Male | 19
Ich fühle mich nur faul und schläfrig. Ich bin nicht einmal in der Lage, irgendeine Arbeit zu verrichten. Ich verliere meine Konzentration
Answered on 23rd May '24
Für eine umfassende Untersuchung und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten sollten Sie Ihren Arzt aufsuchen. Ich würde vorschlagen, zu einem Allgemeinarzt zu gehen oder sogar zu einemPsychiater, der Sie richtig beurteilen und Ihnen empfehlen kann, welche Art von Behandlung oder Änderung Ihres Lebensstils Ihr Energieniveau und Ihre Konzentration verbessern wird.
92 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)
Hello, my name is Mathilda I am 22 years old. I just wanted to know, I took 3 quietapine of 200mg, 3 xanax 1mg and 2 stilnox 10mg and 2x 30mg mirtazapine. Am I at risk?
Female | 22
Taking several drugs together can involve serious risks. Those medications can have critical impacts on your physique as they interact. Some signs you might face are dizziness, confusion, slow breathing, and even blacking out. It is important to get help right away by either calling the emergency services or going to the nearest hospital. The medications are mixed, and they can be life-threatening. Therefore, you should get medical assistance at once.
Answered on 29th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
मैं 21 साल की हूं लेकिन वजन 39 किलोग्राम है। मैं जब गुस्सा करती, ऊंची आवाज में बोलने पर, उदास या रोती हूं तब मेरी हृदय की धड़कन तेज,अनजान डर, बेचनी, घबराहट, शरीर में कंपकंपी, शरीर से नियंत्रण खोना आदि परेशानी होती है।
महिला | 21
It seems like you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, which can cause rapid heartbeats, shaking, restlessness, and a sense of losing control. These feelings are common during emotional stress. However, it’s important to visit a psychiatrist who can guide you with the right treatment and support.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I’ve been struggling with sleep the slightest bit of light or noise and sometimes even nothing makes me not able to sleep I’ve been getting frustrated and upset really easily and I’ve been over eating
Female | 18
You might find that insomnia and stress are your main issues. Trouble sleeping can be caused by a little bit of light or noise. Feelings like anger, being upset, and eating too much can lead to other problems. Try creating a soothing bedtime routine, like reading a good book or taking a hot bath. Avoid screen time and large meals before bed. If these steps don't help, seek professional advice from a gynecologist.
Answered on 12th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have anxiety, fear, depression, hedaque I am taking etilam 0.5, Amitone 10, depran L. What is alternative of these medicines
Male | 31
Fear, anxiety, sadness - it seems you face these challenges, along with recurring headaches. The medications prescribed aim to address these issues. However, alternatives exist. Consulting your psychiatrist can open up avenues for exploring different medications or treatments better suited for you.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am 12 years old and i took valerian to sleep and ive been feeling anxious drowsy and been having insomnia ive lost my appetite too please tell me a way how to fix it at home
Male | 12
The use of valerian can lead to side effects such as anxiety, drowsiness, and insomnia. Also, a loss of appetite is a usual issue. To make it easier, drink a lot of water, eat light meals, and engage in calm activities like walking. Being careful not to take any more valerian is important. You will feel better shortly if you rest and take care of yourself.
Answered on 28th June '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I feel like my soul leaving my body sometimes. i suffer from memory gaps and I hear a voice in my mind
Male | 21
YOUMAY BE EXPERIENCING dissociation or depersonalization.. SEEK MEDICAL HELP .
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Lack of Sleep I want some sleeping pills
Female | 19
The signs of sleep deprivation, such as feeling exhausted, being moody, and having difficulties concentrating, can be bothersome. The reasons can be stress, too much screen time before bed, or a noisy environment you cannot control. Rather than sleeping pills, develop a soothing bedtime routine, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath to calm your mind. It can help you get the sleep you need.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
My mother is not willing to eat anything, so can hypnotic therapy will work for her ?
Female | 73
There are numerous reasons for this, such as the risk of depression or some medical conditions. Hypnotic therapy is not usually a method employed in this case. Figuring out the reasons behind her not wanting to eat is the first step. Have the conversation with her first and then help her find the right psychiatrist who will come up with the best treatment.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Can u get psychiatric care online
Female | 59
Yes, you can receive psychiatric care online through telemedicine. Many licensed professionals offer virtual sessions via video calls or messaging.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am a 17 year old female I’m concerned that I may have anxiety
Female | 16
Worry and fear are big parts of anxiety. It makes you feel very scared or uneasy a lot of the time. You might feel nervous, have trouble sleeping, or get tired easily when you have anxiety. Stress, genes, or changes in your brain can cause anxiety. Take deep breaths, work out, or talk to someone to help with anxiety. If anxiety is still hard, a psychiatrist can teach you ways to feel better.
Answered on 16th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Hello , I am 40 year old . I have nightmare problem for 7 year, when I am sleeping at night or day suddenly I wake up I feel someone choke my breath when I am sleeping. I check doctor he gave me medicine like tablet can be used to treat depressive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Male | 40
You might be experiencing sleep paralysis. It happens at night when you suddenly wake up and feel unable to move or breathe for a short time. Though it can be scary, it’s usually not serious. It often happens due to stress, lack of sleep, or an irregular sleep schedule. Try to relax before bed, follow a regular sleep routine, and manage stress with techniques like deep breathing or meditation. If it still worries you, you will want to talk to a counselor or psychiatrist for more help.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
My recent psychiatrist advised me to check with an endroconologist, and a psychotherapist who specializes in sexuality. Any suggestion? Patient is a women of age 42 and is suffering from some mental or brain related issue. She shakes her head frequently and often does not work normally of her day to day work
Female | 42
Information given by you ( some mental or brain related issues)is insufficient to arrive to proper diagnosis, Repeatedly shaking of head needs to see a neurologist, rather than endocrinologist, talk with your therapist for further treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Ketan Parmar
I am having twitching in hand and sole and my stomach area feeling sad crying out feeling alone sometimes can't breath sweating also happens I fear from being alone being lost feel like I am going to die and fear of death comes that time in my mind
Female | 18
You are possibly going through symptoms of anxiety. Twitching in your hand and soul, feeling sad, crying, and having trouble breathing can be all linked to anxiety. Scared of being alone and experiencing sweatiness are also common signs of anxiety. These feelings and sensations may cause you will worry about death. As for the therapy aspect, speak to a therapist or psychiatrist who can help you out with these symptoms.
Answered on 14th Oct '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
Emotionless feeling less mental
Female | 22
Answered on 29th Aug '24
Dr. Sapna Zarwal
Can i take librium for alcohol withdrawal symptoms if i had my last drink this morning
Male | 29
It is not advisable to stay on Librium without seeking medical advice while you are coping with alcohol symptoms of withdrawal. The doctor will assess your condition and only after that make an expert recommendation on the suitable treatment. You must see a psychiatrist who knows all about addiction medicine for the correct assessment and treatment to be done.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have not depression but it came into my mind 24hrs that I have depression
Female | 22
Depression brings exhaustion, loss of pleasure, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and difficulty concentrating. Factors like genetics, life challenges, and imbalances in brain chemistry can contribute to depression. Therapy offers tools, medication stabilizes brain chemistry, and lifestyle changes can help adjust your path. Confiding in trusted individuals and seeking guidance from a psychiatrist are essential steps toward recovery.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I have been diagnosed with insomnia when I was 12 but I think I have a more severe case of insomnia, I’ve been awake for more then 29 hours and I can not sleep I have tried to Wind down but nothing is working and this goes on for days till my body finally gives out
Female | 16
You have a severe case of insomnia. Insomnia is a health problem where a person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Some common symptoms are difficulty concentrating, tiredness, and excessive irritability. Causes such as stress, anxiety, or an unhealthy sleep schedule can produce insomnia. Practicing a bedtime routine, not drinking coffee near bedtime, and relaxation will greatly influence your sleep. If you continue to experience sleeplessness, you need to consult a psychiatrist for additional advice.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I am 25 years old and 228, first time seeing this doctor. She prescribed me lisnopril 2.5mg only take if my blood pressure rises and my heart rate was fast. I get nervous easily and have anxiety
Female | 25
You are dealing with some anxiety and fast heart rate. It's not unusual for your heart to fasten up when you are nervous. Anxiety can sometimes lead to high blood pressure as well. The drug lisinopril 2.5mg can reduce high blood pressure but only when you need it, for example, if your blood pressure becomes too high. You should practice visualization techniques and keep calm to overcome your anxiety.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
I had frenuloplasty two days ago also Dr. Prescribed me bupron sr 150 for depression. Is it ok to take that medicine now?
Male | 28
Are you suffering with depression? if no then no need to take . can consult a psychiatrist too.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Mukesh Carpenter
I have sex addiction so how can i control on it??
Male | 22
Too much sex addiction is a serious disorder that requires help from professionals. It is desirable to consult a psychiatrist in the clinical field who works on sexual addiction. They can give out individual therapy, group therapy, and support groups that will help to control the addiction.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Vikas Patel
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Can changes in blood pressure or heart rate after eating trigger a panic attack?
Can certain eating habits or rituals contribute to panic attacks after eating?
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