer also. So pls guide
Male | 35
It’s possible that the high uric acid caused damage to your joint before going down. This can lead to lingering pain. You are doing well by taking a febuxostat and a painkiller. Rest the joint, apply ice, and try gentle exercises to strengthen the area. If the pain continues, see an orthopedist for further advice.
Answered on 29th May '24
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I have an ingrown nail in the feet. Now i geel my feet weird and my leg like a tendon ahs been pulled
Female | 44
This occurs when the nail’s edge grows into the skin, resulting in pain and redness. If left untended, an infection can develop. Your strange foot feelings and the pulled-tendon-like sensation in your leg could both be tied to this condition. To help reduce discomfort, soak your foot in warm soapy water and gently massage the area. However, if the pain continues or worsens, it’s a good idea to seek help from an orthopedist.
Answered on 29th May '24
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I am 54 years old I had my spine surgery in 2015 in PGi Chandigarh now from last few months facing the problem of scatica what will be the treatment for scatica
Female | 54
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Complete tear of supraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted at the level of acromioclavicular joint. Mild atrophy of supraspinatus muscle. Complete tear of infraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted just proximal to coracoid. Mild atrophy of infraspinatus muscle. The infraspinatus muscle appears edematous at places. Diffuse tendinosis with high grade partial tear of subscapularis tendon at its insertion site. Partial tear of intra articular part of long head of biceps tendon. Severe acromioclavicular joint arthrosis noted with subchondral cysts and small bony spurs. Mild shoulder joint effusion with fluid in subdeltoid and subacromial bursa. Do this need surgery
Female | 48
Your shoulder has multiple problems causing pain and limiting movement. You have torn tendons, muscle weakness, and joint issues. Surgery may repair the torn tendons and reduce joint arthritis. That could relieve symptoms and improve function. Visit an orthopedist for further treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Welche günstigen Kliniken Weltweit für die Beinverlängerung gibt es?
Male | 20
Leg-lengthening surgery is a delicate and dangerous operation that has to be undertaken by experienced specialist orthopedic surgeons. It will be better to avoid “cheap” clinics for this surgery that is not about saving money at all costs, but rather ensuring the highest level of care and expertise.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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How to stop arthritis from progressing
To stop arthritis from progressing, you need to avoid running, squatting, jumping, stairs, cross legged sitting. Do weight reduction and quadriceps and hamstring strengthening exercises.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 50 year old female. I have pain in my heel since last 3 months. After visiting a orthopaedic doctor, I found out that my uric acid was slightly over the limit. Doc said it’s elevated because of consumption of whey protein(for very short duration I had). I consumed prescribed medications for few weeks but could not continue with the course as it was very heavy medication. The heel pains when I get up to walk and takes a few minutes for it to subside. Please advise
Female | 50
You might be suffering from plantar fasciitis, a situation where the tissue that links your heel to your toes gets inflamed. In some situations, high uric acid levels may be a contributing factor to such pain. The discomfort is worse in the morning when you start walking out of bed. Stretch your calf and foot muscles and wear shoes that provide proper support. In addition, users can also use ice packs and over-the-counter pain relievers as possible remedies. However, if the pain still does not go away, it is best to go back to an orthopedist for an updated diagnosis.
Answered on 9th July '24
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Hi, I have bursitis, but there is no pain, what to do to solve this problem?
Male | 40
Is bursitis without pain possible? Yes, it is but it can bother you a lot. Bursitis occurs due to the inflammation of bursae, a small, fluid-filled sac located at joints. It doesn't necessarily mean that you will feel pain. But if there is swelling or stiffness, you might feel like you have swollen a joint by doing a wrong workout. Swelling can be resolved by resting and applying ice packs. The best and most effective course is to avoid participating in things that enhance the swelled part. There is a possibility that it could not go away, and the advice of an orthopedist could be sought in this case!
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I want to replace knee of my mother. Please tell me about complete package and also include implant costs
Female | 68
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can trauma trigger or worsen rheumatoid arthritis?
Female | 38
Trauma can potentially trigger or exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis. By increasing inflammation or immune system response.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Female | 55
There can be several causes of knee cartilage pain and knee joint swelling, such as injury, overuse, or conditions like arthritis. It might also make you feel some stiffness, redness, or warmth in the joint. It is of paramount importance to the rest of the injured joint, ice apply, raise it, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. In seeking medical help if the pain continues or gets worse, you can get the necessary tests and treatments.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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- Sir I have tendon deformity in right hand ring finger