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Dr. Gaurav Gupta undefined

Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Surgical Gastroenterology

11 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Questions Answered By Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Asked for Male, 35 Years

SGOT in liver test is 114 and bilirubin is 3.1

Answered on 24th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 39 Years


Answered on 24th Mar '25

Asked for Мужской, 23 Years

Hepatitis B can be treated and cured completely

Answered on 18th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 19 Years

My sgpt level is 296 and sgot level is 113 and ratio is 0.38 and I am facing no symptoms on my body . Is it curable or not and if curable how to cure

Answered on 6th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 47 Years

I just received results for HBsAg results and I was told its reactive at 13.67 MIU/ML. I did not understand the meaning whether positive or negative. 3 months ago I conducted a test in a different country- i.e. HBeAg and it was negative. I am a bit confused by the 2 results

Answered on 7th Mar '25

Your HBsAg result of 13.67 MIU/ML indicates a positive result, meaning the hepatitis B virus is present in your blood. The negative HBeAg suggests a low level of viral activity, which is a positive aspect. Symptoms may include fatigue, jaundice, or abdominal pain, but some individuals may not experience any signs at all. It’s crucial to consult a hepatologist who can provide guidance tailored to your situation, recommend follow-up tests, and discuss treatment options if necessary. 

Asked for Male, 57 Years

Which is the best doctor for liver infection treatment, need to get endoscopy done

Answered on 1st Mar '25

Asked for Female, 14 Years

My sister critical condition liver infection high range sgot -7044 sgpt-5000 how can recover please suggest me patiant all ready admit kalash hospital noida

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 14 Years

My sister sgot 7044 & sgpt 5000 any recovery chance please suggest me how can recover liver infection patiant admit kailash hospital noida

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 36 Years

My question about liver problem

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

I have my lft report iwant to know what is it

Answered on 10th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 70 Years

diagnosed with liver disease(stage 3 Cirrhosis), i want to know the best treatment, best doctor and best hospital for free treatment or less cost.

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 61 Years

I did my LFT last Thursday. The albumin, protein, CRP and GGT were slightly elevated. I'm a diabetic. Should I be worried?

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 33 Years

My hepatitis b surface antigen Result is 4910.29

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

Asked for Male, 38 Years

Alkaline phosphatase 160 and s.g.o.t 73

Answered on 21st Jan '25

Elevated alkaline phosphatase and SGOT levels may indicate issues related to the liver, bones, or bile ducts. Common causes include liver disease, bone disorders, or certain medications. Symptoms to watch for include fatigue, jaundice, abdominal pain, or unusual bruising. It’s important to discuss these results with your healthcare provider, who can assess your overall health, recommend further tests if necessary, and provide guidance tailored to your situation. 

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Hepatitaise b reoprt postive or not I am sandeep saxena from Mathura

Answered on 27th Dec '24

You must know what possible symptoms to look for ‘fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal discomfort’ in order not to be misled by wrong conclusions. This is a disease primarily caused by a virus that affects the liver which is usually through contact with bodily fluids that are infected. One of the ways to handle this includes frequently checking your body function along with well-balanced food and using the right medicines for a long time. It is my strong belief that you should start off discussing your case with a healthcare provider for a thorough examination as well as a personalized prescription. 

Asked for Male, 56 Years

Cld patient and week liver lose of sense

Answered on 16th Dec '24

Such symptoms may include fatigue, jaundice (yellowing of skin), and generalized malaise. An affected liver can be triggered by different factors such as the intake of medications, alcohol, and certain medications. To enhance the performance of your liver, take in a balanced diet, drink enough water, and abstain from taking alcohol. However, it is strongly recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional who will give you personal advice and possibly conduct necessary tests.

Asked for Female, 44 Years

i am hep b Patient. I am 44. i have been on livolin for 3months now an dthe doctor recommended Rain soul to me today and i wanted to asked if it is ok. i also want tell that i did some test and they are as follow: 1. liver function test 2. hep b viral load

Answered on 16th Dec '24

Thank you for looking after your health proactively. The remedy Livolin is largely recommended for liver assist, which, on the other hand, can have some antioxidant advantages, though. The first step in starting or changing a supplement is to consult your healthcare provider for safety, especially since you have hepatitis B. Assessing your liver function and viral load should be a priority for the sake of your health. The wise decision in such a case is indeed a medical consultation instead of using supplements alone. I suggest that you have a deep talk with your physician in order to check whether the new entry fits to your health needs and your treatment plan. It’s your own precious life and you are making the best decisions to control your health.

Asked for Male, 57 Years

Liver disease.But no symptoms. Today check it and getting caught.I have report also.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

A symptomatic liver disease can be quite confusing. Liver disease has many causes like alcohol, viruses, or obesity. The LFT result must be reviewed to get additional information. Staying fit means maintaining a good diet, exercising and not using such substances, and thereby helping to manage liver disease. Consult your health care provider to offer the necessary advice.

Asked for Female, 6 month Years

Liver me sujana hona kaise thik kya ja sakta 6 month baby ke

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Asked for Male, 43 Years


Answered on 22nd Nov '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I have been suffering from peeliya and fatty liver for 1 year, is that the reason more urine

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 53 Years

My father suffering from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

Answered on 4th Nov '24

This is a state where the liver gets fat-rich and thus there is inflammation. Symptoms can be tiredness, pain in your abdomen, and jaundice when the skin and eyes go yellow. To help, he will likely have to eat healthy food, exercise, and avoid alcohol. These changes can help his liver to be intact.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Sir there is too much urine in jaundice or fatty liver

Answered on 25th Oct '24

If your body is getting rid of the excess substances, jaundice or liver disease is likely the reason for the excess urine. Symptoms can be characterized by yellow-colored skin, pain in the stomach, and fatigue. The causes may be infections or dangerous lifestyles like smoking and drinking. To aid the body, hydrate yourself with water and eat a balanced diet. 

Asked for Male, 45 Years

my daddy suffering with liver failure and accumulisation of water in stomach and now he getting more pain now what can er do.... plz emergency

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

Liver failure and water build-up can be the major contributors that lead to the victim going through a lot of suffering. The pressure water causes and the inflammation of the liver can be the main reasons for the pain. His hepatologist will prescribe medications to help manage the symptoms; in addition, he should follow a low-salt diet to reduce water retention. For a doctor to advise the real treatment options, medical help should be the first thing to do.

Asked for Male, 47 Years

echogenicity of the parenchyma appears decreased intra hepatic ducts and veins are not dilated. Means

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Hi I am 25 years old suffering from hepatitis c

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

I'm taking liver syrup from home. I'm black jaundice

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Black jaundice, also known as hepatitis E, can make your skin and eyes turn yellow. It can lead to weariness, fever, and haul of the belly. This is due to the liver getting sick from a particular virus. To get better, sleep a lot, drink only clean water, and consume proper foods. Don't use alcohol and don't eat fatty foods. Your body will be able to destroy the virus in a few weeks.

Asked for Male, 30 Years

Hbsag positive (5546 s/coi) value is normal or high

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Last 8 month before i have checked blood test, That result is showing hbsag is positive (Elisa test 4456). Yesterday i checked blood test Hbsag is positive and value is 5546). How to reduce the value and result is negative. If any medicine and treatment.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

The HBsAg test is positive, which means you have been infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). To manage this, it's important to follow your doctor's treatment plan, including taking antiviral medications regularly. These medications can help reduce the viral load in your body. Along with a healthy lifestyle, this approach can help control the infection and potentially lead to a negative result in future tests.

Asked for Male, 4 Years

I am samiullah 4y old male I have been having fever for last 3 months. I have taken many medicines like colistin, tigecline but I am not getting any relief. I have some cough and weakness. I have done many tests but all came back negative but my liver is swollen. HB-7.2 SGOT-135 SGOT-78 SERUM BILROBIN 3.9 XINE XPERT negative Blood culture - no growth CSF- normal

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Want a laboratory report analysis and advice. Urinalysis result shows proteinuria (++), trace leucocytes, mild pyuria and bacteriuria. Urine m/c/s and SEUCr are recommended to rule out UTI and nephropathy respectively. AST (SGOT) 85 ALT (SGPT) 84 GGT 209

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Doctor I have jaundice sir I have a lot of urine sir is there more urine in jaundice or not

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Sir can fibrosis at F3 can never reversed to F0 Liver

Answered on 25th Feb '25

Fibrosis stage F3 refers to some serious scarring in your liver which is not good. The same thing can come from illnesses such as hepatitis or drinking too much. The good news is with the right treatment the fibrosis can improve and even revert to a healthier stage like F0. Eating a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, and taking prescribed medications can all help in this process.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Hi i have recently gotten a level of 104 ALT on a blood test and my mom is freaking out I really don't want to have anything serious and i'm really scared. Could it be because of my inactivity levels during the summer? I recently gained a lot of weight since I did not exercise in the summer and I am now 5'8 and 202 pounds.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

You're worried about your ALT level being 104. ALT is a liver enzyme that can rise when there's a liver issue. Inactivity and weight gain can affect liver health, often leading to fatty liver, even without symptoms. The solution is regular exercise and a healthier diet. Taking care of your liver through a healthy lifestyle is key.

Asked for Female, 5 Years

My daughter has jaundice, what should I feed her?

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 60 Years

my dad has been diagnosed with fatty liver and he is diabetic too. can it be cured without liver transplant?

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

Pricked with a needle after the patient. She was tested for antibodies to hepatitis C and accidentally tested for antibodies to the hepatitis B virus surface antigen after 4 months (result 2.38, at a rate of 10 IU/ ml of blood).1. Can I calm down a little bit about hepatitis B? 2. Can I do an express hepatitis test?3.If blood gets on the immediate skin, is this exactly a risk for infection?

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Your hepatitis B virus surface antigen result is 2.38, which is below the normal threshold of 10 IU/ml, indicating you're likely not infected. So, you don't need to worry much about hepatitis B. If you want further reassurance, you can take a quick express test for fast results. The risk of infection from blood on your skin depends on factors like the amount of blood, any existing cuts, and how quickly you clean it off. Usually, brief contact with blood on the skin doesn't pose a high risk of hepatitis B infection. Overall, your levels are normal, so you can relax. But if you're still concerned, an express test can provide peace of mind.

Asked for Male, 31 Years

My total bilirubin is 2.9 mgs/Dil, Direct bilirubin is 1.4 mgs/dil

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Asked for Female, 31 Years

My fiancé was diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B last year. Though she has been treated. Now I’m scared to have sex with her. Please is it safe?

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Hepatitis B is a virus that mainly affects the liver. Tiredness, jaundice (yellow skin), and stomach pain are some possible causes. Your fiancée has been treated and it is generally safe to have sex, but it is important to use protection such as condoms to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.

Asked for Male, 42 Years

I am 42 years old I have HBV and I want medicine to can I get your consultation

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

I've been dealing with a complex set of symptoms that have persisted and worsened over the years, and I'm hoping to get your advice on how to move forward. Here’s an overview: - I've had flu-like symptoms for 23 years, which now occur 4-5 times a week. - I experience severe breathing issues, with some episodes lasting up to 9 weeks. - I have constant and aggressive eczema on my legs and abdomen, frequent abscess eruptions, and persistent joint pain. - I also struggle with severe intestinal cramps, alternating between diarrhea and constipation, eye and hearing issues, and clubbing of my fingers. - Additionally, I have a known Hepatitis B infection. Despite being regularly prescribed antibiotics, which only provide temporary relief, my symptoms continue to get worse. These issues are severely affecting my daily life.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I am 18 years old female . I am suffering with jaundice of range 10 points

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Doctor I'm sufferings from HBV with respect again sir I need cure how much Thank you

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a virus that can make you feel extremely ill. You might experience extreme fatigue, yellow discoloration of the eyes, and stomach pain. HBV is transmitted via blood and other body fluids. A hepatologist should be consulted for information. Medicines can assist in the treatment of HBV, and the good management of your health can lead to the improvement of your health.

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I have taken 20 500 msg of paracetamol and I have yellow in the whites of my eyes and I don’t know what to do

Answered on 5th Aug '24

You could be reacting to an overdose of paracetamol. Yellow in the whites of your eyes can be a sign of liver problems. This can be if you take paracetamol in excess. It is crucial to get medical assistance immediately. The doctor can examine your liver and give treatment if necessary. 

Asked for Male, 28 Years

Hi I got a fibroscan done and the kpa was 8.8 and the cap was 325 I was wondering how dangerous it is and can it be reversed

Answered on 11th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

What amount of s.g.p.t value to normal liver

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

When we assess S.L.T. the S.G.P.T level is being analyzed. A normal S.G.P.T level for a healthy liver is below 40 units per liter. Higher levels of the liver could indicate that it is not healthy. Signs like weakness, jaundice, or the yellowing of the skin, are some of the symptoms. Drinking too much alcohol or having a fatty liver are among the causes. To get better, drink less of alcohol and eat a diet full of vegetables.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Pachis hai aur pet ke Nichole hisse me Darden h

Answered on 3rd Aug '24

Asked for Male, 73 Years

I am 73 years male I am suffering from Parkinson's disease since last 9 years and treatment is going on. Today's USG shows Fatty changes of liver. Portal vein & CBD are mildly prominent. Now I want your suggestion in this regard.

Answered on 16th Nov '24

You have been through the Parkinson's disease process wherein a certain organization inside your body controls such functions as movement and balance. The ultrasound results indicate that you have experienced a harmless fatty liver change which happens due to various reasons like being overweight or having diabetes. Healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help reduce this. 

Asked for Male, 46 Years

IMPRESSION: Changes of cirrhosis of liver. Mild splenomegaly. Prominent portal vein. Moderate ascites Gallbladder calculus. Complex cyst in right kidney.

Answered on 30th July '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

I am veerendra every year in my office doing full body test I don't have any symptoms but report bulbrin is 1.8 which food can i control sir.

Answered on 22nd July '24

A high bilirubin level can be caused by various other liver problems, certain blood conditions, and other things. Follow a balanced diet to get rid of it. Quit the high-fat, processed, and sweetened food. So, include a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein in your diet instead. Regular water consumption will keep you hydrated throughout the day. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

liver problem please can u guide me

Answered on 18th July '24

If the liver is not functioning properly, the person may feel fatigued, become jaundiced, see yellow skin and eyes, and experience pain on the right side. Liver disease can be the result of virus attacks, overconsumption of alcohol, or obesity that leads to metabolic disorders. Take care of your liver and you will be forced to follow healthy eating habits, do regular workouts, and limit your alcohol consumption.

Asked for Male, 46 Years

My liver is damaged water is filling how can be treated

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 47 Years

My liver is damage and water making in stamch how can be treat

Answered on 21st June '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

Sir I am tested today my report as follows S.Bilirubin - 1.7 S.G.P.T. - 106.9 S.G.O.T. - 76.0 HBsAg ( by card). - reactive

Answered on 19th July '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Anti - HBs -Ag (antibody to Au antigen ) Results positive . That means what

Answered on 19th July '24

You are diagnosed with antibodies that are against the hepatitis B surface antigen which means you are being protected from hepatitis B. It means your body has successfully fought off hepatitis B infection or you have been vaccinated against it. You may not have any symptoms, but it's important to keep your health by eating healthily, exercising, and avoiding alcohol to keep your liver in good shape. Ensure to get regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your health.

Asked for Male, 86 Years

i am 86 year old, i have liver disease which is casing my leg and stomach to swollen and itching of the body, please which drugs should i buy

Answered on 14th June '24

You are exhibiting the symptoms of liver disease. Swollen legs and stomach, along with body itching, are the symptoms of people with the said condition. The entire process of removing toxins from the body and the liver's poor functioning that leads to the development of these symptoms must be considered. At the pharmacy, you can purchase medications for your liver that can help you reduce the swelling caused by your liver, for instance, diuretics and antihistamines. But I insist you seek medical help before getting any treatment.

Asked for Male, 5 months Years

My son has hepatitis and he is fighting 4months and no results we are so worry

Answered on 10th June '24

Hepatitis in infants can be challenging, and it is crucial to get expert care. Please consult a pediatric hepatologist immediately. They specialize in liver diseases in children and can provide the best treatment options for your son.

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Can you smoke while taking periton and Becomplex with iron

Answered on 20th June '24

Both Periton and Becomplex with iron can be affected by smoking. This means that smoking can reduce their effectiveness and even cause harm to your body. If you smoke while taking these drugs, you may experience nausea or shortness of breath due to irritation of the stomach and lungs. So, if you want your medicines to work better, don't smoke.

Asked for Male, 72 Years

My father was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis with Malignant Transformation with significant ascites and bilateral pleural effusion. Splenomegaly likely due to portal hypertension from the cirrhotic liver. Enlarged prostate likely BPH. And his doctor has not been able to do anything for us rather his abdominal pain keeps getting worse and his stomach swelled up. Pls doctors what advice can you provide for us. To help him with the pain and also manage the sickness.

Answered on 29th May '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

HbsAg positive hai 2.87 hai

Answered on 24th Nov '24

A positive test result for the presence of HBsAg at 2.87 or above indicates potential infection with Hepatitis B virus. Symptoms may include fatigue, jaundice (yellowing skin/eyes), and abdominal pain. The disease is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids so if you think you may have been at risk it's best to get screened as soon as possible.

Asked for Male, 22 Years

I have symptom of jaundice for last 7 years

Answered on 27th May '24

Having jaundice for 7 years is not usual. Jaundice is when your eyes and skin turn yellow. This occurs when your liver does not work well. Infections, liver problems, or blocked bile ducts can cause it. Tests will be required to know what is causing it. After knowing the cause, treatment will be given to make your liver work better and reduce jaundice.

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I am fall ill with jaudince before 15 days when the doctor give the lft test it was 6.56 before 15 days now it's been 16.46

Answered on 27th May '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Mild hepatomegaly with altered echotexture, Edematous GB wall, Mild splenomegaly with diffuse echotexture, Mild ascites , please tell me quick solution of this

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

hi doc, i have tested negative for hiv and hepatitis after 4 and 5 month after exposure.. is this test result concluds

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 40 Years

My GGT Level in Liver Function Test is 465. What does that means? Any suggestions or medicines to reduce the same.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 38 Years

Sar main ek kidney transplant patient hun mere liver mein ggt bada hua hai और लिवर फैटी भी है फर्स्ट स्टेज

Answered on 23rd May '24

You have a transplante­d kidney, and your liver has higher GGT. This is an e­nzyme that indicates liver issue­s. Additionally, you have early-stage fatty live­r, where exce­ss fat accumulates in liver cells. Fatigue­, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice are possible symptoms. Maintaining a nutritious die­t and regular exercise­ can be beneficial. Howe­ver, consulting your healthcare te­am is crucial

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Sir liver me sujan and ant me infection hai

Answered on 20th July '24

The liver is swollen due to an infection in the intestine, a severe condition. Symptoms include stomach pain, tiredness, yellow skin (jaundice), and fever. The causes are viruses and bacteria. To help, the doctor prescribed medications for the infections and suggested a special diet to support the liver. Following a doctor's advice carefully is crucial for proper treatment.

Asked for Male, 28 Years

Gross Description: Specimen received in formalin with proper lab no. consists of one tan brown linear piece of tissue. It measures 1.2x0.2cm. Submitted as such. Microscopic Examination: Sections show linear core of liver tissue. The liver tissue shows mild distortion of the lobular architecture. NAS score: Steatosis: 2 (about 52% of hepatocytes) Lobular inflammation: 1 (2 foci/200x) Hepatocytes ballooning: 2 (Many hepatocytes) Total NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: Ic (Periportal) Diagnosis: NAS score: 5/8 Fibrosis: le Is that report is Normal. Pls explain?

Answered on 23rd July '24

Your liver has some­ issues according to the report. It's inflame­d and swollen with fat deposits. Obesity, chole­sterol problems, or alcohol could cause the­se changes. To improve live­r health, focus on eating right, exe­rcising regularly, and giving up alcohol. Taking care of your liver is crucial for ove­rall well-being.

Asked for Male, 42 Years

Hello! I am a 42-year-old male who was diagnosed with hepatitis B in my early 20s. Can I safely take collagen supplements now, and if so, what dosage would be appropriate?

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would encourage you to pay a visit to the hepatologist and get yourself the right advice about the possible safety and suitability of the collagen supplement while also acquiring the ideal dose for you. 

Asked for Female, 16 Years

After drinking seven Penadol at once, what should you do before something happens?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 39 Years

Ast alt and globulin mild high

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 36 Years

I have jondies bilirubin Coun1.42 any problem

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 36 Years

I have jondies bilirubin count 1.42 any problem???

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

How to reduce bilurubin levels

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Bilirubin is a yellow substance­ that forms when old red blood cells bre­ak down. If too much bilirubin builds up, your skin and eyes can turn yellow. That's jaundice. It might signal a liver issue, infection, or bile­ duct blockage. The underlying cause­ must be treated to re­duce bilirubin levels. Some­times, medication or procedure­s help lower the le­vels too. Don't ignore jaundice; se­e a doctor to figure out why it's happening and ge­t treated properly.

Asked for Male, 24 Years

body ache headache mild fever pain in eyes It has been happening since 4 to 5 days Do you have liver problems?

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Sir, there was pus in my liver, then I got the treatment done in LIBS hospital and they removed the pus through operation, then I got cured but there is pain in my right shoulder blade and on the opposite chest side too, I went through the operation. When I asked the doctor after two months, he said that it might be due to gas, but I still have pain in the shoulder blade.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

The pus was successfully removed from your liver. However, you still have pain in your right shoulder blade and chest. Sometimes, gas can get trapped in the body after surgery, causing discomfort. However ongoing pain in these areas could also be a sign of muscle strain or inflammation. It’s important to inform your doctor so they can investigate further and find ways to relieve the pain.

Asked for Male, 63 Years

Respected Doctor Sir, Myself a 63 years old Non-alcoholic, retired man from a Pharmaceutical MNC Abbott, got diagnosed with Chronic Liver problem I e. Liver Cirrosis about three years back. Since, I am in Delhi, arranged best possible treatments from Max Hospital, ILBS & Apollo hospital. But all doctors clearly told me.... only option left is Liver Transplantation. I tried best for healthy & maching Liver but couldn't succeeded so far. Apart from Allopathic, I approached Professor & Head of the department Homeo- pathy and very renowned Ayurvedic doctor. All the doctors tried their best for recovery & I noticed the remarkable change in Fibroscan reports. ( Attaching both reports). But some problems remained as it is like.... Whole body itching, Loss of Stamina/vigour. My Whole body PLATELETS not improving. My Protine difficencies & Albumin lebel not satisfactory. For avoiding loss of Albumin, doctor recommends use of Hunan Albumin Interavenus Injections after intervalbof 15 days. Heavy weaknesses & Constipation. I spent my all retirement funds for treatments on Continuous doctor's consultations, repeated tests, Fibroscans, Ultrasounds, Costly Medicines, Admissions etc & having lot of financial crises. Even though life was going ok with some little problems. Suddenly on 27th December -23, when I was being injected Albumin, suddenly Some drops of Blood noticed on my tongue and I stopped using Albumin & informed Apollo Hospital Doctor, He suggested, I should get an emergency admission in nearby Hospital. So I got admitted in Max hospital, where my new problems were started during treatments. As per Max Doctors, my heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Pancreas were not functioning normal & I started feeling Memory loss. The doctors were telling that no chances of survival now & advised family to allow to put me on ventilator but my son hesitated & in same condition, he got me Apollo Hospital in mid night. I think Max hospital only seen their monotary benefits & recovered around 14.00 lacs for treatment through Insurance co. Then slowly slowly, I got recovery & after a weak, I got recovery . Sir, I am having no pain in and around Abdomen area, no swelling anywhere. For checking Ascites, doctors asked me to take half tablets of Lessilactone. Only feeling heavy Weekness, loss of stamina. I approached one of my doctor relative & he said as per MELD SCORE of 16, no immediate Transplant is advisable. Please see my attached reports & put your comments, whether, I may survive 5-6 years with this problem without Transplantation. I shall take video consultation with you but before that, I informed my few details to you for your better assessments & reply. WITH MY FOLDED HAND, I HUMBLY REQUEST YOURGOODSELF TO PLEASE SEE MY DETAILS THROUGHLY AND GIVE YOUR BEST POSSIBLE ADVISES. Best regards, Chaitanya Prakash Delhi Mobile. 9891740622

Answered on 14th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

I have liver infection from two years

Answered on 29th Aug '24

A liver dise­ase might've troubled you for a while­. Hepatitis viruses or alcohol exce­ss can infect the liver. You may fe­el exhausted, have­ yellow skin, and dark urine. Treatme­nt involves medicines, re­st, and nutritious food. Carefully follow your doctor's instructions to manage your liver infe­ction properly.

Asked for Female, 56 Years

liver syorisis for one years

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Liver cirrhosis is whe­re scar tissue builds up in the live­r. Longstanding issues like heavy drinking or viral he­patitis cause this. Some signs are tire­dness, swollen legs, and ye­llow skin. Doctors treat cirrhosis by controlling underlying problems. The­y may prevent alcohol use and pre­scribe drugs for symptoms. Eating well and exe­rcising also help manage cirrhosis.

Asked for Male, 41 Years

Sir liver me hepatomegaly with multiple liver abscess hai

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Your liver is e­nlarged, with pockets of infection - absce­sses. This causes tiredne­ss, fever, stomach pain. Bacteria spre­ad, leading to infection. Treatme­nt includes antibiotics killing bacteria. Drainage may re­move abscesses. Following doctor's advice­ ensures full recove­ry.

Asked for Male, 58 Years

Livar me dhabbe hai our sujan bhi hai livar me jiyada problem hai koi hal btayiye plz

Answered on 30th July '24

Liver spots and swelling can indicate serious issues like fatty liver disease or hepatitis. It is crucial to see a hepatologist, a liver specialist, for proper diagnosis and treatment. Self-treatment is not recommended. Please consult a hepatologist as soon as possible for a detailed evaluation and appropriate care.

Asked for Male, 40 Years

Hepatites 8.5 points is dangar or not what this what is normal points

Answered on 5th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

In my liver test SGPT is 42 and GAMMA GT is 57 more than normal range

Answered on 23rd May '24

Since your SGPT and Gamma GT levels showed higher values, your liver test result is fine, but slightly elevated. It may be a sign of the disease process that is manifesting itself in the form of liver damage or inflammation. Consult with a hepatologist is important. They can propose the right therapeutic methods which suits your situation best.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Recent I had an accident in that accident my liver raptured present I use medicines to cure not eat everything.can I eat non veg after how many days

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would suggest refraining from nonvegetarian foods until your liver has 100% recovered from the rupture. While recovering, it is also important to eat a balanced and healthy diet that will help in the liver’s recovery. Talk to your doctor for guidelines

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Sir I was affected HCV 13 years ago after treatment I was completely cured and my PCR negative. But when ever I go for my medical to abroad they declared me unfit and reject my visa because HCV antibodies are shown in my Blood Elisa . Is there any solution to solve out this problem please guide Can I go for Plasma therapy to remove these antibodies from blood ....?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 62 Years

My Father is 62 years old. He is under the impression of alcohol for almost 35 years. Recently due to some complications, we admitted him to the nearby hospital and came to know that he is having liver jaundice along with fatty liver. Also his stomach is filled with acid. Please guide me the best doctor or the best hospital where we can get the best results. Thanks in advance. Regards.

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have concerns regarding your father’s condition; a hepatologist or a gastroenterologist should be consulted. In most of the major cities, reputed hospitals like AIIMS Medanta or Apollo have specialists with an acclaimed history in diseases related to the liver. Consult a local healthcare provider for recommendations to help you identify the right specialist and hospital in your area.

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Yellow of the eyes and high enzymes in my blood

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I have noticed I can see my pulse in my stomach, and it’s worrying me. I have recently researched stuff about abdominal aortic aneurysms (because I have health anxiety) and I noticed people state that is one of the symptoms. I don’t have any other symptoms, and I know it’s normal to see your pulse in your stomach sometimes, but a lot of people say it’s visible if you’re skinny and have less abdominal fat. I’m not skinny and I’m wondering if it’s still normal? I’m really worried if it’s not.

Answered on 23rd May '24

an abdominal aortic aneurysm needs medical intervention, the condition itself should be carefully evaluated. If your symptoms worry you, please make an appointment with a vascular professional as soon as possible.

Asked for Female, 48 Years


Answered on 23rd May '24

If your fatty liver has been diagnosed and you are also suffering from abdominal pain, it is very crucial to see a gastroenterologist for further analysis. They can suggest certain dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes and further tests or treatments depending on a the patient’s situation. For effective management of the fatty liver disease, it is very important to seek professional medical advice.

Asked for Male, 36 Years

Hello Doctor, I am 36 year old male had fatty liver grade 2 since July 2019, having Udilive 300 mg morning and evening till August 2020. fatty liver convert in grade 1 .till last Dec.2020 continued Udilive300 mg with Vitamin E 400., left the medicine for 3/4 months in from the January 2021.again repeat the same medicine for two the mid of 2021 I left medicine to intake permanently .in 2022 For Routine health check up I go through LFT and Whole Abdomen ultrasound .the report are shocking .The corsean echo texture are found in ultrasound and LFT is abnormal.the General physician whom I treated is MBBS, MD, DTM& H. He raised his hand and advised me to leave all things on All mighty God.He also suggest me to Refer High advance Liver disease Hospitals. Kindly suggest me . 9304241768

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your case with progressive changes from fatty liver to a rougher hepatic consistency and abnormal LFTs should worry, which is why PLDT would be the way your condition requires. It is advisable to visit a specialized hepatologist or gastroenterologist dealing with diseases of the liver. These specialists are able to offer a complete evaluation, including possible testing with advanced imaging and perhaps liver biopsy, for evaluating the degree of liver injury and how best it should be managed. Management of such advanced liver disease should be carried out meticulously and may include medications adjustments, lifestyle changes as well as monitoring.

Asked for Male, 46 Years

Gastritis with fatty liver

Answered on 23rd May '24

Gastritis and fatty liver are common medical condition.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach wall.
Fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in the hepatic cells.
Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting can be caused by gastritis
Fatty liver may lead to fatigue, weakness and abdominal pain.
The three most common factors of gastritis are H. pylori infection, consumption of alcohol and NSAIDs.
Both diseases can be managed through lifestyle changes and medications.
Eat properly, do regular exercise and do not drink or smoke.

Asked for Male, 31 Years

Hepatitis b positive High level viral load

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hepatitis B is a viral disease of the liver. High viral loads indicate active infection. Chronic cases elevate the risk of liver damage! Blood tests keep checking the infection and liver function. Vaccination is essential for preventing this! Stay away from alcohol. Remember to consult your doctor for checkups and treatments!

Asked for Female, 31 Years

Good day, I have itchy skin and get raised easy and bruised. It’s been happening over 5 years I think I might have liver problems as I have consumed alcohol a lot

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 75 Years

I have elevated levels of SGPT upto 116.What are the normal levels

Answered on 7th Oct '24

NORMAL SGPT LEVELS FOR MEN RANGE from 10 to 40.. NORMAL SGPT LEVELS FOR WOMEN RANGE from 7 to 35.. YOUR LEVELS ARE mildLY elevated, but not alarming.. HOWEVER, YOU SHOULD consult hepatologist for more information and advice.. LIFESTYLE CHANGES, such as limiting ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION and avoiding FATTY FOODS, may help lower YOUR LEVELS..

Asked for Male, 43 Years

My husband got have HBV reactive in recent health check up, I just got hep b jab last year Jul 22. Do I have the immunity?

Answered on 23rd May '24

"Reactive" means positive and "immunity" depends on antibody levels. Your vaccination status is promising. 

Asked for Female, 38 Years

What are the complications faced from elevated liver enzymes post-gastric bypass?

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 47 Years

How much is laparoscopic liver resection recovery time?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It could be 2-4 weeks.

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Can liver tumors from birth control occur?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It happens rarely. May occur with long-term use.

Asked for Male, 41 Years

What are complications seen in celiac disease and elevated liver enzymes?

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Elevated liver enzymes in celiac disease can cause liver injury or inflammation which can damage your liver. Get your liver function tests done.

Asked for Male, 45 Years

Liver not functioning swollen stomach and swollen left side under rib cage yellow skin around eyes

Answered on 23rd May '24

Symptoms you've described could potentially be signs of liver dysfunction or other serious medical conditions. Seek immediate medical attention from a hepatologist in such cases, as these symptoms can indicate a variety of liver and gastrointestinal issues, including liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis, or gallbladder problems.

Asked for Male, 47 Years

Want your number sir one patient of alcoholic liver. Cirrhosis is there

Answered on 23rd May '24

If someone you know is dealing with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, it's vital to consult a hepatologist or liver specialist for proper evaluation and treatment. The treatment may involve dietary adjustments, medication, and monitoring for complications.. also its impt to quit alcohol if you do consume.

Asked for Male, 36 Years

My brother in-law is suffering from jaundice from last two weeks and now it has been found that he also had a water in his lever. Not able to walk out, feeling so weak. His age is 36.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult a hepatologist or gastroenterologist, specialists from the best hospitals in India in liver disorders, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. They will recommend a tailored treatment plan, which may include medications, dietary changes, or procedures, depending on the underlying cause. Encourage rest, proper nutrition, and adherence to medical advice for his recovery. 

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Kya 50% liver kharab hone ke bad liver theek ho sakta hai

Answered on 23rd May '24

The liver can partially recover even if it's 50% damaged, depending on the cause and overall health. Reversible conditions like viral infections or certain medication-related damage may allow for better recovery. 

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Mana LFT test krwaya jis ma bilirubin ki value 2.9 aia ha . Mari eyes yellow han aur pashab dark ata ha muja kia krna chiya

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 73 Years

My father has jaundice for 1 month. Bilirubin level 14. Few days ago father was given 5 blood.. But now hemoglobin levels is 6. Why the hemoglobin decreasing? What is the risk?

Answered on 23rd May '24

The decrease in hemoglobin could be due to continued blood loss, reduced red blood cell production, or hemolysis. Low hemoglobin levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, and other health risks. So consult his doctor soon for proper treatment.

Asked for Male, 54 Years

My brother has liver cirrhosis. Can ge be cured if he undergo stem cell therapy?

Answered on 23rd May '24

There's no definitive cure for liver cirrhosis. It is a condition where healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and this damage is irreversible. Stem cell therapy is still under research and clinical trials, but it is not yet considered a standard treatment for liver cirrhosis.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

What is the expected timeline for becoming hepatitis B negative and avoiding liver damage in a case where the LFT is normal, fibroscan value is 5, and fatty liver disease is detected through sonography?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 75 Years

My grandpas liver is 75 percent damaged how can it be cured

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult with a professional specializing in liver disorders. Treatment options will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the damage. Lifestyle changes, medications, or even a liver transplant may be considered. Prompt medical attention and following professional guidance are crucial in managing the condition effectively.

Asked for Male, 62 Years

My father got liver disease from last 6 months after we removed galbladder 8 month before due to stone. That time doctor told having liver disease ,now they are asking to do liver transplant can you suggest is it necessary to do or any other option with medication can cure.

Answered on 23rd May '24

If your father has been diagnosed with liver disease following gallbladder removal, and the doctors are recommending a liver transplant, it suggests that his liver function has significantly declined. A liver transplant is considered the definitive treatment for end stage liver disease when other options may not be sufficient. 

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Hi I have diabetics and in recent blood test my SGOT is 63 and sGPT is 153 is it alarming do I take medicine

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 73 Years

My mother is suffering from liver cirrhosis. Key symptoms are - drop in HB every 10 days, GI bleeding through varices, ammonia increase in body from time to time which has been treated with duphalac enema. APC has been done twice. But bleeding and HB drop has continued.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 56 Years

When you have liver cirrhosis does your belly get hard and tight and uncomfortable can't eat everything taste nasty got a bad knee that looks a bad infection like someone ate his knee off bad...

Answered on 23rd May '24

In advanced stages of liver cirrhosis, the abdomen can become distended and feel firm or tight due to fluid accumulation (ascites). This can cause discomfort and difficulty eating. Whereas changes in taste perception and a knee infection are not directly related to liver cirrhosis and would require separate evaluation 

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Hi what does it mean if you have lost immunity to hip b ?

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have lost immunity to hepatitis B, it means that your body is no longer protected against the hepatitis B virus. Immunity to HBV is typically acquired through vaccination or prior infection.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

I am 26 year old and Mera abhi accident hua h. And blood test m hepatitis b+ve surface antigen - CLIA ki value 4230 ae h. To ye+ ve h kya or kita risk h

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

My scan says echogenic lesion in right love of liver- consistent with Hemangioma. Do I need to take any medicine .

Answered on 23rd May '24

No, a medical treatment is usually not required as these kind lesions are benign and do not cause any symptoms. But I advise you to visit the concerned doctor regularly to monitor the lesions and check their growth and know whether they are causing any other problem. 

Asked for Female, 68 Years

I am suffering from chronic liver disease and had ascites last month but now better after treatment. At Jan month My albumin 2.3, AST 102 & ALT 92 level is reduced albumin 2.7, AST 88 IU/L & ALT 52 IU/L. My USG report taken during ascites shows DCLD & liver reduced in size, measures 10.4cm & coarse parenchymal echo texture with surface irregularity noted.portal vein indistinct. Following a healthy diet. Kindly advise if my liver had chances to regenerate or symtoms goes worse. Any treatment to cure.

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is possible for the liver to regenerate, especially if the damage to the liver is not too severe. However, this is not always the case, and the extent to which the liver can regenerate may depend on the underlying cause of the liver damage. 

There are several treatments that may be helpful in managing chronic liver disease. These may include medications to control symptoms and complications, such as ascites, and lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol. In some cases, a liver transplant may be necessary if the liver damage is severe and not reversible. 

You must follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and to continue to monitor your liver function tests and other symptoms closely. It is also important to avoid activities that could further damage your liver, such as drinking alcohol and taking certain medications that may be harmful to the liver.

Asked for Male, 63 Years

Doctor told me my liver is damaged and that I have hepatitis b. For 2 years I took his medicine but doctor told me about hepatitis b recovery and still me to take medicine for the life time and my liver report turned out to be bad. Since last 2 month I have had heavy stomach pain.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 48 Years

Hai i am male 49 years, from few months my platelets count reduced up to 27000. Gastro dr. do sonography and endoscopy, and find compensated cirrhosis of liver. i want to Know what is the long term effect and what kind of diet should i take. Thanks

Answered on 23rd May '24

If your doctor has suggested that you are suffering from compensated cirrhosis, this means the patient is in the early stage of cirrhosis. such patients need to be evaluated thoroughly for the cause of cirrhosis. Also these patients need to be under regular follow up with liver specialists to diagnose and treat complications when and where these complications arise. Also these patients need to be under strict liver-related diet control. Diet is generally modified and custom made for each and every patient. Hope this clears your doubt and reach out if you do have unresolved queries!

Asked for Male, 38 Years

My brother is hospitalized in nair hospital since last 15days because of alcoholic liver infection, not getting improvement .. So i want to consult with you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 62 Years

My wife has issue with abdomen pain & according to Dr the lever is fatty We have done USG of upper & lower abdomen & it shows bit enlargement of lever What shall we do next

Answered on 23rd May '24

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