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Female | 70

Почему у меня сильное жжение и боль при ходьбе?

12 лет назад мне сделали ТКР на обоих коленях. Даже после оп. Я не избавился от боли, но веду активный образ жизни, каким-то образом справляюсь с этим, так как всегда боюсь, что бездействие ухудшит мое состояние. Вот уже неделю я испытываю сильное жжение в сочетании с болью при ходьбе. В чем может быть причина.

Доктор Дип Чакраборти

Ортопедическая хирургия

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Жгучая боль и боль при ходьбе могут быть вызваны различными причинами, такими как воспаление, инфекция или износ искусственных частей колена. Однако очень важно проверить его у специалиста.ортопедкак можно скорее выявить проблему и назначить правильное лечение. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)

Iam sufferings from serious back pain l4 l5

Male | 45

For severe back pain over the counter pain medications can provide relief. Consult a orthopedic or physical therapist for exercises and stretches from well known hospitals is advisable. Maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes, such as weight management, can also be beneficial. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Hello I am Riyana Banu from Nepal I am spinal cord injured patient my T12 L3 bone is broken can you give me some advice about it sir

Female | 19

If bones are broken, then surgery is the only solution.. But I doubt if there is really broken bones. In case of injury exercises n diet can be help.. Add calcium in your diet, do bhujangasana and hip raises,.. for consultation call, Dr Abhijit's diet physiotherapy n healing clinic, Kolkata at 08910356684

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharya

Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharya

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Suffering from knee pain . need to orthopedic

Female | 60


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. velpula sai sirish

Signs of broken and finger leaning to the side a bit

Female | 16

It can be due to a finger fracture or dislocation. Check with your nearest doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

my toe nail got ripped off im using bandage on it should i avoid bandage to leave it open ?

Male | 20

A toenail injury sounds unple­asant. Ripping off a nail may lead to pain and bleeding. Bandaging he­lps keep the are­a clean, or leaving it uncovere­d if bleeding is minimal. Cleanline­ss prevents infection. Howe­ver, if severe­ pain, redness, or swelling occurs, se­eking medical attention is wise­.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

I have a small tumor in my bicep its nit painful but when i touch it it ache a little is it serious?

Male | 18

Unlike lumps that result from injury, there are cancerous lumps that will go away without treatment. If the tumor is not sore and only hurts when pressed, it could be a benign growth. However, you should seek medical attention for this.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Dr. Pramod Bhor

I am 24years old male and met with an road accident 9 days back and was on some pain killers and i got my x-ray and CT scan done 3 days back that is 6 days post accident the report stated it's avulsion fracture of posterior cruciate ligament. Minimal posterior, cranial displacement of the fracture fragments noted.the consulted doctor suggested surgery is the option and i am looking to avoid it. I will be really happy if some doctor has a opinion otherwise.

Male | 24

yes .. Acupuncture can heal internally almost everything which is not possible in allopathy medicine.
Acupuncture puts the body in self correcting zone and since body has ability to self heal and repair you can experience wonderful results.
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

I had unprotected sex.. now iam facing joint pain what should I do??

Male | 24

Joint pain after unprote­cted sex is concerning. It could signal a se­xually transmitted infection (STI). Common symptoms include discomfort, swe­lling, and stiffness in the joints. Getting te­sted for STIs is crucial to identify any potential infe­ctions. Moving forward, practice safe sex consiste­ntly. 

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

Dr. Deep Chakraborty

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