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Female | 36

الشعور بألم شديد في الظهر والوركين والساقين

أعاني من آلام في الظهر والوركين والساقين، ولا أستطيع المشي منذ أسبوع واحد.

1 Answer
الدكتور برامود بور

جراح استبدال المفاصل

Answered on 10th Sept '24

قد تكون هذه الأعراض بسبب بعض الاحتمالات مثل إجهاد العضلات، أو مشاكل الأعصاب، أو حتى بعض المشاكل في العمود الفقري. فيما يلي الأشياء الأولى التي يجب عليك القيام بها: الراحة، واستخدام أكياس الثلج، وتجنب أي أنشطة تؤدي إلى تفاقم الألم. تمارين التمدد اللطيفة وتناول مسكنات الألم المتاحة دون وصفة طبية إذا لزم الأمر. ومع ذلك، إذا لم يتوقف الألم أو ازداد سوءًا، فمن الأفضل إجراء فحصجراح العظاممن أجل التشخيص الصحيح وخطة العلاج. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)

I am 49 years old .i have lot of pain in hip joilnt i done mri xray .i want opinion regarding surgery or replacement of ball By specialist doctor

Male | 49

it depends on stage of hip disease 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dr.Narendra Medagam

I am a 17-year-old female who is recovering from a mild knee ligament stretch. I had a splint for 2 weeks and had been recovering for over a month. Yesterday, I played badminton because my knee felt good. However, I had an awkward fall and twisted my knee. It hurt at first, but I can walk and climb stairs relatively normally. It hurts when I fully straighten my knee or tighten it. There is no buckling of the knee. The pain is a little achey and a little dull. I don't know which one exactly. What should I do? Is it okay if I resume normal activities, but just be more careful and elevate my leg when I sit or lie down?

Female | 17

You might have twisted your knee again while playing badminton. Aching dull pain when you try to straighten or tighten your knee could mean the ligament has been pulled too hard. It’s great that you can still walk and go upstairs. To let it get better, you should rest as much as possible, put your leg up from time to time, and avoid doing anything too hard for a while. 

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

I feel pain in my shoulder such as that a frozen shoulder

Female | 17

For shoulder pain similar to a frozen shoulder, it's best to consult an orthopedist for accurate diagnosis and treatment advice. Possible steps to consider could be physical therapy, pain management with medications (under medical guidance), hot/cold therapy, stretching, gentle movement, and, if necessary, corticosteroid injections or surgical options. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

i am a 15 year old female ,i have been having knee pain for almost a year,i have visited a doc who gave me intamine cream and a compressor but its getting worse

Female | 15

You should consult an orthopedist. Various factors such as injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions can lead to knee pain. An orthopedic doctor will assess your condition and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. If the treatment is delayed, this may lead to worsening of condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Average age for knee replacement?

55+ is an average age. But patients with systematic form of arthrtits or post traumatic etc might need Knee replacement at an earlier age

Dr Rufus Vasanth Raj

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

Dr. Rufus Vasanth Raj

I am experincing upper neck ,back and chest pain since 3 years. I experience it everytime I get stressed.

Male | 26

Stress can make your neck, back, and chest muscles feel tight and painful. When stressed, your muscles tense up, causing discomfort. Remember to take breaks, breathe deeply, sit up straight, and try gentle stretches or a massage to relax tense muscles.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

wrist pain alternating between both wrists, lower back pain, knee pains resembling bruising above the knees and sometimes bruise like pain in the thighs and sharp hip pain all the way to the foot (like a pulled string feeling) - most are often after overuse (phone, walking, sleeping wrong). They don’t always happen at once but sometimes all together. Other discomforts involve stabbing pain inside the foot from under when walking for too long, finger joint pains usually worse the second day after overuse and shoulder and elbow pains after sleeping slightly wrong or overuse. Occasional Tingling/numbness in fingers (I can’t feel my fingers for a few seconds sometimes) and most often stiffness in finger joints occur in the mornings. Occasionally, affected areas exhibit slight redness and warmth. Recently I’ve found that stretching the pained areas helps a lot. General tiredness persists. These symptoms have persisted for nearly a year, fluctuating in severity. There haven't been any major accidents. Tests * anti ds dna is negative * HLA-B27 is negative * Ana is positive — * RF factor negative. * Knee X-Ray shows some cartilage thinning * MRI done: report says Signal loss due to degeneration was observed in the L4-5 disc * vitamin d3 at 28

Female | 24

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

how much is cost of limb lengthening surgery?

Male | 35

Depends upon where you want to operate.. varies from hospital to hospital and state to state ..average cost would be around 2 lakhs to 5 lakhs .. anywhere between .. but it's time consuming procedure

Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Deepak Aher

Dr. Deepak Aher

I feel cramp on both legs and survical issue

Male | 35

Feeling cramps on both legs as well as cervical issues may be because of nerve compression in the spine. The patients should see a neurologist or an orthopedic specialist for an adequate diagnosis and treatment. If these signs are ignored, they can trigger more serious problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

I am 18 years ol girl I have back pain and pain in arms

Female | 18

You're having a hard time with back pain and arm pain. These are signs that may be brought on by factors such as bad posture, heavy bags, or sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long. Don't forget to take a break now and then, stretch, and do some light exercises like yoga which can help alleviate the ache. Additionally, you could use a hot water bottle or take a warm bath for relief. 

Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

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