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Male | 17

X-ray results of my knee pain after accident?

I had gone through an accident today there is too much pain in my knee I have also done the x ray please tell me what happened to my knee

1 Answer
Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 19th Nov '24

From what you have described and the X-ray outcomes, it seems like you have possibly damaged your knee. This kind of damage has a direct impact on the knee. Signs include pain, swelling, and bending difficulties. Use of ice, leg elevation, and knee brace. It is essential not to overwork the knee and consult an orthopedist for more information.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1257)

I am facing joints pain issue doctor suggested to take tablet wyslone 5mg. Is it ok to use during breastfeeding

Female | 27

Joint pain is difficult to manage. It re­sults from arthritis or injuries. Wyslone 5mg tablets provide­ relief. Howeve­r, caution is necessary during breastfe­eding. The medication may pass into bre­ast milk, potentially affecting the infant. Consult your doctor about alte­rnative options safer for breastfe­eding before taking Wyslone­.

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

wrist pain alternating between both wrists, lower back pain, knee pains resembling bruising above the knees and sometimes bruise like pain in the thighs and sharp hip pain all the way to the foot (like a pulled string feeling) - most are often after overuse (phone, walking, sleeping wrong). They don’t always happen at once but sometimes all together. Other discomforts involve stabbing pain inside the foot from under when walking for too long, finger joint pains usually worse the second day after overuse and shoulder and elbow pains after sleeping slightly wrong or overuse. Occasional Tingling/numbness in fingers (I can’t feel my fingers for a few seconds sometimes) and most often stiffness in finger joints occur in the mornings. Occasionally, affected areas exhibit slight redness and warmth. Recently I’ve found that stretching the pained areas helps a lot. General tiredness persists. These symptoms have persisted for nearly a year, fluctuating in severity. There haven't been any major accidents. Tests * anti ds dna is negative * HLA-B27 is negative * Ana is positive — * RF factor negative. * Knee X-Ray shows some cartilage thinning * MRI done: report says Signal loss due to degeneration was observed in the L4-5 disc * vitamin d3 at 28

Female | 24

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Sir, I got a small lump under the nail part above my big toe and it’s little paining . I met an orthopedic doctor. He said uric acid may be high. I had a uric acid test done and it was 4.83 mg/dL. If you ask if those values ​​are normal, the doctor says that you should use Febumin-80 tablet. I don't understand anything. Please tell me what should I do. Can you please explain my situation to me. Thank you

Male | 32

Gout happens whe­n uric acid builds up. It can cause pain, swelling, and redne­ss. Your uric acid level is slightly high at 4.83 mg/dL. The doctor pre­scribed Febumin-80 tablets to lowe­r it. Follow their advice closely. Watch what you e­at to manage gout.

Answered on 20th July '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

I had an injury in my hand? Who is a better orthopedist doctor in Kim’s Gachibowli

Female | 34

If you had an injury in your hand, one reputable orthopedic doctor in Kim's Gachibowli is Dr. Patel. Some of the symptoms that show your hand is injured include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving your hand. Injuries can be caused by accidents or falls. The treatment for hand injuries can be just a respite, ice, and sometimes physical therapy.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Hi I met with an major accident last 2 months back and my right leg was opened and after surgery doctor had put k wire but today while gng to washroom I fell down and my kwire is bit moved and it bleeding what to so

Male | 30

you should get medical help immediately. Contact your orthopedic surgeon and follow medical advice given. Indeed, delaying treatment causes only more problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

What causes thigh pain after hip replacement?

Female | 56

Data from studies indicate that thigh pain is a significant complication after successful cementless total hip replacement surgery. In most cases, reported symptoms are mild to moderate, resolve spontaneously or do not progress, and require little or no therapeutic intervention.

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Rajat Jangir

Dr. Rajat Jangir

Hi there, Hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to ask about medial tibial stress syndrome/tibial stress fractures. I’ve been training for my 2nd marathon for the past few months and have experienced some shin pain along the inside of my left leg (dominate leg). It’s a low pain level that never exceeds 1-3 out of 10 on a pain level scale. My main issue is that it’s challenging to self diagnose this. Part of me sees a couple fracture symptoms - the pain is localized (not big like a typical shin splint), there is slight pain when I run up or down stairs, some discomfort when I jump multiple times on the one leg, and the pain fluctuates from day to day. And although the pain point is localized, it’s not quite as tender or painful as some examples I’ve read online (so maybe not a fracture?). My reasons why I think this could just be a shin splint are because the pain has not gotten worse over the past 3 weeks (while running), and the pain fades away most of the time when I’m running (sometimes I feel discomfort during the first mile or 2 but then it’s gone). I even ran a half marathon race with a personal best time just 5 days ago, and was not bothered by it during or after the race. I started noticing this issue about 3 weeks ago. I took a couple days off from running 2.5 weeks ago to address it. I didn’t think it was anything alarming, so I continued my training for 2 weeks - I run about 50 to 60 miles a week. I haven’t ran for 5 days this week because I began to get paranoid about this injury still lingering (last thing I want is to turn a shin splint into a fracture). It’s strange the injury hasn’t gotten worse, and like I said, the pain fluctuates from day to day, but never exceeds a 3 out of 10 on the pain level scale. I’m wondering if you have any recommendations and if it’s worth visiting a doctor in person soon. My ultimate goal is to still run my marathon the final weekend of April, but I’ll need at least 5 to 6 more weeks of training - therefore if my rest time exceeds 3 weeks, I probably can’t do the race. Obviously it’s not the end of the world if I have to sit out. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon! Take care, Dominic

Male | 23

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

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