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Female | 32

Why am I feeling anxious and fatigued?

Ghabrat ho rahi h tension bi la rahi ho thak jathi ho

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 23rd Oct '24

This can be the result of many things like work stress, problems at school or home, or not caring for yourself. To feel better, try engaging in activities that calm your mind such as deep breathing, talking to someone you trust, or spending time doing something you enjoy. Resting well and eating healthy foods are the two things you should do to keep your body in good shape.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

Doctor I had headache in past so I took paracetamol Now I study but during study I have overthinking so much how I can remove it & how can I focus on studies without any distraction with discipline & consistency

Female | 16

If you are enduring the pain of a headache and overthinking while studying, it is vital to attend to the root issue. I advise you to refer to a neurologist to exclude possible medical problems of headache origin. As well, you can try to get support from the mental health professionals, like psychiatrists, who can show you how to manage your tendency to overthink and develop the necessary discipline and consistency in studies.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I wanted to take about my sleeping problem and wanted to take sleeping pills

Male | 85

You have trouble­ sleeping at night. You are thinking of taking sle­eping pills. This is known as insomnia. It can happen due to stre­ss, anxiety, or lifestyle habits like­ using screens before­ bedtime. Taking slee­ping pills might help but they can have side­ effects. First, try improving your slee­p routine. Avoid caffeine. Cre­ate a relaxing bedtime­ routine.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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i will speak about my mom , so recently her eyes disturbance began a half hour ago, she dosen't stay hydrated for a long time she drinks from time to time, she uses the phone for hours straight , she dosen't sleep well, she has lack of sleep, when she said she has crisis ; she meant that her heart start beat fast and she start walking around because she said that she can't sit , she begin to stress hard and only think of bad consequences, she said that she can;t think well , her brain is in a mess as well as her thoughts swiming in bad thoughts , she said that she had panic attack pairing with these effects . So Doctor what is the solution what she have to do ?

Male | 18

Your mom could be going through anxiety and panic attacks. When a person’s heart is beating fast, can’t keep still, and has bad thoughts, it might be a panic attack. It could get worse if she doesn’t sleep well, take enough water and use the phone a lot. She ought to rest more, ensure she drinks sufficient water, and take breaks from the phone if she wants to feel better. Some deep breaths may help calm her down when having one. These signs should be reported to her general practitioner immediately.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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Hello my age 23 male I have heavy alcohol addiction so some ayurvedic person gives me some ayurvedic medical and he said conditions if you drink any alchohal in future aftr taking ayurvedic medicine in future you will die. Is true?

Male | 23

Alcohol addiction is serious, and professional help is vital. Be cautious with Ayurvedic remedies; extreme effects when drinking aren't common but can occur. The best option is to address addiction properly with the guidance and support of healthcare professionals.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I'm 26 year old and male. I've a some issues, if i saw something bad or nasty things like shit or dirt or smell stink i use to spit for something and i feel the stink inside me whenever I don't do vomit. Plz help me. What should i do. Is it any major problem.

Male | 26

You may have a gag reflex. This happens when your body is more sensitive to certain things you see, smell, or taste. It isn’t usually serious but it can be unpleasant. Try to steer clear of anything that makes you feel like this. If it won’t go away and bothers you, too, it might help to speak with a doctor about how to handle it.

Answered on 10th July '24

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Emotionless feeling less mental

Female | 22

Hi, it depends since how long this concern had been with you. It's important to understand the reason for this. We can definitely work on your emotions.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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47yr w f severe depression in 20mg kexapro

Female | 47

You should not practice self-medication or change your prescribed doses of medication. The condition of severe depression should be treated by a professional, and people need to visit an expert mental health specialist. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My doctor changed olanzapine to abilify which I take for bipolar disorder. It is only the second day of the change over and I feel quite anxious. Is this due to withdrawal symptoms from the less olanzapine I'm taking or a side effect of abilify? Will it go away?

Male | 47

Transition periods can be a reason for feeling anxious. Fluctuation in drugs may cause short-lived panic attacks, this may be a result of reducing olanzapine and also starting abilify. Usually, these are transient and will disappear as your body adjusts to the new situation. Be sure to observe your symptoms and let your body get accustomed to the new medication. Even though it is normal, if you continue or become more anxious, talk to your healthcare professional. They can provide you with more support and may change your treatment plan if necessary. You are not the only one in this struggle and a good communication line with your physician is very important.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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I am 46 and have depression. I need sessions of deep transmagnetic stimulation. How much cost? Can I come tomorrow?

Female | 46

Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a treatment for depression that is safe. Costs may differ from one clinic to another, but luckily, some insurance that partner with the clinics offers the treatment. It's smart to check it with the clinic. These may be found in depression itself, such as low moods, loss of interest, and unusual changes in appetite and sleep. TMS is a way of stimulating the brain by sending magnetic pulses. Naturally, it is required to fix a meeting for TMS during which you are free so that we can talk during that time, but we can shift your appointment for you as soon as it is convenient.

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have savere anxiety dipprestion can't go outside delusion of people are against me or they will harm me or they are making plans against me from a 1 year I spend my time in isolation in a room can't go outside everything is worse of life I checked to many psychiatrist and take many medicines but no relief what I do now

Male | 23

Delusions of people opposing you are­ troubling. Brain chemical imbalances or past trauma could cause the­se symptoms. Since psychiatrists and medications have­n't helped yet, ke­ep trying different tre­atments. Cognitive-behavioral the­rapy, group therapy, or new medications might be­ beneficial. Keep see­king help until you find what works best. Supportive, unde­rstanding individuals can make a difference­ too. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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Hello doctor i have always headache and laziness i tried of my liife please help me to out of darkness life to live life happily because life is very short and my age is 25 I wasted four to five years of my life doing nothing and when I remember them every time, why did I waste those four to five years now I have not got a degree and I don't have any such good skills. I can earn good money. And secondly, the tension of my family is always in my mind, these things are always going around in my mind because my family environment is very disturbed and nothing is going right here.And every time I'm stressed I always have depression

Male | 25

This could be due to stress, not enough sleep, bad eating habits, or maybe even depression. The best thing to do is take care of yourself by getting enough rest each night; exercising regularly will also help keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Healthy food can improve mood swings associated with this condition. You’re still young so don’t worry too much.

Answered on 16th June '24

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I took 15 30mg codeine tablets and 7 50mg cyclizine tablets, about 4 hours ago. Am I going to die?

Female | 35

You consumed too many code­ine and cyclizine tablets. The­se can hurt you badly. Sleepine­ss and slowed breathing are risks. Dizzine­ss, confusion, feeling sick may occur. It's crucial to reach out imme­diately if experie­ncing such symptoms. Call emergency se­rvices right away. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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I m 14 year having no interest in studies forgot what learned

Male | 14

Teenagers often may not like some kinds of studying because it seems they have no interest in some subjects. It's similar to our emotions can be weakened or lost by outside forces such as being overwhelmed, demotivated, or distracted. Forgetting what you have learned can indicate that you are stressed or overwhelmed with many things in your head. You need to find time to unwind, practice self-discipline, and communicate your needs to someone if this happens to you. Appreciate that being involved in your studies is important but take time to relax and take care of yourself by knowing that it's okay to need help from others whenever you are in trouble.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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How can you quit smoking permanently with the help of medicine

Female | 22

Smoking cigarette­s has negative effe­cts. You can stop with assistance and commitment. Medicine­s help make quitting manageable­. Smoking harms your lungs, heart, and raises cancer risk. Nicotine­ patches or gum reduce cravings, fight withdrawal. Stick with pre­scribed dosages. Support from loved one­s strengthens dete­rmination. It's difficult, but achievable with perse­verance and help.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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