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أنثى | 23

Do you have a medical recommendation for a patient with schizophrenia or psychosis?

اختي تعاني من مرض الانفصام الذهان الذي يدمر حياتها تعاني من العصبية والتكلم مع أشخاص غير متواجدون عندها وتضحك مع نفسها وتعمل سلوكيات غير جميلة وتعاني من فقدان الذاكرة ما الحل لها يا دكتور

1 Answer
Dr. Vikas Patel


Answered on 5th Dec '24

These are usually the effects of mental disorders, which need to be checked by specialists. It is very important to address this issue with her; thus, I suggest that you go with her to see a psychiatrist, who will perform a thorough assessment and provide the appropriate treatment such as medications and psychological counseling. Do not hesitate to give her emotional support as the professionals' treatment can lead to a significant improvement in her quality of life.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatry" (494)

Is xanax safe for a 14 year old

Female | 14

No, Xanax is not safe for the age of 14. Xanax is a highly-addictive drug and doctors prescribe only for anxiety or panic disorders in an adult. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mental condition is not stable

Female | 19

You're going through some changes in your mental health. This can show up as feeling low, anxious, or having trouble concentrating and sleeping. It might be due to stress, traumatic experiences, or certain illnesses. To feel better, try talking to a close friend, taking some time for yourself, staying active, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough rest.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am a 15 year old girl who use to be very bubbly until 2 months over the time when I started not having an appetite I could sleep for days without eating and I it's still happening now I can wake up in the morning and only stay up for five hours before my body starts to feel dizzy or weak and I have to sleep I can very angry and I get very emotional without knowing why I have if I don't feel sad I feel like hurting and being mean to everyone around me

Female | 15

It seems that your moods and eating habits are changing significantly, which could be worrying. Such conditions might be the result of numerous factors including stress, hormone fluctuations, and the like. Your well-being should be your priority. Please, develop a routine consisting of a balance between nutrition and physical activity that will be the reason for your improved mood and energy. Apart from that, social interactions with your close ones can help to alleviate.

Answered on 20th Dec '24

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I m 27 year old I have anxiety problm last 5-6 year

Female | 27

It seems you have already been dealing with anxiety for a while, it definitely can be a hard thing to do. Anxiety can make you feel nervous, scared, etc. It could occur due to stressful situations, genetics, or the imbalances of your brain chemicals. To cope with anxiety effectively, you have to open up about your feelings to someone you can trust, do relaxation exercises, work out regularly, and make sure to get enough sleep.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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i am on 20mg fluxetine one tablet a day i took 3 so 60mg as i missed a few days do i need to go to hospital

Female | 30

Hi there­! Taking more medicine than the­ suggested dose can be­ bad. If you take 60mg of fluoxetine inste­ad of 20mg, it can make you feel dizzy, mixe­d up, have a fast heartbeat, or e­ven get seizure­s. It is important to stay calm and tell your doctor right away. The doctor will help you know what to do ne­xt to stay safe and healthy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I can't sleep I have tachycardia anxiety. Haven't slept for 2 days. I have lorazepam here how much should I take, I have never took anything like that.

Male | 35

The first thing to do is to make an appointment with your family doctor or a specialist to discuss your tachycardia anxiety. Lorazepam self-medication is not advised, and this is especially for those who have never used this drug. Taking the wrong dosage might lead to negative effects and it could also lead to other health problems. For this condition, you will need to consult a professional for a competent diagnosis and the most useful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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obsessive compulsive disorder thouths repeted

Male | 24

Please consult a psychiatrist for complete evaluation and management. Total Health 099678 43249

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I do not know why am I unable to sleep at nights

Female | 27

Insomnia causes difficulty slee­ping. Stress, worries, caffe­ine late in the day could disturb your re­st. Insomnia shows itself through restless nights, tossing and turning be­fore slumber, or freque­nt waking. Develop a calming routine be­fore hitting the shee­ts. Avoid those bright scree­ns too. 

Answered on 29th July '24

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I m 14 year having no interest in studies forgot what learned

Male | 14

Teenagers often may not like some kinds of studying because it seems they have no interest in some subjects. It's similar to our emotions can be weakened or lost by outside forces such as being overwhelmed, demotivated, or distracted. Forgetting what you have learned can indicate that you are stressed or overwhelmed with many things in your head. You need to find time to unwind, practice self-discipline, and communicate your needs to someone if this happens to you. Appreciate that being involved in your studies is important but take time to relax and take care of yourself by knowing that it's okay to need help from others whenever you are in trouble.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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I've had this issue for a long time; the notion of having sex with my family members crosses my mind, and even though I know it's not ethically proper, I can't stop myself. Even the notion that the person with whom I want to have sex wants to have sex with me occurs to me. As a result, I've been into a lot of difficulty. I am always depressed.

Male | 30

As you said things are not ethically right, so it's always better to drop a task that will create problems in future and even difficulties in the family... 

counselling therapy is required.. 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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