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Female | 73

Is my back pain due to cancer?

She has back pain..I have done CT scan..but report show cancer it really sir

1 Answer
Dr. Deepak Aher


Answered on 4th July '24

Give all details. Treatment is possible

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1295)

I've been taking Ozempic for about 6 months. In the past 2 months it feels like in my right arm and hand like its asleep all the time

Female | 55

TINGLING or numbness in the arm might be due to Ozempic.. It's a rare side effect.. Discuss it with your doctor.... They may suggest you stop taking Ozempic or switch to another MEDICATION....

Answered on 26th Feb '25

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I am 23 year old female having quadricep tendinitis from 3 months in both legs now my pain is moving knee to thighs and having extreme pain

Female | 23

You might be having a rough time with your quadricep tendinitis. The symptoms you're going through, like pain moving from your knees to your thighs, can be a challenge. This kind of injury can be caused by overusing your legs or not warming up properly before exercise. To help with this, try doing some gentle stretches and avoiding activities that worsen the pain. As well, applying ice packs and elevating your legs can provide some relief. 

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I got my acl and mcl surgery 4 weeks ago and now I walk without any support or knee brace it is safe or not ?? And today at bending my knee I hear a cracking sound it is possible of break the repaired acl

Male | 24

A cracking sound heard during knee flexion may raise a red flag. It might be caused by the rupture of scar tissue or movement of the joint. However, don't be frightened. Initially, it is not likely that the repaired ACL has been torn again. Still, though, for your good, stay away from practices that hurt or cause any discomfort. Keep being careful, and maybe set up a visit with your surgeon to check that everything is okay.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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Hy myself Ali I’m from pakistan i have issue my feet are bent .it can recover with plaster or surgery please inform me ?

Male | 17

I would tell you to see an orthopedic specialist in Pakistan so that your bent feet can be examined and the most appropriate treatment administered for them. They will show you which alternative – plaster or surgery – would work in your case and aid recovery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello my name is Rohan. Yesterday I fell under a car and my leg is swollen. I went to the doctor but it didn't make any difference. Please tell me how to remove leg swelling because I have an exam tomorrow

Male | 15

Swelling in your leg can occur due to the injury. It is your body's way of safeguarding itself. If the swelling does not subside, try elevated rest, ice pack application, and wear a compression bandage. These measures can help you swell less and thus, ease your pain and make your exam successful. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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My mother leg had a injury...she is diabetic...

Female | 58

If any fracture, needs to get operated but if sugar is under 200

Answered on 3rd July '24

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माझे वय 65 वर्ष आहे मला मागील 2 वर्षांपासून गुडघेदुखी चा त्रास आहे मला चालायला पण त्रास होतो आणि चालत नसताना पण म्हणजे आराम करत असलो तरी खूप गुडघे दुखतात

पुरुष | 65

नी रेपलेसमेत छान राहील .. ऑपरेशन नंतर सर्वे नॉर्मल होते

Answered on 4th July '24

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I have swelling in one finger and not sleep well last one month what is the reason

Female | 31

Any injury on that particular finger ?
acupressure and acupuncture will help in treatment of swelling
Take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 26 year old female I’ve been having muscle pain just below my clavicle bone accompanied with shoulder and neck pain. Also,a pressure builds up in my neck that causes frequent neck cracking. The muscle below my right clavicle is dipped in and causes a lot of pain trying to sit up properly. All the pressure on the neck caused a nymph node behind my right ear.

Female | 26

You might have muscle pain coupled with pressure on the neck and the shoulder region. Muscles are likely to be tensed or strained bringing about such signs. The issue of muscle dropping below your clavicle and squeezing your neck could result from sitting or standing with drooping shoulders. You can ease them by keeping the right body posture always, engaging in mild stretches that won’t hurt much, and using warm towels on those affected spots. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can foot drop be treated without undergoing surgery?

Male | 44

Yes, Electro acupuncture has given great results in treating foot drop.
Foot drop is mobility impairment of an ankle, foot and toes which causes foot drop. It is usually caused by a stroke.
Acupuncture point along with electro stimulation, combined with Moxibustion ( passing heat) showed significant improvement in the condition of the patient.
Acupuncture helps in improving motor function in patients with foot drop. Some physical exercises ( at later stages) will be given which will also help in correcting the foot drop completely.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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