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Dr. Pramod Bhor undefined

Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

22 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Pramod Bhor

Questions Answered By Dr. Pramod Bhor

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Calf pain in left leg what can I do ...

Answered on 22nd Mar '25

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Step hit my toe after it pains and turns into red is it broken

Answered on 21st Mar '25

Asked for Male, 47 Years

Want to show my report.. dobe all the reports due to Legs pain

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 41 Years

Its pain from GYM ( deadlift, squat, pistol squat), sprinting. When I stand or walk for more than 3 minutes then pain starts in hip and radiates towards side quad, side calf and shin. ( no numbness, weakness or tingling). There is no pain while sitting and minor pain while lying. Doctor prescribed me pegabalin but I did not continue because heart rate variability observed.

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I wanted to know if my xray is normal or is there any fracture

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 74 Years

I developed back pain when I lift any weight. Pl let me know certain exercises to reduce the back pain

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 28 Years

I'm having difficulty walking because of an incident from my childhood, when I was 10. I don't remember much but when I was 10, I was climbing on a window while playing. Suddenly, pain shot up my spine. Maybe I was hanging there for 15 minutes, and a nerve got compressed. Something I figured out now after growing up. When I climbed down from the window, I couldn't walk properly; I was limping. We went to a doctor, he took an X-ray but couldn't find the problem. I couldn't get proper treatment. I remember I used to go to school with difficulty until 10th grade. Then, after my board exams, we went to a doctor again because the weakness had increased. Again, the doctor couldn't understand the problem. He referred me to Chandigarh. But before that, he gave me injections every week, I think they were for weak bones and nerves. I remember he said my nerves and bones were very weak. It was a temporary treatment. He said the effect of these injections would last for 7-8 years. After the injections, I could walk again like normal people. I just couldn't jump, but everything else went back to how it was before. But the effect only lasted for 3-4 years. I was 16 when I had the injections, and around 19-20 the problem started again. Actually, my mom got ill, she had surgery, and I used to help her with chores, and it started affecting my back. I remember whenever I used to do any work, my back would hurt so much. And again, slowly, I couldn't walk. Year by year, my body became weaker, and now I am completely bedridden; I can't even stand on my own. Because I'm confined to my room, I became depressed, and I started having anxiety issues. Sometimes I fear I might become paralyzed. So, I think the problem started with nerve compression in my back. I just want to know, will I be fine? What exactly is my problem? What should I do?

Answered on 20th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 30 months Years

Knee swelling solution...can I get solution

Answered on 19th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I Got MRI done Of spine for some back pain puropse Can I get to know About my growth plates from that. As I can absorb I have a thin black line between vertibrals and white Between space between each vertribals.... I will be glad for you help doctor..

Answered on 16th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 36 Years

Feet me jalan sujan garmi me problem hoti h ye

Answered on 16th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I had knee surgery two weeks ago to repair my ligament and meniscus. Yesterday, I removed the brace and began using only crutches to walk. At one point, I felt some movement in my knee while walking. Today, when I woke up, I noticed the swelling had decreased, and I don't feel any pain. My question is, did I possibly damage the surgery, or is this a normal part of recovery?

Answered on 18th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I have a creeping sensation, pain and irritation in my hip,groin and one side back. Can it is a symptom of tumor.

Answered on 18th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 55 Years

What is the reason for back pain

Answered on 18th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I have a Big knot on left hip just raised last week

Answered on 18th Mar '25

Asked for Female, Saba Years

I have a creeping sensation,pain and irritation in my hip,groin and one side back from 2 years .can it is a symptom of tumor

Answered on 17th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I feel creeping sensation , pain and irritation in my hip and groin from 2 years . Can it is a symptom of tumor in that parts.

Answered on 17th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Muscle grow on lower things right leg painless no orthopaedic condition What type of disease and what type of doc treatment best

Answered on 14th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 21year Years

Hip pain and pain going to ankle leg

Answered on 17th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I have very much pain in my left leg

Answered on 14th Mar '25

Asked for Female, Ruby Verma Years

Neck pain due to cut by thread while driving an activa

Answered on 14th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 40 yrs Years

I am having a sever lower back pain And also suffering from hermoroide

Answered on 16th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 45 Years

Feeling pain in the morning in knee and fingers joints from last two years.In blood repor uric acid is 6.2 and ESR is 35 ,R.A.Factor is negative and (C-Reactive Protein) is positive. Now pain killer tablets don't relief effectively.Its rehmotoid arthritis disease,I think.How it should be cured by medicine.Name plz?

Answered on 16th Mar '25

Asked for Мужской, 54 Years

Подагра, лечиться ли полностью эта болезнь? Если да, то какими препаратами?

Answered on 10th Mar '25

Подагра – это заболевание, связанное с накоплением мочевой кислоты, что может приводить к болезненным воспалениям суставов. Симптомы включают сильные боли, покраснение и отек. Полностью излечить данное состояние не всегда возможно, однако его можно эффективно контролировать. Препараты, такие как нестероидные противовоспалительные средства, колхицин и препараты, снижающие уровень мочевой кислоты, могут значительно облегчить симптомы. Важно обсудить с врачом индивидуальный план лечения, включая изменения в питании и образе жизни. Профессиональный медицинский совет поможет вам справиться с заболеванием и улучшить качество жизни.
Asked for Male, 30 Years

Back pain to 15 days please tell me

Answered on 10th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I noticed a kind of lump on my left leg last year. It started out small in like July but eventually got a big bigger (noticed the growth in November) and the area turned black. I took Clindamycin for a while and the lump reduced, it's no longer there. This year, a few weeks ago, I noticed a small lump on the same leg above the former place (like the middle of my leg). There's also a kind of bump on my tibi (I can feel it) and there's a spot above my knee, at the side, that's painful to the touch. I have Sickle Cell Disease and in 2016, I had a surgery to remove my left fibula. I had Chronic Osteomyelitis.

Answered on 9th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Gaand me foda ho gya h. Thora thora drd krta h

Answered on 9th Mar '25

Asked for Female, ৭০ Years

পায়ের আংগুল ভাজ হয় না কেনো?

Answered on 9th Mar '25

পায়ের আঙুলের ভাজ না হওয়া বিভিন্ন কারণে ঘটতে পারে, যেমন পেশির দুর্বলতা, আঘাত, অথবা জয়েন্টের সমস্যা। হবে মনে হচ্ছে যদি বেশি সময় ধরে বসে থাকেন বা হাঁটার সময় যথার্থ দৃষ্টি না দেন। এর সমাধানের জন্য প্রতিদিন কিছু হালকা ব্যায়াম করুন, যেমন পায়ের আঙুলের ঠেলার অভ্যাস বা স্ট্রেচিং। যদি সমস্যাpersistent হয়, তবে একজন চিকিৎসকের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করা উচিত। তাঁরা আপনার অবস্থা ভালোভাবে বোঝাতে এবং সঠিক নির্ণয় দিতে সাহায্য করবেন। আপনার স্বাস্থ্যকে গুরুত্ব দিন এবং সঠিক পদক্ষেপ নিন।
Asked for Male, 37 Years

Ankle pain,on the outside

Answered on 8th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Left hand pain till morning

Answered on 8th Mar '25

Left-hand discomfort can arise from various sources, such as muscle strain, repetitive motion, or even underlying conditions like arthritis or nerve compression. Symptoms may include aching, stiffness, or numbness. To alleviate this, consider resting the hand, applying ice, and taking over-the-counter pain relief as needed. Additionally, gentle stretching exercises can promote circulation and flexibility. However, if the sensation persists or worsens, seeking advice from a orthopedist is essential. They can offer a thorough assessment and personalized treatment options to ensure your well-being. 

Asked for Male, 48yrs Years

Pain in my annus and Lower back pain, burning pain sensation in my body

Answered on 8th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Back pain libido disturb sleep

Answered on 8th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 95 Years

left kula fractchur jinko kisi prakar ki koi bemari nhi hai

Answered on 6th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 24 Years

Full tear thickness of ACL

Answered on 8th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 46 Years

I back side pain. Cough come heavy pain

Answered on 7th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Painless Muscle on lower thighs right leg

Answered on 4th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Mere pair main bht dard rehta tha adhi chubti hai mian ne xray krwaya h mujhe smaj nh ari xray mn kya aya h

Answered on 7th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Mera left side wala haath peeth dard hota hai Kbhi kbhi heart bhi hota

Answered on 7th Mar '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Upper thighs muscleon right leg what is the disease

Answered on 4th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Shoulder ligament 12 mm pass

Answered on 1st Mar '25

Asked for Female, 24 Years

My back is pain till 1 week

Answered on 1st Mar '25

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I'm 19 years old ... it feels like my back bones aur neck bones are broken and coming. .. does it can be corrected by exercise aur drinking milk

Answered on 1st Mar '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Muscle on upper thighs why no ortho condition here .

Answered on 2nd Mar '25

Asked for Male, 47 Years

My father met with an accident, knee got injured(fracture) and the blood clot has occurred in the area where the fracture has occurred....and we consulted doctor and he removed blood form the knee( fracture) area soo wt might be the next procedures as per other doctors...

Answered on 28th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Fracture in right hand and I had k wire surgery I want to know how much time it will take to recover because I have a match on 15 may

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Hi am Thebe L, 32 years of age and I have my circumcision a month ago and the wound is healed but is still swollen and not retract to its position but I have no pain. Can you help retract to its position?

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Swelling on upper leg muscles how to solve problems

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 25 Years

My son got kneeinjured while playing tennis. mRI shows high grade ACL tear. Does it necessary to do surgery. Also report showing bone marrow edema. Does it serious condition. His age is 25 only

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Hi metal treatment slove which medicine

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 50 Years

Sciatica nerve legs hurting tingling numbness and shooting pain in legs and feet

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, Patient's age is 75 years Years

Mujhe joro me hadiyo me drd rihta h ase lagta h ak bas tot rahe hen hadiyo me patho me bohot drd rihta h

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 36 Years

I am 36 year old my problem joindis

Answered on 25th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 16 Years

Hi i had ankle surgery and im now in recovery but i have these red ichy bumbs just upwards the foot and im starting to get concerned is that a problem

Answered on 26th Feb '25

Asked for Female, Piyu Years

I'm turning 19 years this year and I noticed that my posture Is not good like others ... and now I'm very stressed about my health condition my back bones and neck bones comes out when I sit relaxed but when I sit straight or trying to improve then my bones don't appear but I have too much pain in my back and below shoulders line when i sit properly or straight during attending my college lecture ... I ask Google about these then it says that appearing bones are cause of scoliosis, kyphosis , lordosis So i think that I have all these please tell me is this can be cure corrected at home with exercise and with a healthy diet or not

Answered on 28th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 26 Years

I am 26 old man my chest & back bone last 3 day

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I have a lot of pain in my entire back and in my neck. If I do any work for 10 or 15 minutes, I get a lot of pain. Whenever I go to sleep, as soon as I lie down on the bed, I get pain.

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 48 Years

Findings: fir oussama The conus is normal. There is right partial sacralization of L5. At L4-L5, there is moderate left and mild right side facet joint disease with thickened ligamenta flava associated with mild loss of disc signal and with a posterior disc bulge lateralized to the left causing moderate compression of the left L.5 root. The disc extends mildly into the left foramen contributing to mild narrowing of the left foramen without clear compression of the left L4 root. At L3-L4, there is mild bilateral facet joint disease without impingement. The marrow shows no suspicious signal. No central canal stenosis. The foramina are normal. No spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. The paraspinal soft tissues are normal.

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 37 Years

I fall down on bike my leg is swelling and oain

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 49 Years

Hi. Can brachial phlexus injury be repaired by stem cells

Answered on 25th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 34 Years

Accident se rid ki hadi tut gayi hai jiske Karan nase block hogyi hai jis k karan puri body peralayis hogyi hai aj pure 4 mahine hogye hai khana khane mae dikkat hai per mae Dard horha hai kux dino se

Answered on 25th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 30 Years

Leg calf muscle pain last 2 months increase

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 29 Years

Pin union porlam full pin 8yars.....

Answered on 19th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 20 Years

my name is farhan i got an injury in my left arm i have crack in tenount

Answered on 18th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 70 Years

Dear Sir/Madam,I live in Iran.My mother has fallen to the ground, and hurt her hip. Her pain has reduced a lot since more than 2 weeks ago (January 27th), but she still feels pain. She says it's about 8% of the pain she felt 2 weeks ago. What can we do to reduce her pain? She refuses to go to the doctors.She is 70 years old, has severe osteoporosis, blood pressure, mild cardiac arrhythmia, and acid reflux. Famotidine, Amlodipine, Bisoprolol, Chlorediazepoxide. She used to have Calcium supplements. Never had any treatments for Osteoporosis, not that I remember.

Answered on 17th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 45 Years

Bones are damage and have pain in back and spondylitis too

Answered on 17th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 34 Years

Infection on hip... How can I share my photos to understand better

Answered on 17th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 60 Years

What is the process for hip surgery including recovery plan with prices

Answered on 16th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 5 year's Years

My son leg frecture XR Report submitted to you please give me advice it's leg properly alignment or not please give me advice

Answered on 16th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 21 Years

So please tell me what l must do because l get pain

Answered on 16th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I have pain in lower back since 6 months

Answered on 16th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Good afternoon sir me 2 years The problem of Sandhiwat is my Kani and Hand Swailing

Answered on 16th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I have a pain in my back I think it is servival

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 45 Years

I have problem in back bone pain over 10 years recently i have very pain

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 24 Years

Hi , few days back due to extreme abdomen pain . I got an injection on my buttocks area. After few days ,I started feeling the injection area as a lump and eventually the lump size got some smaller but still after 2 months of injection,I still feel the area as a small lump . Also at times while walking and standing I feel a sort of nerve like pain throughout my leg from the injection area to the knees . May I know what can be done further ? Is the lump temporary? How can I avoid this pain ?

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Hand thumb cut , Surgery related

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 36 Years

I have pain, swelling and discoloration in the palm of my right hand right under my thumb. When I woke up this morning my entire hand is now swollen and is numb and I am unable to make a fist. What should I do?

Answered on 14th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Finger pain and swelling and sitness after surgery

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 29 Years

And I do have constant body pain every day, my knees hurt

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Hy.. I Am 20 years old... Unmarried... Can I take delish powder my bones are so weak.

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 77 Years


Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 24 Years

My whole body is paining and I m not able to get up from bed since yesterday. And I have been having right side upper back pain. I took medication nothing is working what should I do

Answered on 10th Feb '25

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Widespread discomfort and specific pain in your upper right back can stem from various causes, including muscle strain, stress, or inflammation. Since over-the-counter medication hasn’t alleviated your symptoms, it’s important to seek professional evaluation. I recommend resting, applying heat to the affected area, and staying hydrated. If your condition worsens or doesn’t improve, please consult a healthcare provider for a thorough assessment and tailored treatment plan. You're not alone in this, and getting proper medical attention is key to recovery.
Asked for Male, 31 Years

I went in for MRI cervical spine The result is in just that I don't understand,so I would like to send it here for you to explain to me what it means.

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 29 Years

I have pain in my body. I get tired quickly while working. I can see less with my eyes. I start breathing quickly. I have pain in my legs.

Answered on 13th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 30 Years

Hello I am Ana 30 years old have a swelling and pain on my knee but I didn’t fall it was so sudden I did 3 Mri s and the report showed a partial ACL tear and meniscus tear grade 2 my knee hurts alot and can't move or walk it is very swollen and it's been 3 months I took anti inflammatory pills for 90 days but still the swelling didn't change but increased also I did a crp blood test but it was normal esr also but everything normal but the swelling and pain is there I lost my job I am in bed it's been more than 3 months I need help still don't know what is the cause of this swelling and heaviness in my knee ...thanks

Answered on 12th Feb '25

Asked for Male, 53 Years

Hi , can you please advice me how to book an appointment to check my knee issues

Answered on 12th Feb '25

Asked for महिला, 23 Years

Hmesha kamjori samjh ata hai body me sujan bhi lagti hai

Answered on 12th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 28 Years

My wife left hand pain and narve strain

Answered on 12th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 25 Years

I am 25 year old female and have backache for last 2 months. Numbness in hands , right hip and stomach pain, right feet pain.what is the reason? Which problem

Answered on 10th Feb '25

It's understandable to be concerned about persistent discomfort. Your symptoms, including back pain, numbness, and discomfort in various areas, may stem from conditions affecting the nerves, muscles, or joints. Potential causes could include muscle strain, a herniated disc, or even nerve compression. It's essential to prioritize your health by seeking a professional evaluation. A doctor can conduct necessary tests and provide a tailored treatment plan, which may include physical therapy, medication, or other supportive measures. Remember, early intervention can lead to better outcomes, so don't hesitate to reach out for medical advice. Take care!
Asked for Male, 2 Years

السلام علیکم ہمارے بچے کے سیدھے کندھے کے اوپر کان کے نیچے نا گردن پر گلٹیاں بنی ہوئی ہیں اس کی رپورٹ کروائی ہے

Answered on 12th Feb '25

وعلیکم السلام۔ جو گلٹیاں آپ کے بچے کی گردن کے قریب ہیں، وہ مختلف وجوہات کی بنا پر ہو سکتی ہیں، جیسے کہ انفییکشن، لیمف نوڈز کا سوجنا یا دیگر جلدی مسائل۔ اگر رپورٹ کروا لی ہے تو یہ ایک اچھا قدم ہے۔ ڈاکٹر سے مشورہ کریں تاکہ وہ مزید جانچ کر کے درست تشخیص کر سکیں۔ عموماً، ایسی صورتوں میں رہنمائی اور موزوں علاج کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ فوراً طبی مدد لینا ہمیشہ موزوں ہوتا ہے تاکہ آپ کے بچے کی صحیح مدد کی جا سکے۔ اپنے بچے کا خیال رکھیں، اور مثبت رہیں۔
Asked for Female, 5 Years

I am 25year old female and have backache for last 2 months. Numbness in hands ,right feet pain and right stomach pain for last 3days. Which problem? How relipef the pain.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

It’s important to understand that your symptoms, including back pain, numbness, and discomfort in your feet and abdomen, could be related to various conditions, such as nerve irritation or muscular issues. Relief may often be found through gentle stretching, applying heat, or over-the-counter pain relievers. However, considering the duration and combination of your symptoms, I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment plan, ensuring you receive the most appropriate care for your situation. Take care, and seeking professional advice is a smart step towards relief.
Asked for महिला, 22 Years

मैं 22वर्षीय लड़की हूं मुझे पिछले 4 सालों से कमर दर्द और 2 सालों से गर्दन दर्द है मुझे एस बताया गया है क्या मेरा इलाज कर सकते हैं मैं इस दर्द से बहुत दिक्कत है मेरी पढ़ाई छूट गईं है दर्द के वजह से

Answered on 9th Feb '25

आपकी स्थिति को समझते हुए, कमर और गर्दन में दर्द कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे मांसपेशियों की खिंचाव या हड्डियों की समस्याएं। उपचार के लिए, फिजियोथेरेपी, एक्सरसाइज, और आराम शामिल हो सकते हैं। चिकित्सक द्वारा उचित निदान और इलाज बेहद जरूरी है। आप अपने दैनिक जीवन में छोटे-छोटे बदलाव कर सकती हैं, जैसे सही आसन बनाए रखना और नियमित हल्की गतिविधियाँ करना। कृपया किसी स्वास्थ्य विशेषज्ञ से मिलें, ताकि आपकी स्थिति का सही उपचार हो सके।

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I am a 18 year old female I have joints pain dew to which I consulted a doctor he gave me medications and 5 , b12 injections. A month back my injections were all given to me just right above my hip/butt, back then too felt numbness in my right hip I asked them the same and they told me to do icing I did so but no change. I thought it would go with time but my right hip is still numb after 1 month.

Answered on 9th Feb '25

Persistent numbness in right hip may result from irritation of nearby nerves or muscle tension. While icing can help with discomfort, it’s important to address ongoing symptoms. Consider consulting your doctor again for a thorough evaluation, which may include physical examination or imaging studies to rule out any underlying issues. They could recommend physical therapy, targeted exercises, or further diagnostics.

Asked for Female, 78 Years

Having knee pain 10 yrs post surgery the bone is hurting what could it be and what treatment

Answered on 10th Feb '25

Knee discomfort a decade after surgery could stem from various factors, such as arthritis, post-surgical changes, or soft tissue issues. Symptoms like aching, stiffness, or swelling may indicate underlying problems. It's essential to consult a orthopedist for an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. Options may include physical therapy, pain management strategies, or, in some cases, minimally invasive procedures. Focus on gentle exercises to enhance mobility and strengthen the supporting muscles. 

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I just need to know if I’m over reacting or I need to express the issue? I have a spot on my thigh but it’s larger and I hadn’t noticed it until now when I stood up and it really hurt. It’s very painful since and it’s purple and warm and red and swelling and it worried me a lot

Answered on 10th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 50 Years

I am 50 years old, I have severe pain in my wrist and fingers and also left side of back. I am diabetic and consume 3 gemer 1 tablets a day. Feeling dizzy and lethargic and feeling sleepy

Answered on 9th Feb '25

Asked for Female, 13 Years

i am a 13 year old girl and i’ve fainted once 3 days ago and i’ve been dizzy and tired ever since then suddenly my knee hurt i taped it it has been better

Answered on 30th Jan '25

It’s understandable to feel concerned after experiencing fainting, dizziness, and fatigue. These symptoms can be caused by several factors, including dehydration, low blood sugar, or even growth spurts. Your knee pain might be related to muscle strain or simply overexertion. It’s important to stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and rest. You can gently stretch and apply ice to help with knee discomfort. However, since you have been feeling unwell, a visit to a healthcare provider is wise to assess your situation properly. They can offer personalized care and peace of mind. Comfort and wellness are important, so take care!
Asked for Female, 21 Years

I'm 21 year old female i had chicken guniya 1.5 month ago but my ankle and wrists still have very bad pain in morning i cannot walk probably and sit in bathroom even moving toes and instep also hurt.

Answered on 29th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 18 Years

how much does limb lenghtening surgery cost on femur? how much would it cost on both femur and fibula? can i have surgeries on both parts of leg at once?

Answered on 29th Jan '25

Asked for Erkek, 23 Years

Hello, doctor. The posterior cruciate and anterior cruciate ligaments in my right knee are torn. Do you think I need surgery? If surgery is necessary, what kind of treatment would you recommend?

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Spine problem in l5 which a4 fracture

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 17 Years

meri leg me prolam hi ek leg big hi or ek leg small hi 2ench

Answered on 27th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 9 Years

My child have both knee pain when squatting and running..she also have fingers and wrist pain

Answered on 24th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 16 Years

When i was growing up my head was in good shape but currently its becoming long PLEASE DOCTOR WHAT CAN I DO ,LIKE IS THERE A CURE

Answered on 22nd Jan '25

Asked for Female, 30 Years

muze hip ke upar gath aayi he can you suggest best treatment

Answered on 22nd Jan '25

Asked for Male, 26 Years

I'm 26 year old, I have lower abdomen black pain and my ankle hurts, i have taken medication but it didn't work. What should i do?

Answered on 21st Jan '25

Asked for Male, 26 Years

How To Decrease Leg Pain

Answered on 21st Jan '25

Asked for Female, 36 Years

My mother is 36 years old Her leg pain in two days ago she said that my leg cant bear my weight Pain in my leg is too much when i stand in floor Suggest me some good medicine for my leg pain

Answered on 19th Mar '25

Asked for Male, 32 Years

I have pain at lower back and hips from last 2 to 3 months

Answered on 18th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Hi, my name is Raffaele, 29 yo and I use to have pain between my calf and my tibia. I used Ice packs and pills to reduce the pain but nothing. It happens when im training much or playing soccer.

Answered on 18th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 50 Years

I have been having joint pain in my legs for the past 5-6 years, but it is getting worse now. Uric acid in my blood test. It gradually gets better after taking painkillers. I was taking Fabusin 40 once for a month. It happened again after three months. What can be done? My body is itching more or less at night.

Answered on 17th Jan '25

It's understandable to be concerned about your worsening leg discomfort that has persisted for several years. Elevated uric acid levels can lead to conditions like gout, which may contribute to joint pain. It’s good that pain relief is achieved with medications. Consider discussing with an orthopedist about adjusting your treatment, possibly re-evaluating medications like Fabusin, and exploring lifestyle changes, such as dietary adjustments to lower uric acid. The itching at night may require further investigation. Regular check-ups are essential for appropriate management.

Asked for Female, 15 Years

Pet me dard rahti hai bahut se exre kiye fir bhi bimari nhi mili

Answered on 16th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I am Rahat Ullah from Pakistan. Before 2.5 months I have accident on bike with Suzuki my bones were fracture tibia and fibula my foot upper side skin has deep wound and now that place has pain and swelling please recommend a cream for me.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I am Rahat Ullah from Mardan. Before 2.5 months I have accident on bike with Suzuki my bones were fracture tibia and fibula my foot upper side skin has deep wound and now that place has pain and swelling please recommend a cream for me.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Running ke samay ankle dard hai kya kru

Answered on 15th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 40 Years

I have joined pain. When I wake up my legs and hand are paining My fasting blood sugar level 135 and pp blood sugar level 107 I will take sugar medicine

Answered on 15th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 36 Years

what is the OPD time for shoulder specialist and Dr. name please

Answered on 11th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Running ke bad se mere private area ke aas pass drd ho rha bahut mi presan hu aur ab running nhi kr pa rhi

Answered on 10th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 38 Years

Pain in upper back side and khujli in whole body

Answered on 10th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Hi, I undertand that everyone has paired nasal bones. Is it possible to break one side withiut harming the other? Or is pain on one side after an injury more likely to be a soft tissue injury? Thanks

Answered on 10th Jan '25

Asked for पुरुष, 15 Years

Mai 15 year ka child hu meri height bhut kam hai aur mere pure body me khaskar hands me aur ghutne me sidhiya chalte vakt dard hota hai aur shoulder me pain bho hota hai meri haddiya me bhi dard hota hai halka bhari kaam krne se bhi meri haddiyo me bhut dard hota hai please mujhe answer kre

Answered on 9th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 17 Years

हाथ की अंगुलीया सीधी नहीं हो रही है और अंगुलियों में जोर नहीं लग रहा है

Answered on 8th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I'm 28 an my legs pain stinging pain everytime I get up from sleep a stinging pain knees pain

Answered on 9th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 36 Years

Pain in left side hand shoulder

Answered on 8th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 18 Years

मेरी नाक की हड्डी एक तरफ से बढ़ गई है क्योंकि सास नहीं ले पा रहा हूं अच्छे से 1 साल होने वाला है

Answered on 8th Jan '25

नाक की एक तरफ का बढ़ना और सांस लेने में परेशानी कई कारणों से हो सकता है, जैसे कि नाक का टेढ़ा होना, अलर्जीज, या साइनस इन्फेक्शन। अगर आपको लंबे समय से यह समस्या है, तो यह जरूरी है कि आप किसी विशेषज्ञ से मिलें। डॉक्टर जांच करके उचित निदान कर सकते हैं और उपचार के लिए सही कदम उठाएंगे। यदि आवश्यक हो, तो उपचार में दवाइयाँ या सर्जरी शामिल हो सकती हैं। अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखें और जल्द से जल्द चिकित्सा सहायता लें। 

Asked for Male, 28 Years

My back is tight and it keeps pulsating. If I try to sleep with my back facing the pillow I get these tightness

Answered on 7th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 62 Years

how much the price of Spine surgery

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I'm getting stinging pain in my legs sometimes my big toes pains I'm always cracking my foot waist pain and sometimes my buttocks jump

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 50 Years

My Mother is getting Pain on Shoulder and Neck since Last Week . She is more than 50 Year old. Due to this Pathay Pain she is unable to sleep and Work. I am living in Saudia but worried about their Health

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Asked for Female, 33 Years

33 year old woman, acl repair has been ruptured, can't walk properly, limping

Answered on 6th Jan '25

It seems that you are having more than just a little pain after your knee surgery when your knee gets loose and moving becomes difficult. It might result from a re-injury or complications that did not go well with the recovery process. In the meantime, it is advisable to avoid strenuous activities before seeing an orthopedist. They are the ones who will take a look at your current status and will implement the most appropriate treatment modalities, which can be physical therapy or, in some cases, an ace with further imaging studies to find out the extent of the damage. 

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I m 24 year old female and svere pain fron sone days

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 37 Years

Hello! My name is Sergey, and I am a close acquaintance of the patient who has sent you this inquiry regarding consultation for implantation. The patient is 37 years old and sustained an injury 6 years ago due to the fall of a heavy object. Several surgeries were performed, and the amputation of the left big toe was carried out. In this regard, we would like to inquire if you have a solution for this issue. We are interested in proceeding with the procedure of implanting an artificial toe with load-bearing functionality. Best regards!

Answered on 4th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Hi I am not feeling well and having pain in knees

Answered on 4th Jan '25

Asked for Male, 18 Years

how can i know that my growth plate are closed or open at home

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I am 17 year old female. A heavy metal container fell on my knee which caused a lot of bruising. It didn't hurt after that. In June it hurt mildly for a few days then the pain went away. In September the pain came back and it was worse. My knee had swelled up a little, it popped a lot and it hurt a lot continuously for 3 weeks. After that the pain calmed down but I've been having continuous mild knee pain since

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

Asked for Female, 25 Years

I am 25 years old lady. I had an injury to knee during 23 rd dec 2024.Doctor tell me that I have fracture in knee. They don't explain how severe that. Please explain

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

Asked for Female, 40 Years

Functional infection pain swelling thum and hand

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

Asked for Female, 24 Years

Left hand pain and shivering

Answered on 31st Dec '24

Asked for Male, 12 Years

My son's hip bones are out of the sockets and he's only able to walk using crutches. Due to severe pain, he's posture has been affected and he bends forward. He has developed some deformity on his back due to the posture. What can we do?

Answered on 30th Dec '24

The pelvic mismatch tends to bring other related problems and thus, it should be corrected. In my view, a visit to a competent orthopedic doctor is the first step here. They can determine the extent of the situation after a thorough examination is performed. This would include a review of his joints and might lead to a recommendation for a more therapeutic approach such as physical. 

Asked for Male, 16 Years

Hi I broke my finger in turkey and the doctor said that I might have a surgery can you please check my x ray if my finger is that bad do I have to be operated

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I am a 29 year old Female. I am having trouble standing up. I think I twisted my lower back. It started today.

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 53 Years

Hi I'm 52 yrs old female with torn ACL ligament, worn cartilage and torn meniscus I'm confused wether to go for surgical reconstruction or to go with life style modifications. But without medicines the pain gets aggressive.

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 42 Years

My coler bane look like block

Answered on 30th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Paraspinal spasm noted. Disc dessication noted at L4/5 Circumferential disc bulge noted at L5/S1 indenting thecal sac and bilateral exit neural foramen. Circumferential disc herniation noted at L4/5 with thecal compression and bilateral exit neural foramen narrowing Vertebral bodies are normal in height and signal intensity. The spinal cord shows normal signal intensity. No intraspinal or extra spinal mass lesion Pre and paraspinal soft tissues are normal Both sacro iliac joints are normal. Facet joints are normal. IMPRESSION: Paraspinal spasm. Disc dessication at L4/5 Circumferential disc bulge at L5/S1 indenting thecal sac and bilateral exit neural foramen. Circumferential disc herniation at L4/5 with thecal compression and bilateral exit neural foramen narrowing. FOR CLINICAL CORRELATION. Curable medicines suggest sir

Answered on 28th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 22 Years

My feet have been in pain for 3 weeks should i get a x ray Should I go out in sunlight

Answered on 28th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Sir I have done X-ray of cervical. Tell me it's cervical problem or not

Answered on 27th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

I have swelling in my right knee

Answered on 27th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 22 Years

My feet are in pain 4 weeks

Answered on 27th Dec '24

Experiencing discomfort in your feet for weeks may have been caused by the fact that your feet were subjected to different amounts of pressure, you were wearing uncomfortable shoes, and you may have some grave diseases such as plantar fasciitis or arthritis. Common symptoms include aching, swelling, or stiffness. To alleviate discomfort, try resting your feet, applying ice packs, and elevating your legs. Well-made shoes can make a big difference.

Asked for Female, 52 Years

Am fost operată de colecist acum 2 săptămâni si sunt îngrijorată ca am dureri de spate cand stau in pat

Answered on 26th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

I m 24 years old and I have back pain issue before 2 months heavy weight door uthwane ki wja sy hua tha or ab 3 month chl rha h ab leg ma pain start ho gya h mjhe nerve ka issue LG rha h Maine neurosurgeon ko b dikhaya but medicine sy koi frk ni pr rha

Answered on 26th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 56 Years

Mri Report check of ls spine and whole spine screening

Answered on 26th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 75 Years

My grandma is 75 years old. Today a big object fell on her toe, we took a radio graph of her hallux so i wanted to know if there is any fracture there or not.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 43 Years

Severe leg pain and there are some nerve marks near thigh

Answered on 24th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I was crashed from my bike while I am riding after that I have a wrist pain

Answered on 24th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Hi there This is Najad here Iam having heavy lower backpain.I experienced this a year back now all of a sudden it got worse since last week I was having lower back pain but yesterday all of sudden it got worse I cant move properly.When change posture sitting standing its catching and hurts badly. Iam Indian expact living in UAE

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

Asked for Female, 14 Years

I fell down a flight of stairs and my ankle is swollen and sore. Can you help me figure out what's wrong and what I can do to fix it?

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I am 30 year's old male and have back pain for last 1 month i already used pain relief medicine and other orthopedic medicine ointment cream couple of weeks but haven't got any relief what should i do

Answered on 19th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

1st Metatarsal bone fracture

Answered on 17th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

Helo im 23 year old female i went gym for 4 months now im having left shoulder pain 1 week

Answered on 14th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I am a 16 yearbold female and i experience leg pains when there is frequent physical motion or walk a long distance

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 55 Years

I am 55 year old male...had my spinal cord operation 2 and half years back , at first it was little easy for me but now I'm in a continuous pain at neck and feels like it's contracting the whole portion leading to imbalance in my body...and causing severe pain , why so !?

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 33 Years

I'm 33yrs old ..I'm female.. I have lower back pain from evening today it's mild heavy can't do my work and sit.. My last lmpis nov 7.

Answered on 12th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Hello I am interested in doing a limb lengthening surgery but I have a fear of inserting a metal rod can doctors also have an option to insert a bone graft(which is from another donor) so that it will be more good for PPL

Answered on 12th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I have pain in my buttocks from yesterday the Petal like structure has slightly came out yesterday from the time I am facing this problem

Answered on 10th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I am a 28 years old male. While working out today I felt sudden sharp cramp at my lower back. Feeling that cramp for 1.5 hours. Different body postures making the cramp worse.

Answered on 10th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

Recently one of my fingers was cut off due to a bike accident. I have undergone plastic surgery on the finger and an iron wire has been stuck on it, but why does my hand look small?

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Im a 29 year old male. Since 10 to 15 days experiencing fatigue all over body, knee and leg pain even for a 5 minute walk. Join pains

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I have small lamp in my shoulder for 5 years and now i experience some pain when im carrying something

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 50 Years

I have seviou pain in shoulders balde

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 42 Years

Hi Doctor, I had a minor accident from bike due to which my left shoulder is impacted. Its been 4 days i dont have a smooth movement of my left shoulder as i'm trying to raise hand and bring it down experiencing pain on rotator cuff. There is no pain if hand is still and not in motion....What do you suggest doctor I shoulder do

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 37 Years

T11 hairline fracture symptoms

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I am 22 years old female i had an accident 1.5 year before my bone was dislocated and had a surgery and fitted a steel plates in leg so whats is best time to remove plates

Answered on 7th Dec '24

The condition of the plates can be checked for the possibility of removal between 6 and 12 months after the operation, if there is no pain, swelling, or mobility issues. It is very important to consult an orthopedist and tell about any symptoms that do not go away, and the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis by imaging and a physical examination. They will be able to provide you with guidance and make sure that you make a safe decision regarding your leg. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

My all body in pain I'm feel fatigue and fever when I'm lay down on bed my knees burning

Answered on 9th Dec '24

Asked for Female, Shail tiwari Years

I am shail I am 38 yrs old I have knees pain

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Typical signs are swelling, stiffness, or pain during any movement. To get rid of this, apply ice, put the leg up, and take over-the-counter painkillers if needed. It is essential to include strengthening exercises and weight management for health benefits. But, if the symptoms persist or become worse, you should consult an orthopedist for a comprehensive evaluation and individualized advice.

Asked for Male, 16 Years

I am 16 yrs I have been limping for 7yrs nw and is paining me

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 52 Years

I am feeling pain in my toes. When I slept last night, it was not there. But after getting up in the morning, it was there. Is this because of Sugar?

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Okey so from past 2 months im having back pain from which im unable toh sit like im sitting for 5 minutes and than my back starts paining also its difficult for me to bend forward.. and my back is not when im laying down so what's is this issue can u please tell me.. also i have tried consulting a doctor he said it due to lack of calcium and vitamin im havin g medicine but its not helping me..

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

Hii I am shail I am 35 yrs old I am knees pains

Answered on 5th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 73 Years

I m suffering from sciatica pain for the last 5 months. No relief after physiotherapy, pain killers and stretching exercises. What to do now?

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I’m 20 year old male. I’m feeling pain in only a single spine while stretching and while bending my neck too much. The pain in the spine that is between the scapula. The pain in not radiating or spreading. It is only on that single spine

Answered on 6th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 43 Years

The Central TFCC TEAR heal without surgery.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Shoulder pain Lower back pain Ribs pain Fever Cough

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Asked for Female, 66 Years

My mother is suffering from arthritis for decades. She has twisted toes, fingers and other joints. do you have som program for arthritis patients.

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

This disease causes the joints to become sore and start to become stiff. Swollen fingers and toes are usual symptoms. Arthritis occurs when the cushion located in a joint degenerate. It can be a result of aging, an old injury, or the genetic background. To assist, your mother can engage in some light exercising, eat healthy food, and take medication prescribed by a doctor.

Asked for Female, 65 Years

Overall imaging findings are suggestive of basilar invagination causing significant compression effect over the proximal cervical cord resulting in compressive myelopathy along with post surgical changes as detailed. Clinical and prior pre-surgical imaging correlation will be helpful. Degenerative disc disease, predominantly at C2-C3 and C3-C4 levels, resulting in moderate radicular compression, as detailed. DR SAMEERA SALMAN FCPS, MBBS SENIOR INSTRUCTOR

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

As per the imaging results, it appears that there is a situation called basilar invagination that presses the brain stem on the superior spinal cord, thus causing the formation of a condition called compressive myelopathy. The squeezing action can result in numbness and poor coordination of the body. In addition, the fact that they have degenerative disc disease at C2-C3 and C3-C4 might also be the cause of the nerve root compression. This pain, tingling, or weakness in the arms may occur. You must meet with your doctor so that the best treatment plan which may consist of, physical exercise, drugs or surgery to unburden the spinal cord if necessary can be discussed. It is not something you can overlook if you aim to prevent further complications and have a better quality of life.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Hello , please , I would like to get an opinion on a surgical procedure for repairing ligaments and a tendon transfer, and the price

Answered on 30th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

I am a 27 years female and recently I fell down and my wrist got swollen and I have done an x-ray but couldn't understand the report

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

Hi im a 27 year old man and my head keeps cracking when I turn my head I had it since 2022 I don't have pain im quite worried about it

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

Hi I am Nantha 27yrs old I had injury in my ring finger inflamed I can't do any work if I move my finger I can hear sound it's so painful

Answered on 30th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I am 20 year old man, suffering with lower back pain beside either sides of spine. I've been lifting weights for quite a while now, recently whilst I was performing my deadlift (I hit it heavy past my capability)with a very bad posture and I heard a "chik" sound from my back the sound was negotiably light, but the actual pain started from there, as I'm a computer science student I'll have to sit on PC for hours...this problem has now limited my mobility and when I bend at certain angles it hurts like it wont allow me to bend and it even happens when i sit on same position for hours.... I've done several stretches and applied move creams for 2 3 days consecutively yet no difference... What should I do this problem is very annoying..

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Asked for Male, 53 Years

Yes broken leg and leg Sergery how to get impvmnt

Answered on 27th Nov '24

If you have suffered from a broken leg and have undergone surgery to mend it, the improvement progress can be quite slow. Post-surgery, pain, swelling, and limited mobility are common symptoms that can be expected. Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter to get better - that is, do physical therapy exercises, rest your leg if needed, and take any drugs that are prescribed. You will soon start feeling better and can move easily, but you should be patient and give it time.

Asked for Female, 34 Years

I had an injury in my hand? Who is a better orthopedist doctor in Kim’s Gachibowli

Answered on 27th Nov '24

If you had an injury in your hand, one reputable orthopedic doctor in Kim's Gachibowli is Dr. Patel. Some of the symptoms that show your hand is injured include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving your hand. Injuries can be caused by accidents or falls. The treatment for hand injuries can be just a respite, ice, and sometimes physical therapy.

Asked for Male, 60 Years

Neck pain taken FNAC test...can you please look into the report

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

feeling chill back pain heel pains

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Asked for Female, Bhavani Years

Pain on the left side of the hip, neck bone pain, discomfort extending from the ear bone to the hip bone, and occasional belching.And I have a irregular periods also I don't get any medicine

Answered on 26th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

Hi...I am 34 year Male & im having severe pain in my left leg hip joints & so I am unable to walk & sit. 3 years ago same problem occurred that time I consulted doctor & taken phisotherapy & tablets & now again the problem has started & this time I have done X ray,MRI & CT scan of Hip joint & observed following remark "diffuse sclerosis is seen in the left ileum in the peri articular region of left SI Joint mostly post traumatic micro trabacular fractures.small subchondral pit is seen along the ilial surface of left SI Joint... An altered marrow signal is seen in the per articular region of left SI Joint suggestive of marrow en Edema. Mild effusion is seen in the both hip joints" But I have not met any accident & all then how the mild facture is observed?? & What treatment should be taken to cure this disease

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

is Dr titus is hand surgeon?

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Titus is one among them who primarily focuses on the problems of the hands based on their skill and experience. The symptoms of a hand problem can be pain, swelling, numbness, or difficulty in the movement of the hand.

Asked for Male, K SADAK VALI Years

I have knee pain from four days

Answered on 22nd Nov '24

Asked for Male, 57 Years

I live in New York have problem with my back ,planing to go there for second opinion my pain is there all times I tried therapy ,medication ,injection ,

Answered on 21st Nov '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Sir dard chakkar aana muscle pain weakness

Answered on 25th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Iam having nervous weakness having joint pain' knee from 4days suddenly,both legs,iam 20 years old .knee pain full, please give medications

Answered on 25th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I am 18 year old Mera accident hogaya so I get injured Dard.. Chest me pain.. Pair mud n rha Bleeding ho rha.. Jade chot lg gyi h ghutne me To dressing hone ke baad v khoon beh rha

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I have also my xray reports can you check it sir plss i want clarity that what has happened doctor is saying there is a ligament injury can you also check sir

Answered on 25th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Iam having severe pain above knee joint,from 5days .I can't walk properly, can't stand due to pain,why did it suddenly happened?,and iam having nervous weakness hand paining,thumb etc joints pain ,

Answered on 26th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 67 Years

Sir/Madam I have been suffering from Sciatica pain, weakness, calcium deficiency, and muscle pains since18 years. I came to know that vitamin tablet intake will improve my health. Please advise me of the prescription. Regards, SAJJAN J

Answered on 19th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I had gone through an accident today there is too much pain in my knee I have also done the x ray please tell me what happened to my knee

Answered on 19th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Hey, what I’d like to check is what the implications are that I seem to have symptoms developing after having the first vaccine. The bite mark has swelled and is itchy/prickly. The muscles in the affected leg feel tired and heavy. Might be totally unrelated but I woke up today with the hamstring in the other leg feeling pulled, I don’t think I was doing anything that would pull it. Facts are - I was lightly bitten by a wild dog on the evening of the 15th. By noon of the 16th I had the vaccine (Rabivax-S). Since then the symptoms above have appeared around the bite mark.

Answered on 19th Nov '24

Swelling and itching near the bite, tired legs, and muscle heaviness are likely due to the dog bite and the vaccine. Your body might be overreacting to the vaccine. The hamstring pain in the other leg may not be related to the bite or vaccine. Use cold compresses and OTC antihistamines for itching and pain. Rest your legs and avoid physical activity to ease fatigue. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Ensure rabies prevention by following your doctor’s advice.

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Hello Doctor, My joints and bones are paining and my leg is swelling that's why I have muscle weakness and so less immunity. I'm working and my job is sitting in the chair the whole day, please tell me what to do?

Answered on 19th Nov '24

Muscles would be weakened consequently and immunity to illnesses would be lowered. Set a timer for an hour on your phone and get up to walk or stand each time it goes off. Move them and pump your muscles for better circulation. One of the tips to deal with swelling is to raise your legs while sitting. Besides that have healthy food and drink a lot of water.

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Hi mam/sir I have a injury for my toe little finger and I need some help healing the injury. As I'm a student I can't miss my classes so I need some help from you so that I can healing my injury. Thank you Mam/sir

Answered on 19th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I have alot of swelling in my leg i cant walk and its painful

Answered on 18th Nov '24

You might have a disease called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It begins when occurs a clot in a deep vein, most often, however, in the leg. Swelling, pain, warmth, and redness are the symptoms. To cure DVT, blood thinners may be required to stop the clots from getting bigger. Intensive care interventions also require a raised leg and rest. However, it might be necessary for the veins to be compressed further if your leg swelling and pain do not go away or worsen.

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Im a 18 year old male havin leg injury some 2 to 3 months ago and it'll Heald but there is a puss in side so i make a small hole to gett it out but now the hole cant gets heal... So what can i do

Answered on 26th Nov '24

Pus is a sign of infection; hence, your wound can be infected. The next steps are to keep clean areas, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover them with a bandage. Moreover, you need to talk to a doctor to be sure the wound is healing well.

Asked for Male, 31 Years

left solder injury i am olradi mri schaning so pleez help me

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 40 Years

I have chronic upper spine pain since 2017. Pain is now worst. When I am breathing; upper back pain is so much.

Answered on 18th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 32 Years

I am a 32 year old woman. The real thing is that for the past few days I have been having pain in my hand and knee and it also gets swollen.

Answered on 14th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 24 years Years

Hi Ma'am, I am Deepanshu Chaudhary (Age 24 years). I have had pain in my hip since the past 2-3 months. It became minimum when I did physiotherapy sessions but it came back again. I consulted an orthopedic surgeon with an Xray and he suggested me to do an HLA B27 test which came out to be borderline positive. I am confused and worried about this test result. Also my next consultation with him is tomorrow which is why I am getting a bit anxious about my condition and the result. I wanted to know whether this a serious problem or not

Answered on 13th Dec '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Sir I myself karthikeyan age 24 I have pain in upper back left side and I feel pressure in chest due to that neck also having pain from last 6 month I am suffering this I even went to pysio before but the pain is not going sir My ecg for heart is perfect even I got mri scan for the neck and in report c4-c5 level shows mild disc bulge causing indentation over ventral thecal sac but doctor told this is nothing to worry plz sir help me to cure this problem I am tired because of this pain

Answered on 12th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

i'm 19 years old and i have problem in hip they told me that i have to go under operation of total hip replacement so i was asking you to suggest me where i can go where they have good successful rate and even i was asking if my both legs will have the same length after operation couse i'm suspicious right now affected leg is smaller compared to other and if i was asking if i will walk on my own

Answered on 13th Nov '24

Hp replacement solves issues like pain and ineffectiveness. Top hospitals for the procedure are the ones that have good results, so look for a place and hospitals that have gained a positive reputation among patients. The surgery will then make your legs more even in length and if you take care of yourself and follow the therapy programs properly, you will be able to walk on your own as before. 

Asked for Female, 76 Years

had a fall resulting in fractured femur - hospitalised and eventually discharged home - able to mobilise with frame. A second fall resulted in damage to replaced hip joint. Emergency surgery followed by infection in joint and removal of hip on one side. Months in hospital - no improvement with physio. Now in care home, totally immobile - on morphine for pain relief. No muscle tone in legs which are permanently bent to the side up to buttocks. Is there any possible remedy?

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 45 Years

Spine pain after encountering of an injury while doing push ups did some treatment Pain has started again so wanted to check up L3 and L5

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Female, Aruna Years

I got recently surgery for my femur hip on right side I'm in bed rest now but my left hip is also hurting from few days don't know why is this a serious condition

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 60 Years

My mother was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2014. She was operated on and given 12 of chemotherapy. Now she is cancer free but she has some side effect of chemotherapy on her leg due to which her leg is cramp which doctor should she see for treatment?

Answered on 11th Nov '24

The cramping in her leg could be a side effect of the chemotherapy she received. This is called peripheral neuropathy, which is a very common problem. Among the symptoms are pain, tingling, and muscle weakness. She should make an appointment with a neurologist for an evaluation and the doctor can find out what could be the possible treatments. In the meanwhile, mild flexing and massaging of the painful leg might be of benefit in the spasm reduction.

Asked for Female, 35 Years

I am a 35-year-old girl, and I suffer from neck pain. I only used painkillers

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Hey doctor I have had this indent in my wrist from a while now and I also have pain in my wrist when I wake up in the morning and also when I bend my wrist and also when I press the dent could you please help me with this is this a serious issue, should I get it checked properly?

Answered on 14th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I"ve back bone problem please guide me what will i do

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Lower back pain mainly in spine near the flank area. Pain not present all time. Pain occurred after waking up from bed at any time.

Answered on 8th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I am having back and pain lain today mere yeh pain hota ha kbhi kbhi par bahut zda hota hai like sahan ni hotaa ab bhi hora hai mai kaise band kru isee

Answered on 7th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

my left leg middle finger is crack can i return my finger

Answered on 6th Nov '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I have needles in my back

Answered on 7th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

I have back pain I can’t no wake up some days

Answered on 7th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 56 Years

I have my left leg Knee is swelling from last 3 days

Answered on 4th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Pain in left knee. Its been a year and more now. Pain inside the knee. It gets worse when I take sprint or bend or play football.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

Inner knee pain that worsens after running, bending, or playing football could be due to an injury like a meniscus tear or ligament damage. Try resting, applying ice, and avoiding activities that increase pain. A physical therapist can guide you through exercises to strengthen your knee and relieve pain.

Asked for Female, 9 Years

ghutne me dard aur gir jana chal na pana

Answered on 1st Nov '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Hello Doctor Jai Hind, I am currently under basic training of Sub-inspector in CRPF in Coimbatore During my basic training which has been started from 20th August it has been more than 2 months. But since a month i am suffering from LATERAL KNEE PAIN which in the beginning , caused me unbearable pain in night time when i straighten my left leg but after massage i got rid of that pain. But it has been month i am not being able to run - i am using Nike Revolution 6 shoe for running purpose. I cannot take rest because i am under training If i would take rest i would be relegated Please help me what should i do I have Pain While Landing on my left foot during running - PT We have a schedule for 15-20 KM running in upcoming time as a part of training . I have to complete that race i cannot deny that - what should i do

Answered on 1st Nov '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Sir Mera knee dislocated hua hai or mujhe 1 month ka plaster lga hai to Mera question ye hai ki.plaster remove hone ke Kitna din bad me chl sakhti hun or Kitna drd rhega actually mere exam or aare hai to isliye

Answered on 1st Nov '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

Back pain headache and i wake up in the night for washroom

Answered on 31st Oct '24

Back troubles can be a result of improper posture, bearing heavy loads, or remaining seated for a long period. Tension and not drinking enough water can be the reasons for headaches. The urge to urinate in the middle of the night might be a bladder issue. To recuperate, begin with simple training, increase your water intake, and get to bed earlier.

Asked for Male, 64 Years

I am jograj 64 years old having a leg pain weakness and irrablity with family members and I use various cream ontiment tube pain relief tube and spray but can't any perfect result so what is best for me can you please help me.

Answered on 30th Oct '24

These could be caused by different reasons, like muscle strain, nerve issues, or arthritis. To ensure that the right course of treatment is provided, it is necessary to seek a thorough examination by an orthopedist who would also be able to recommend the right physical therapy, medications, or other therapies that are tailored to suit your specific condition. It is important to keep in mind that addressing the underlying cause of your symptoms is the key to effective management.

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I m SANJAY I have sleep disc problem right leg vibret in feet and right side but heavy

Answered on 30th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 15 Years

I'm a volleyball player who had ankle sprains over a year ago I have been having ankle pain and wondering if it was a stress fracture

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

You might be having a stress fracture in your ankle. A sports activity can sometimes be followed by the bone becoming too stressed and hence, this can happen. Symptoms consist of pain, swelling, and the inability to walk properly. To heal, you'll need rest, ice, raising your foot, and probably a brace. It's good to let it be and let your ankle heal. 

Asked for Male, 40 Years

Hi, I'm taking 1.5ml of Testosterone Ethanate 300mg/ml once per week but I'm due to get a cortisone injection in my hand for trigger finger in 2 weeks time. Will this be ok to have whilst I'm taking this?

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Testosterone Ethanate (T.E.) is a hormone, while cortisone is a medication used to reduce inflammation. Getting a cortisone injection for the trigger finger shouldn't be an issue while on T.E., as they work differently in the body. However, always inform your orthopedist about all medications you're taking. Trigger finger occurs due to tendon inflammation, causing fingers to get stuck in a bent position. A corticosteroid injection can reduce the inflammation and relieve symptoms.

Asked for Female, 60 Years

I am 60 Years old( I have diabetics) and I am having bad leg pull and lower back pain from past few days. My ankles and thumb are a bit swollen. This will remain for few days and go after a good rest/ or take a DOLO 650. This will return after few days. There are no other complaints.

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Asked for Female, 50 Years

सर मेरी मां का बॉडी हल्का-हल्का फूल जाता है फिर बंद हो जाता है और लिए लेफ्ट लेग में पेन होता है

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Toenail is broken by bike stand

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Your toenail got broken by the bike stand. You may see a bruise, pain, and swelling in the area. The toenail might also be damaged. To help, make sure to wash the area, use a bandage, and watch for signs of infection. If you want to, you can take painkiller medicine. The most important thing is to let it heal naturally.

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Hi There, I recently had a full blood count test and a kidney function test to check for any abnormalities, and the results were normal. However, lately, my hands have been feeling full and it’s difficult to open and close them, sometimes causing pain. They do swell slightly, particularly in the morning after I wake up. At night, I can feel blood flowing to my hands, and I experience the same sensation during the day at work.

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

I am a 19 years old girl and have been experiencing extreme discomfort and pain in my upper back, specially at night and after smoking. I have also been going through shortness of breath after doing exercise and regular walks I havent taken any pills or done anything differently what should I do?

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Asked for Female, 68 Years

Infection to the base of leg.

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Asked for Female, 64 Years

Suffering from left groin pain from the past week.medications from family doctor did not work out immense pain lifting the leg & down to the ground.pls advice what can be the reason & what tests required for treatment

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Groin pain can come from different sources like a muscle strain or hernia. To find out the right one, an orthopedist might recommend your tests like an ultrasound or MRI. These tests are to look through your body and find the exact problem. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor can recommend the right therapy, which may consist of physical therapy or surgery. 

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I'm a 21 year old who's been having back pains for a week which make it hard for me to sleep it's like they jus there and they hurt and my stomach usually takes me out to the toilet but sometimes nothing comes put

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Asked for Male, 66 Years

My father leg knee pain issue from last 2 to 3 ago till now sometimes pain in knee & no any part of the body just 1 leg pain issue sometimes another leg pain & swelling something then better again recycling this process my father taking vitamin d calcium supplement his knee is going good then after some day again knee pain & swelling issue

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Little toe pain for 4 months

Answered on 18th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 43 Years

I am a 43 year old female, I have been experiencing chronic lower back pain for the last 8 months, the pain feels like it is nerves, I have trouble walking and can only walk around 20 metres. I take lyrica and palexia, they do not seem to be working. This is having a huge impact in my life

Answered on 18th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

6 years back I got accident with my knees small scar is there know I got married I have tried to date with my wife suddenly I am facing issues of injury in that place bleeding also now how can I resolve this problem can you please let me know

Answered on 17th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

1.What should I do for my hand joint foot joint pain? 2.I was going to meet you on Friday or Saturday afternoon in whatever chamber you would be available

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

I fractured my patella on 7/9/24, and was crap bandge for a week, and I had cast plaster from 15/9/24, plaster was removed on 14/10/24, knee is still swollen, can't bend knee, can't lift leg up, had x-ray, crack is still visible. The doctor said that the bone that is formed now cannot be seen on xray, after three months xray will not show the cracks.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

I got my acl and mcl surgery 4 weeks ago and now I walk without any support or knee brace it is safe or not ?? And today at bending my knee I hear a cracking sound it is possible of break the repaired acl

Answered on 16th Oct '24

A cracking sound heard during knee flexion may raise a red flag. It might be caused by the rupture of scar tissue or movement of the joint. However, don't be frightened. Initially, it is not likely that the repaired ACL has been torn again. Still, though, for your good, stay away from practices that hurt or cause any discomfort. Keep being careful, and maybe set up a visit with your surgeon to check that everything is okay.

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I am 28 years old, my right heel and foot is very painful for more than one month, my doctor prescribed some medicines but the pain has not cured. Xray report are normal.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I am a 20 year old female I am having shoulder and chest pain form 2 months..

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 16 Years

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone my name is Ali Hamza. I am 16 year old.sir I am experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 months. Symptoms like numbness and sleepy some time. Medication Gablin, viton, frendol p, acabel, prelin, Repicort, rulling already used and now only using Viton,prelin.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

The symptoms of numbness and sleepiness are concerning. These symptoms may be due to a problem with your nerves or spine. You must see a doctor as soon as possible for a proper evaluation. The drugs you have listed are good for the relief of pain, but if we want to know the exact reason for your symptoms, we must treat the underlying cause. Please seek medical attention promptly to address your concerns.

Asked for Female, 73 Years

Namaste. My mother is of 72 years and has a problem with her both legs. Lots of heaviness and tough legs. Flat feet, unable to walk or fold her legs. Not even able to comfortable to sit on a chair. Thanks

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

I'm 27years old male and have knee pain (ACL ) for the last 3 years. I have used medicine ,pain killers ,phototherapy but they haven't got relief .what should I do know???

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

i am a 15 year old male and my knee has been swollen for 4 years now, i fell off an electric scooter, i just wanted to know why i am still swollen

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 61 Years

I m a 61 yr old female.i had a lower back nerve surgery in August but from September I m experiencing pain in lower back.what should I do??

Answered on 14th Oct '24

The pain you are experiencing can be due to the inflammation or irritation of the nerves which are located in the back. It is vital that your doctor is aware of the pain so they can assess it and choose the most appropriate action. Treatment alternatives may contain physical therapy, medication, or further assessment in order to treat the primary issue of the pain. 

Asked for Male, 14 Years

I am 14 years old boy my middle toe got partial displaced 4 months a go nd untreated , my middle toe is mot bending what can i do?

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

Sine pain running ke baad hota hai sir kuch treatment bata do

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Spine pain after running is often caused by muscle strain due to overexertion. This happens when your muscles are stressed from running too hard. To relieve the pain, rest is very important. You can also apply ice to reduce swelling, and over-the-counter painkillers can help. To avoid this in the future, make sure to stretch properly before and after running.

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I have knee issues and wanted to know when I want to go to bed if wearing diapers is a good idea or not

Answered on 14th Oct '24

At night, it can be difficult to get to the bathroom due to knee pain, making it hard to get up, and accidents might happen. However, this is not a solution for the knee condition itself, but it can help manage the issue until the knee improves. Always consult your doctor to find the best treatment option for your knee problems.

Asked for Male, 14 Years

A leg disease and it give me pain

Answered on 14th Oct '24

You may be having a health problem called arthritis in your leg. Arthritis attacks the joints and causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. It is when the cartilage, which protects the ends of your bones, wears out over time. To relieve the pain, you can learn some gentle movements, use hot and cold therapy, and take over-the-counter painkillers. 

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Tailbone pain treatment required

Answered on 12th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 60 Years

I am a 60 years old female. I have bone pain in different part of body. For last 4 days I want to know which disease dose I have. And treatment of this disease

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Probably the effects of osteoporosis are coming out in you. Weak and brittle bones are the reason why it is easier to faint and die. In addition, it can lead to unevolved discomfort in some parts of your body. One of the causes of osteoporosis is aging, not getting enough calcium and vitamin D, or taking some medications. The main components include the introduction of calcium and vitamin D supplements, bone-preserving medicine, and participation in regular activities aimed at enhancing the moisture content of bones.

Asked for Female, 55 Years


Answered on 11th Oct '24

There can be several causes of knee cartilage pain and knee joint swelling, such as injury, overuse, or conditions like arthritis. It might also make you feel some stiffness, redness, or warmth in the joint. It is of paramount importance to the rest of the injured joint, ice apply, raise it, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. In seeking medical help if the pain continues or gets worse, you can get the necessary tests and treatments. 

Asked for Male, 49 Years

Today, my father injured his leg with a rod from a moving bike. Thankfully, the injury is not severe, but his leg is swollen and painful. We are applying an ice pack and using Volini spray. There is no redness, numbness, wound, or cut. A few days ago, he also experienced muscle cramps in the same leg. I'm very worried. Could you please advise me on what to do next?

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 16 Years

I'm experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 months. Symptoms like numbness and sleepy some time. Medicine name which I am using now Repicort, gablin, viton, frendol p, acabel, prelin,rulling.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

These signs might be due to a disorder with your lower back, maybe a pinched nerve. The medicines you are taking can help with the pain and nerve symptoms. Nevertheless, it is equally important to think about physical therapy and gentle exercises to make your back stronger and relieve the pressure on the nerve.

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I am 29 years old female suffering from swelling and pain in ankle and toes irregular periods till 4 months severe hairfall and sometimes headache and lazyness

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 75 Years

After bypass surgery there is significant pain in leg after months of surgery

Answered on 8th Oct '24

If you're feeling a lot of pain in your leg months after having bypass surgery, it could be due to a condition called peripheral artery disease. This is a situation in which the blood vessels in your leg are not functioning properly, thus, pain is caused. To help, try to walk periodically as directed, keep your leg elevated as much as possible, and take any prescribed medications. If the pain doesn't go away, tell your surgeon about it.

Asked for Male, 16 Years

Assalamualaikum sir my name is Ali Hamza.I am 16 year old. Experiencing back pain and left leg pain from 2 to half month. Symptoms like numbness, sometimes sleepy.i have already done MRI and consulted with neurosurgeon doctor he prescribed some medicine Gablin, viton frendol p, acabel, prelin, Repicort, rulling.i think doctor said to me there is nerve block lower side of back between disc

Answered on 14th Oct '24

You suffer from back and leg pain as well as numbness and excess sleepiness. These symptoms can be caused by a nerve block in your lower back which can produce discomfort and strange sensations in your leg. Your doctor has prescribed some medicines to you to aid in managing pain and inflammation. Adhere to them, and take a break from your doctor if there are any changes or concerns. 

Asked for Male, 36 Years

Age-36, height 5"3, weight 62 k.g. I am having pain in my knees and legs from last couple of months. Whenever i ben my knees, there is tickling sound and it pains when i stand after bending down. I never had such pains or injury of any sort. What could be the reasons, shall i do some test.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Hey! Little backstory of me. I had diagnosed DVT 4 months ago. So I am still using anticoagulants. DVT cause was covid and it started on left calf. Now, few days ago I woke up and suddenly felt pain in my left foot. To be precise, on the ball of foot. No swelling or color changes. And no jumping or running or long days on foot. Just a pain. I can’t stand and put pressure on this foot. But, if I try to walk a little, the pain gets milder. It won’t completely go away, but I can manage it. First question is, can I get blood clot on bottom of my foot? Secondly, I tried to research and got no real answers, so maybe you could take a guess. Age 29, weight 80kg.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 49 Years

I’m 29 years old and I have my right arm started off about a month With just my ring finger, in the morning, it would be hard to open. My hands, felt like pulling from the wrist down to my ring finger, and then up to my elbow. now I have constant pain in my wrist leading up to my Ring finger to lift anything pick up anything or grip anything without pain

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 13 Years

I am a 13 year old boy I am 245 pounds and my back of my hip hurts a lot I don't know why I try getting up and I can't I want to know how to stop the pain.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I have knee issues and when I want to sleep I don't want to get up is it a good idea to wear diapers to bed

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Wearing diapers at night can cause you knee pain, so it's better to avoid it. When you are experiencing knee pain, your mobility is restricted which makes it hard for you to sleep. However, wearing diapers will not help. Knee issues arise either because of injury, arthritis, or muscle strain. To help, use pillows to support your knees while sleeping and also do gentle doctor-recommended exercises to strengthen your knee. Instead of only treating the pain, you should focus on the cause of the knee problem.

Asked for Male, 42 Years

i am 42 years age male. i have heel pain from 4 years from the day i went meniscus tear surgery.from that day i hav heel pain. no result i am geeting from anywhere. docrtors saying wear proper shoes wear arch.take d3.stretching. not even 1 percent imroovement

Answered on 7th Oct '24

The discomfort you're experiencing might be connected to your meniscus tear surgery. Sometimes after surgery, our bodies can surprise us by reacting in a way that is not expected. I suggest supportive footwear, practicing targeted stretches for the foot, and taking a vitamin D supplement. 

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Had an MRI and was told "There is mild chondral thinning, joint space narrowing involving the fourth and fifth TMT joints with some subtle subarticular bony oedema both sides of the fourth TMT joint." This is after 5 months of having an injury, I feel a lot of swelling in my extensor digitorium brevis (oedema) in my right foot, but this week I started feeling the same feelings in my left foot, I need some guidance or help please because it's difficult to do physical activity with and it's swelling whenever at rest.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

The MRI results closest show some mild desquamation of the joints, which may cause swelling and pain. The swelling in your extensor digitorum brevis muscle could be possibly related to the joint issues. Avoid these movements at first, put ice on them, and try stretches that don't need a lot of force. Besides that, you might notice a difference if you wear supportive shoes. 

Asked for Male, 76 Years

Kulhe ki haddi Tut gayi hai meri age 76 saal hai kya operation karna sahi hoga ya nahi answer me. Please tell a suggestion

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

My friend Billie Jo gibbons she has trouble with her feet

Answered on 11th Oct '24

Plantar fasciitis is one of the common conditions for this. It can cause pain at the bottom of the feet, particularly in the morning. It is a condition caused when tissue that connects the heel to the toes gets strained. Billie Jo should go for calf stretches and pick supportive shoes. Ice packs are also a good way to shrink the swelling.

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I have pain from neck to scrotum How can I control

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Minor fracture in spinal cord everything is fine leg is alos working can I will be okhy

Answered on 7th Oct '24

It's good that your leg is still functioning well—that’s a good sign! You might feel symptoms like pain, numbness, or tingling. The most common causes are accidents or falls. The usual treatment involves rest, possibly wearing a brace and physical therapy. With proper care and rest, you'll likely recover well. Make sure to follow your doctor’s advice.

Asked for Female, 30 Years

Pair ke niche hisse me bahut dard rahta h 3 mahine se dawa se koi aram nahi h

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Now almost 2week are done without wearing supporter. Earlier I was wearing the supporter for one month .now also I am having pain in fracture area and there is no swelling left but while bending the fractured joint area in my small finger the pain is happening.i can't lift heavy things with my finger .

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 65 Years

I m 65 year old, I have pain in my leg very much. I have 3 wall in my veins because of blockage. But my leg pain is very heavy. what can i do

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I have a injury on my left shoulder ligament and bone join.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

You might have damaged the ligament and bone where your left shoulder connects. Therefore, it may result from a fall or a sudden impact. The symptoms may comprise pain, swelling, and inability to move your arm. It is important to stop using your injured shoulder, put some ice on it, and avoid any activities that might aggravate the hurt. Mild workouts and physiotherapy can be beneficial for recovery.

Asked for Female, 56 Years

I’m 56 year old lady. I have pain in left hand since last 2 months. My Vitamin D recent one week ago test shows value 23.84 Is it due to Vitamin D deficiency? Please guide.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Your left hand pain could be linked to a Vitamin D deficiency, as doctors suggest. Common symptoms of this deficiency include body pain, muscle weakness, and bone pain. Vitamin D helps keep our bones strong, and when we don’t have enough, we can feel pain in our muscles and bones. To boost your Vitamin D levels, spend some time in sunlight or take a Vitamin D supplement as advised by your doctor.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I am 21 years old . I have Scoliosis s curved shape and the back bone touched to my hipbone I don’t have any pain but I’m stressed about it

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Asked for Female, 24 Years

Why do my feet swall up every day

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Asked for पुरुष, 19 Years

मकड़ी के काटने के वजह से हाथ सूज गया जंगल में अभी मैं जंगल में हूं तो क्या करना चाहिए

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Now after I opened my finger supporter i am having pain in my fracture area a normal pain but in my school something hit it and now it is paining little bit sharper and now 2 days done without the supporter.

Answered on 2nd Oct '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

My age 22 girl unmarried so me waist There is pain below, above the hips and below the waist. I feel this pain only when I bend and there is no pain in front and back. Why does this happen to me, is it a serious issue and what should I do It doesn't happen much, it's normal, but it definitely happens.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

HI I have supraspinatus and subscapularis tendinosis

Answered on 1st Oct '24

Asked for Male, 18 months Years

Hi sir my kid is 18 months old his right leg is in curve shape while walking the foot is inside

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Having pain on fracture area I have kept my finger straight for one month.

Answered on 27th Sept '24

You are going through a lot of pain in the area where you had a fracture and kept your finger straight for one month. This pain may be due to stiffness or weakness in the muscles around the fracture site. To help with this, you can gently do some simple finger exercises to improve movement and strength. Remember to go slowly and stop if you feel any sharp pain. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I have an injured knee and it hurts to walk and I believe its my LCL, do you think I need to see a docter?

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

I am a 29 year old male with a knee injury not sure how it happened but it’s swollen to become twice the size of my knee on the right It hurts to put pressure on it and it feels like my muscles on the outside of the knee are swollen causing the issue

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

Hello doctor, I fell in the park on Holi, and my friend applied turmeric, garlic and mustard oil on the wound after heating it.I have this injury on my knee This mark has appeared after the wound healed. Now how will it be cured?

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Bone pain joints hurt a lot Dry elbows fingers also swollen

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I got my knee patella dislocated for first time 2 weeks ago and today my plaster got dispatched. My knee has swelling is it due to plaster? And I am not able to bend it I am able to stand properly on both legs but while walking my knee can’t hold my weight properly. Will this automatically take time to be normal or should I do some exercises? And what to do to reduce swelling?

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

I'm suffering from sever back pain in lumber

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

You're dealing with significant lower back pain, which can be caused by muscle strain, a bulging disc, or poor posture. This pain might feel sharp, dull, or achy, making it hard to move. To ease the discomfort, try gentle stretching, applying ice or heat, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

Asked for Male, 35 Years

I am 35 years old ,I be feeling pains in tissue around my neck, my shoulder , my arms and my back and it causes constipation and difficulty to breathe for me

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

Heyyy myself shirin shaikh from andheri west my problem is my leg was pain my leg thighs was pain my age is around 29 in my legs very pain that i meet many doctors but pain relief is not gone

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Stones problem right side hip pain

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

Having pain in right hand wrist

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

My hips pain inside side sometimes no pain in daily activity or urination no daily sometimes but in winter sharp pain and my pain sometimes outsides of vagina which has lines on both sides on the line with monopibious and side colors is red allrgic red what my conditions and symptoms ??i fell no pain in vagina and urination .and i face drops after urine which are eliminated by cleaning with tissue am unmarried

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Why do I have loss of lumbar lordosis?

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Loss of lumbar lordosis can be caused by various reasons such as mal-alignment of the spine, weak or unbalanced muscles, and obesity, as well as degenerative diseases such as arthritis. The symptoms may be back pain, stiffness, and discomfort. To address this issue, it is crucial to focus on strengthening the core muscles, keeping a healthy weight, and adopting good posture habits. Along with it, physical therapy and regular exercise can also be applied to help regain the neutral position of lumbar lordosis.

Asked for Male, 22 Years

I am a 22 year old male, believe to have scoliosis but the pain keeps getting worst, It traveled up to my neck where if I bend my neck sometimes unexpected I will feel a serious pinch and when I breathe I am getting pain in my back also have me very uncomfortable please help me

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to bend sideways. As a result, the nerves may be compressed, and in some cases, the pain may be ejected. The main symptoms include pain, which may also move to the neck area. The best solution is to consult a spine specialist who can offer exercises or other treatments to assist your pain and discomfort.

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Back spine and leg pain last 2 month I am unable to stay stand and walk

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I really need help with my unheal knees injury

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I am having pain in my right bum bone area and its affecting me when i walk. The pain is sharp and throbbing and sometime its making my leg and knees weak. but i have also missed my period but having cramps could this be related. I have drank celecoxib and cocodamol tablets but no relief. What could be wrong with me. I am 26 years old and and 5'9 in height

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Hi I am 33 years old weighing 75 kgs approx.I have 3 kids with natural delivery.Since 10 days I am having pain in my left knee which occurs only while bending or climbing up the stairs.I have no problem while standing or doing any heavy related work.Its only at bending time that the pain kicks in. I am healthy with no allergies,infections or any other ailment. I haven't been injured in my legs.I feel it's happening due to increase in my uric acid. Kindly advise on my course of action to alleviate the pain.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 58 Years

L4&L5 spine operation totally amount

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I'm a 19 year old boy I have question regarding bone related. Wheather my growth plates are fused?

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

Mera bacche Dani me gath ka operation hogya tha 2 saal pahele fir se gath aagie hai mujhe kya karna chahiye plz bataye kya ye gath barbar aaskte hai

Answered on 25th Sept '24

It is possible for lumps in the uterus, like fibroids, to recur even after surgery. Visit a gynecologist, who can evaluate the situation and recommend the best treatment. Regular check-ups and scans can help manage such conditions effectively.

Asked for Male, 32 Years

I was about going to sleep at night when I started feeling some twitching around my eyes coupled with some electric-like shocks on my face. When I slept and woke up, I discovered it had increased. My face looked swollen, and my mouth was somehow tight. I couldn't whistle with it or shape it any way I wanted to. I couldn't open it wide. I couldn't close my eyes without pain and It was blinking even when I closed it and it was like a stress to my nose when I closed one of the eye or both. All of these relieved me in two days time. And my eyes could close better without pressure and my mouth functions was back to normal. But after some days I discovered that my posture has changed and my left hip bone is tight. My left leg has some rotation making it look like it's tight. My glute seems tight and my left hip look like it's forward, making my Left leg to appear longer and my walking posture to change. I can run, I can shoot with my both legs. Just that I'm having tighness in my left hip or pelvis. This has made me to walk in a different manner. Pls what can I do?

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 14 Years

I rolled my ankle really bad 4 weeks ago almost 5. I still have inflamation and soreness, and pain. my briuises are gone but still hurts. and i have not been to a doctor.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I am having pain in my foot ball and in ankel when i walk from last 10 days. Its feel like my foot ball skin has been increased and which is squeezing when i walk with my normal sports shoes.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

When I was in the 8th class my arm was broken which remained crooked after joining and I feel very uncomfortable. Will my arm ever be able to become straight like before? I am 29 years old now.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 42 Years

Is it normal to experience lingering pain a year after Achilles tendon surgery?

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

Pain on my side at the back

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 36 Years

I am having back, hips and leg pain, unable to walk since 1 week.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 36 Years

I am 36 years old and i had got injured two years ago and bone of my foot was cracked and doctors bind it with plate and it was recovered but now a major infection arose in foot that cause redness in my foot and it is spreading toward leg and whole body is swelled and i am feeling pain in my chest

Answered on 9th Sept '24

The redness, swelling, and pain spreading from your foot to your leg and chest could mean the infection is getting worse. It may be the case that bacteria attack cells resulting in a serious health condition called sepsis, characterized by the infection invading the body. This requires immediate attention. The treatment of sepsis consists of antibiotics and other medications to maintain the infection under control. To avoid any complications it is necessary to act quickly.

Asked for Male, 39 Years

My uric acid is 10.7 ....I have severe pain on my right feet

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Your uric acid level of 10.7 is quite high and can cause severe pain, especially in the feet, which is often a sign of gout. It’s important to avoid foods high in purines like red meat and seafood and drink plenty of water. Visit a rheumatologist, who specializes in treating gout and joint-related conditions, for proper treatment and guidance.

Asked for Female, 15 Years

I am a 16 year old girl that is an athlete basically do every sport but during soccer season I ended up having multiple injuries that caused my ankle to be involved like the top left or we could say bottom shin on the left and pretty much hurts every time smth hits it or put a lot of pressure on it

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Hi, I've had this pain at the front at about my waistband just below my stomach, I'd say it feels muscular and about a 5-6/10 just uncomfortable, it only happens during strenuous exercise. I rested for approximately 2 weeks and my first training session back the pain resumed. I would like to know if it is likely to be muscular or another issue thanks.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 8 Years

My 8 year old daughter recently got diagnosed with a 63 degree thoracic dextro curvature (scoliosis). Will she have to have surgery?

Answered on 6th Sept '24

A 63-degree thoracic dextro curve in an 8-year-old is hardly a short one. Your daughter may need surgery at some point, but careful watching is essential. Sometimes, bracing or physical therapy can help. Surgery is usually the last option considered for severe curves or if the curve is worsening rapidly. Hence, let us monitor it and collaborate with the doctors to come up with the best plan.

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I've noticed that my wrist feels loose or unstable when I apply pressure or pull something or during arm wrestling, but it only happens when I deliberately move it in a certain way. I have noticed it more than 6 months ago.Can you tell me what might be causing this and what I should do about it?"

Answered on 6th Sept '24

You have a condition called ligament laxity in your wrist. This means your ligaments are loose and don't support your wrist properly, making it feel unstable in certain positions. This can be due to a past injury or natural hypermobility. To help stabilize your wrist, wearing a wrist brace during activities that trigger symptoms can provide support and reduce instability. Doing special wrist-strengthening exercises can also improve strength and stability over time. Avoid activities that worsen your symptoms, and consult a physical therapist for a personalized treatment plan.

Asked for Female, 50 Years

I’m 50 yrs old and have been suffering with planters fasciitis for years. It started after working at Home Depot. I seen an orthopedic back in 2002 ish, got an injection and was fine. I then left HD and came back yrs later. Now it’s back and I believe I’m also dealing with Achilles tendonitis. My mother who drove a bus for 30 yrs has also dealt with this for a very long time. She can barely walk and I’ve started limping. I don’t want this to slow me down but the doctors here in Wichita Falls are not much help and my mother hasn’t been able to get any relief in California or now in Arizona. My question is is there anything we can do. I have 6 kids, 3 of which are still in school. I can’t just slow down. And I hate seeing how miserably mother is. We are both taking Duloxitine, which helps sometimes. Besides surgery is there anything we can do?

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis can be quite bothersome, but there are several ways to ease the pain. Try stretching exercises for your calves and feet, wear supportive shoes, use orthotic inserts, apply ice to reduce inflammation, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. It's also important to avoid activities that make the pain worse. 

Asked for Female, 39 Years

My mother is 39 year old female, she's been having pain in all of her joints for the past 4 months, it worsens with physical activities while pain alleviates with rests. I want to know who I should consult with for further treatment

Answered on 4th Sept '24

As for your mother's complaints of painful joints, which are aggravated by activity and relieved by rest, they can be interpreted as potential signs of arthritis. Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by swelling and pain in the joints. Therefore, you need to consult a rheumatologist for further treatment. A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of arthritis and other joint problems. They can assist in determining the origin of the discomfort and enable the correct therapy to be administered that will aid in the alleviation of the signs.

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I am 16 year old girl I have swelling in my hand it is from 2 days

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Swelling in the hand can be due to an injury, infection, or some medical conditions. If there was no injury but the swelling was still there, it would be better to talk to an orthopedist. The respective destination will be able to identify the root of the problem and then prescribe the best medication for you to recover. 

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I am 18 years old and i am suffering from back pain headache at particular point anxiety problem in taking breathe

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Asked for Male, 22 Years

Hello, 3 hours ago i fell on my knee while skateboarding. Left knee over the patella now swollen a bit more left over the patella. It looks tho as if the bone slipped, might be because of the swelling but thats what concerns me. I can walk without pain and its a bit red because its a small wound now. I could send pictures. I am 22.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 32 Years

I got a bruised toe I can barely lift it, it hurts if I try to lift it I was wondering if it's broken

Answered on 29th Aug '24

You may have a broken toe. Dropping something heavy on the toe or stubbing it hard can cause a broken toe. Symptoms of a sprained toe include pain, bruising, and difficulty moving the toe. To be sure, you should get an X-ray at a clinic or hospital. Icing, resting, and keeping the toe safe from injury will give relief to the pain.

Asked for Male, 27 Years

27 year old male, mouth breathing , typical mouth breather face, need consultaion for correction of jaw alignment

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Please I have severe pain in my lower back down to both of my legs

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I have knee pain for last1 week i cant walk normallly and can’t straighten the knee it has pain on specific part which is inside the thigh part

Answered on 31st Aug '24

Asked for Female, 60 Years

हेलो डॉक्टर मैं संतोष बोल रही हूं मेरी उम्र 60 साल है कुछ साल पहले मैं अपने पोते के साथ सीडी से गिर गई थी पहले मुझे बिल्कुल दर्द नहीं हुआ लेकिन 9 साल बाद अब मेरे घुटनों में दर्द होता है और जब मैं सीडीओ से चढ़ती हूं तुम मेरे घुटने दर्द होते हैं

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 60 Years

Hello doctor My name is Santosh I fall when I'm going to down with stairs first I will no pain but 9 years later my knee has very pain can you give me

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 54 Years

I am a food server . I have done this job for 37 yrs. I have a few issues wanting to know if have serious issues. My back goes numb between shoulder blades lower back that shoots pain down my leg. Knee pain to ankle feet hurt bad .i want to know if be cripple before I can retire

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

i am feeling heavyness near my collarbones muscles left side only and slight dizziness along with slight numbness in hands

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Sir I have muscle strain in my calf ,so doctor told me to do sonography, In sonography partial muscle tore have been found so what should I do

Answered on 26th Aug '24

It sounds like you have a muscle tear in your calf muscle. This can happen if you overdo it on your muscles or damage them. You may experience symptoms like pain, swelling, and difficulty in leg movement. It is necessary to let your leg rest, apply ice and elevate it to speed up healing. Gentle stretching and physical therapy can also be effective healing methods. Stick to your doctor's recommendations and you are sure to make a complete recovery.

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I am 17 yrs old girl having problem about my height increasing and my bone problem pain i am normal but i suffered bone pain i have been no diagonesed with any disease

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I’m really anxious about something that happened recently and wanted to get your thoughts. So, I went to see a doctor today because I’ve been dealing with some pain in my shoulders. He said it’s due to a deformity in my spine and that it should go away in a few days. The pain is sharp, burning, and kind of aches—it’s definitely worse than what I’ve felt before, but he didn’t seem too concerned. Here’s where I’m stuck: I noticed some scratches on my shoulders, but the doctor didn’t seem to pay much attention to them. When I talked to my dad about it later, he noticed the scratches right away, which freaked me out a bit. The doctor did say that I was vaccinated against rabies a year ago and also for other infectious diseases, so I should be protected, but my mind keeps going to worst-case scenarios. I’ve also been feeling nauseous, but the doctor thinks it’s just nerves. I got super anxious after the whole thing, and now I can’t get it out of my head. I barely slept last night because I’m so worried. I even asked my friends who were there, and they said it didn’t look like anything bit me—just that something flew by. I know I’m probably overthinking this, but should I be worried, or is this just my anxiety getting the best of me? Would appreciate any advice you can give! Thanks!

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Hello doctor I am currently on fluoxetine 40mg since last 2 years Yesterday i had a small accident and my hand is aching a lot My physician has prescribed 50mg tramadol But i have read on google that tramadol and fluoxetine cannot be taken together Please help what to do??

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Although fluoxetine and tramadol are both related to chemical levels in the brain, it is still not safe to mix them. In other words, their simultaneous consumption can intensify the likelihood of serotonin syndrome, a critical ailment that manifests symptoms such as confusion, sweating, and fast heartbeat. The best course of action would be for your physician to advise you on alternative pain relief options that are safe for you. 

Asked for Male, 42 Years

I'm a 42 year old male diagnosed with undescended testes and now my joints and back are painful I've tried medication but pain is not going anywhere. Other symptoms 1.No facial hair 2. Male breast 3. Difficulty in Concentration

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 58 Years

Sir my age is 58 yrs old and I am suffering back pan injury from couple yrs due DISC DIFFUSE BULGE AT L4-L5 LEVEL AND L5-S1 LEVEL BY MRI SCAN LUMBAR SPINE. PLEASE ADVISE ?

Answered on 26th Aug '24

The bulging discs at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels might be a reason for the nearby nerves to get compressed which would have caused the pain. Sometimes, resting, physical therapy, and pain medications can help manage the problem. In cases where the pain is severe and other treatments don't work, surgery can be an option. Generally, you should keep your body safe and abide by your doctor's orders to discover the most effective method for treating your back pain.

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Hi Ian 23 and back pain on my left side

Answered on 30th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 14 Years

I have turf toe in 1year ago I eat medicine buy in medical store and iceing But did not get relief, today I am having pain again and all this happened while playing football.

Answered on 25th Aug '24

You could be having turf toe, which is typical when doing sports such as football. Turf toe occurs when the big toe joint is injured, and can cause pain. Symptoms are swelling, pain, and limited movement of the toe. To assist in the healing process, try to rest your foot, use ice packs, and wear supportive shoes. Ignoring the pain, and consulting with the family doctor is a better option.

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I took the x-ray yesterday and realized that my bone is cracked. I want to send you a photo

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I am 23 year old female having quadricep tendinitis from 3 months in both legs now my pain is moving knee to thighs and having extreme pain

Answered on 25th Sept '24

You might be having a rough time with your quadricep tendinitis. The symptoms you're going through, like pain moving from your knees to your thighs, can be a challenge. This kind of injury can be caused by overusing your legs or not warming up properly before exercise. To help with this, try doing some gentle stretches and avoiding activities that worsen the pain. As well, applying ice packs and elevating your legs can provide some relief. 

Asked for Female, 19 Years

I am 19 years old, female. I have been suffering from a clicking sound on my right side jaw for last 5 days. And also I am having problem to open my mouth widely. Is this tmj problem? And what should I do now? Please help sir

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

I'm afjal after 10 days my back pan my uric acid test report for 5.9

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 37 Years

I am 37 yrs old having a deep cut in my left thumb finger that cut my tendon .Doctor done plastic surgery and during treatment time my hand was bend from last 6 weeks from wrist to stop my finger movement . Now my hands are got bend after plaster opened . And its painful some stretch and pinning like feelings in my left thumb where it get cut . Why such pain is there and may i get my tendon recovery in due course .please tell me doctor .

Answered on 20th Aug '24

It's normal to feel some pain and discomfort after your plaster is removed. Your tendon might need more time to heal fully. The stretching and pinching sensations in your thumb are part of the healing process. Be patient, rest your hand, and do the gentle exercises your doctor recommended to help your tendon recover.

Asked for Female, 77 Years

torn ligaments a few times in r. knee. Knee is very stiff and will not straighten to walk properly.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I am a 20 year old young man for about three years when I walk too much my ankle gets watery and even it swells up so much that I have trouble walking what can I do?

Answered on 14th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Essentially failure of the right ACL graft. Blunting of the free edge of the body of the right medial meniscus. Indeterminate appearances of the root of the posterior horn of the right medial meniscus. Tearing of the right lateral meniscus at the junction between the posterior horn and body. An early right knee 'cyclops' lesion cannot be completely excluded. Very early right knee joint degenerative changes.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 54 Years

Laminectomy and Discordectomy + l4-5 fixation with decompression of cord. Pre op my problem was being unable to stand and drive for more than 15 mins after that, I feel burning sensation in my left leg. Post op after 2 months, the situation is worse. Now I cannot even site for 10-15 mins without the same happening. The doctor said it is due to lack of protein and to eat more non veg but I have been eating Non-veg every other day. Is the doctor here have performed a failed op or it wasn't even the right operation needed to undergo

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 12 Years

I’m 12 and over this year i have been getting wrist pain. it goes and comes back

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 57 Years

I had bypass surgery from left to right leg, balloon was placed to open blood flow, had stent put in on left side, im home now but experiencing leg pain and every once in awhile sharp pain on top of foot , is this normal ? I can find pulse on top of foot , dr said to find that if i can

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Asked for पुरुष, 26 Years

Mera baya hath se takat nhi mil rhi hai

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Your left hand feels weak. This might be because the nerves in your hand aren’t working properly. One possible cause could be a pinched nerve in your neck or shoulder. It’s a good idea to see an orthopedist to find the exact cause and get the right treatment. Exercise with a physiotherapist or medication may help improve the strength and mobility of your hand.

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Myself Prathamesh. I want to ask question that I am having orthopedic disability and my age is 19 is there any possibility of my operation done to be successfully. Right hand problem . Please sir give me reply ????

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

Good morning. I was doing high jump in a school,and my leg ankle removed and got my leg a little short. Can it be resolved be straighten it and make it balanced with the other one

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

You seem to have dislocated your ankle, which can give your leg a longer impression. Such occurrences are observed when the bones in your ankle are misplaced. To correct this, you should go to an orthopedist who can put the bones back into the right place. A splint or a brace may be used by them to enable your ankle to recover properly. Adhering to their recommendations is critical if you want your leg to be straightened and aligned with your other leg. Rest, elevate your leg, and stay away from putting weight on it until you see a doctor.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I am 18 years old male and trigger finger problem for last 2 days and 10 hours in totally 58 hours, can please help me

Answered on 1st Aug '24

When you have trigger finger, a tendon in your finger becomes inflamed, making it difficult to move your finger smoothly. Symptoms include finger stiffness, clicking, or locking in place. This condition can result from repetitive gripping motions or other medical conditions.

To help alleviate symptoms:

- Relax your finger.
- Perform gentle exercises.
- Apply warm compresses.

These techniques can help manage the condition, but if symptoms persist, consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment options.

Asked for Male, 37 Years


Answered on 30th July '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I have joint pain esp right knee pain post delivery 4yrs now unable to stand or move I am unable to flex my right knee fully nor bend fully I have almost bone on bone It's affecting my sleeping posture standing posture I am unable to stand straight I am in extreme pain What should I do?

Answered on 29th July '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I am 28 years old. From last 2 weeks i am having pain in my left side chest and shoulder/ collar bone.

Answered on 26th July '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Complete ACL tear with buckling of PCL and anterior tibial translation

Answered on 22nd July '24

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Foot got twist and now its swelling need medicine name

Answered on 24th July '24

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Age 35 Male foot get swell by twist need medicine name

Answered on 26th July '24

Asked for Male, 40 Years

Ma'am cat has bitten to my father in left leg what to do for treatment tell me

Answered on 17th July '24

The foremost thing is to wash the wound with warm water and soap. Following this, put the dressing on the wound using a new bandage. Check the area around the bite for redness, swelling, warmth, and pus. Each of these might be infection symptoms. You need to visit your healthcare provider if you observe these signs. The main treatments for infections at home are wound cleaning and dressings.

Asked for Male, 24 Years

High gread partial tare acl towards femur

Answered on 15th July '24

Asked for Male, 59 Years

I have severe knee pain when I stand up for too long and I have just noticed there is a large indentation in my knee

Answered on 30th July '24

You have patellofemoral pain syndrome. This condition causes pain around or under the knee cap, which can spread to the side of the knee. It's often due to overuse, weak muscles, or improper knee-cap positioning. Exercises to strengthen leg muscles and supportive sports shoes can help. A key part of treatment is avoiding activities that worsen the pain. 

Asked for Female, 36 Years

I've had pain in the sternum, top of left arm, left shoulder blade and ribs for months now. I'm 36. I'm seeing physio and noone really knows what it is! I had an ECG, fine. Bloods, pretty much ok. The back shoulder blade is now awful and constant!

Answered on 15th July '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

Delivery ko 8month hue cygerian.pasliya me drd hai jo drd chl kr reed ki haddi tk jata hai ultrasound me normal hai sb kuch .CBC urine v normal hai . Kya reason hai plz answer

Answered on 15th July '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Namaste sir , Sir mera 1 year pehle accident may pair Tut Gaya ot k 3 4 month bad infection ho gaya abhi bohot controll hai lekin 2 jagah say abhi v pulse aata hai aur pain v hota hai Thora bohot. Yaha Dr sir ko dikhaya to unhone bole Osteomyelitis hua hai antibiotics nail dalkar nrs ya keya karengay , ab mujhe keya karna chaheay

Answered on 11th July '24

Asked for Female, 37 Years

I have been suffering from stiff elbow post injury.. no fracture but ligament tear. I have been advised physiotherapy and have been undergoing it since 4months. But no improvement. Should I consult a neurologist for this?? I have consulted number of orthopaedic doctors

Answered on 10th July '24

Asked for Female, 50 Years

I am 50 year old female. I have pain in my heel since last 3 months. After visiting a orthopaedic doctor, I found out that my uric acid was slightly over the limit. Doc said it’s elevated because of consumption of whey protein(for very short duration I had). I consumed prescribed medications for few weeks but could not continue with the course as it was very heavy medication. The heel pains when I get up to walk and takes a few minutes for it to subside. Please advise

Answered on 9th July '24

Asked for Male, 73 Years

My age is 73 I have a muscle problem due to this I have started losing grip in my right hand can you recommend some vatiman for this please

Answered on 27th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 42 Years

Having leg pain from 30 days

Answered on 9th July '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I am 20 year old female. I have recurring back pain in my lower back since last 3 months. Its gets triggered after I do cleaning work or lifting weights. The pain has shifted to the side of my hip since last 2 days. What should I do?

Answered on 18th July '24

It's important to address your recurring lower back pain, especially since it's now affecting your hip area. These symptoms could indicate a musculoskeletal issue or a possible strain. I recommend consulting an orthopedic specialist or a physiotherapist. They can evaluate your condition, suggest appropriate exercises or treatments, and provide guidance on managing and preventing further discomfort. 

Asked for Male, 40 Years

I am 39 years old and have been experiencing back pain for over 2 years. About a year ago, I started feeling pain in my lower back, which eventually subsided, but for the past 3 to 4 months, the pain has returned and now extends to my thigh and leg. When I wake up, the pain improves after some movement. I find it difficult to sleep straight in bed due to lipomas on my side waist that cause discomfort when pressed, resulting in pain. When I get out of bed, my body aches, and my legs feel weak and painful. Occasionally, I take a Nimesulide tablet, which provides relief for 5 to 6 days. Additionally, I experience pain in different parts of my body on different days, such as my chest, arms, and neck. What should I do?

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

I am 24 years old and male. I hurt my knee in football and now I feel pain on one side.

Answered on 3rd July '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I feel pain near my groin area on my left. Sometimes, it's sharp. It started last week but one with pain during urination, but it stopped last week. Now I'm just experiencing a strain on my left groin area. How can I be assisted?

Answered on 1st July '24

Asked for Male, Sajad Ahmad Years

I am 52 tears and can have sex with my partner at 10 times in a month Now I feel slight pain in my legs and back.Plwase provide a remedy to overcome this problem.

Answered on 26th June '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

am a mma fighter and 3 days ago had a kickboxing session, I was holding a kick shield for my dad who weighs 3x more than me. He kicked the kick shield hard but he accidentally missed the kick shield and instead kicked my shoulder, ever since then I have a lot of pain when moving my arms and and especially lifting it outwards I cannot lift it above my head without serious pain, I also feel weak in the same ark and have pain whenever I lift even a light object, I also feel pain in my bicep. Than you

Answered on 25th June '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Sir I am suffering from shoulder disclocation coz of heavy load ... It's been one month now . Can I remove my strap now or do wear long to make it fully recovered. After watching some you tube video that's after some time it's dislocat again make me scared ???? I don't want to do surgery please advice me sir what to do

Answered on 24th June '24

Shoulders can become dislocated again if they aren’t given enough time to heal completely. It would be best to continue using the brace so your shoulder receives more support. Taking it off prematurely might cause another dislocation. If you rest your shoulder adequately, then no surgery will be necessary. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Muje back spin pain hora gai

Answered on 24th June '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

Sir meri Back bone k nechay k hisay mein hole hai jis sey blood aur pus ata hai mein kia kro

Answered on 26th June '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I am 18 years old.Suffering from knee pain on right leg left side.i decreased my weight in 2 months upto 3 kgs.feeling neck pain and spinal cord pain

Answered on 23rd June '24

The knee pain on the outer side might be from some trauma or strain. The hurting of the neck and the spinal cord can be from bad posturing and muscle tension. You need to let that affected region recover, apply ice to the area, and do light stretching with the injured or painful part. Always keep your posture in the right way and make more decisions to reach out to a physiotherapist as a part of your strategy to get better quicker.

Asked for Female, 24 Years

Hey I’m getting a weird feeling in my right foot it comes a goes but it feels like a pulse movement it feels weird I’m not sure what it is

Answered on 18th June '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Why is that my waist right side is paining me that I even find it difficult to walk and I can't even stand straight but when I touch my waist I can't feel any pain but I'm rather feeling It inside me making it difficult for me to walk and I can't even stand straight

Answered on 18th June '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

i’m an 18 year old female i’ve had shoulder pain for 7-8 months ever since a truck hood fell on me it’s cause serious pain and otc medication doesn’t help. i’ve gotten scans but no results back yet.

Answered on 18th June '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I am 30 year old man having pain in left leg near calf for 2 months I think I test for colour Doppler

Answered on 21st June '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I have pain in the ring finger of my left hand, I also have a lot of pain in my left leg, I also have pain in the nerves of my hips and this pain goes from the back to the neck, goes all over the back, and I also have pain under my left breast and feel very weak in the abdominal area.

Answered on 21st June '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

If my toe is purple does that mean it's broke

Answered on 21st June '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I am 15 year old boy I have a bone bump in shoulder what to do sir

Answered on 3rd July '24

It's important to have this examined by an orthopedic specialist. Bone bumps can have various causes, such as injuries or growths, and a doctor can provide a proper diagnosis. Visit an orthopedic doctor who can assess the bump and recommend appropriate treatment based on your age and medical history.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

I am 25 year old I have 3 month back pain and I have use nurokind injection but no relief

Answered on 14th June '24

If you have had back pain for three months and have not found relief with Neurokind injections, it is important to consult a specialist. You should see an orthopedic doctor or a neurologist for a thorough examination and proper treatment. They can provide a tailored approach to manage and alleviate your pain.

Asked for Male, 13 Years

Knee pain due to basketball

Answered on 14th June '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

My sister met with and accident in oct 23, brain surgery (right side) was done and now her left hand (elbow joint) is not moving. Doctor said there is calcification in elbow joint. And surgery is also complicated. Physiotherapy also is not useful.

Answered on 14th June '24

The calcification problem may occur when the elbow joint becomes the cause. The relative may have experienced either damage or inflammation and thus begins to notice a calcification disorder in the joint. The surgery may not be a simple one for sure. Always consult the doctors in charge of West to understand how to handle the treatment issues.

Asked for Female, 47 Years

Chest and back pain very hard

Answered on 14th June '24

Asked for Female, 54 Years

She fell off on her wrist which causes fracture

Answered on 13th June '24

If you fall and break your wrist, you may end up with a fracture. In addition to hurting, the occurrence of welling can be felt. It may be difficult to move your wrist as well. The reason for this is that the bone was forced to bear so much weight that the bone practically shattered. The first step to get it to heal is to put it in a cast or a splint so the bone can repair itself gradually. It's important to keep your wrist relatively immobile until it gets well.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Public ramus bone fracture healing after 50 days attached bone again broke

Answered on 13th June '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Well my woman always complain of her knee aching her and it sometimes stiff

Answered on 13th June '24

If your wife is experiencing knee pain and stiffness, it could be due to various reasons like arthritis or a ligament injury. She needs to visit an orthopedist who can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Consulting a specialist will help address her symptoms effectively.

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Shin Pain Problem Running

Answered on 13th June '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

Since past 2 days suffering through left leg pain with severe hip pain that's also in left side

Answered on 13th June '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I am 28 years old male and I have only right side lower back pain for more than one week

Answered on 12th June '24

Asked for Female, 61 Years

My mother had an accident more than 10 years ago on her left thumb and without getting any proper treatment , her left thumb is not working voluntarily and its always folded. She can still feel pain but could not move her thumb. Is there any chance her thumb can work?

Answered on 12th June '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I'm 22 years old female, I had a motorcycle accident at 17 yrs old. I feel a popping sound in my upper left below my ribcage every time I pressed it. I don't feel pain, but I sometimes feel pain in unexpected time or day. I have been into a motorcycle accident from 5 years ago the handlebar hit me exactly on that spot. After, that I can't walk for too long, can't go hiking cause my lower left abdomen hurts like something is tearing apart. I have to pressed it upward to alleviate the pain and walk. It was accompanied, If I walk for too long or exercise like jumping it hurts and I find it hard too breath and have heavy left leg. it's been stable, as long as I don't do does activities. Also lifting heavy object while walking for a distance makes my lower left abdomen hurts. I can describe the feeling as something like an organs of my mine is tearing or pulling.

Answered on 11th June '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I have been experiencing a persistent back pain in the middle section at the left side only. I used to feel it temporarily now it is chronic. No pain can be felt on the surface, but pain is still felt internally. What is wrong with me?

Answered on 11th June '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Pain in buttock continuously, like irritation, sometime when I sit suddenly pain starts and also pain in poo.

Answered on 11th June '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Pair me sunn aa gya hai kamar and pair ke bich sunn ho gya hai and camar me pen ho rha hai

Answered on 10th June '24

Asked for Female, Ranganayagi Years

Sir have pain in left knee It was showing as acl sprain and Hyper Lesion on pcl then it mention as gamglion

Answered on 10th June '24

Your symptoms – pain, an ACL sprain – suggest one thing: there’s been some injury there. Hyperextension of the PCL or even just having a ganglion cyst could also cause trouble with movement and make things uncomfortable in general. But don’t worry – rest up that joint, apply some ice on it, and listen to whatever the doctor says needs doing.

Asked for Female, 34 Years

I am 34 years old,myself and my partner was kn a car crash last year march. We have physio (thunk it was 8 or 10 sessions) I had stiffness in my neck but after the physio it was fine. Last month my left arm from my shoulder to my elbow really hurts,I struggle to lift my left arm up and sometimes I have to use my right arm to move my left arm as its really painful.

Answered on 10th June '24

You may have adhesive capsulitis, which is also referred to as a frozen shoulder. This usually occurs after an injury in the shoulder has taken place such as a car accident for example. Pain and stiffness are common symptoms of this condition thereby making it difficult for one to move the affected arm or arms. To alleviate these signs try gentle stretching exercises coupled with warm compresses applied to the painful area.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I am 17 yr. Boy have a accident 11 days ago fortunately i just got scratches on my body the wounds of my upper body (hands, arms )get healed they just left with white scars and some gonna to take 2 or 3 days to heal. But I have concern about the wounds of my leg mainly i got 4 wounds in my leg one on elbow and left three on my feet those three are like a hole but they got tissues their but the wounds are still their. I know it gonna take time but everytime i or my nurse change the dressing it got bleed bec when i have to walk all wounds of my leg start bleeding maybe stretch of tissues i don't use that leg to walk. But even it bleed. I don't know what's to do. It's like whenever i do dressing the wound get damaged and bleed because the bandage gets to stick to it because of blood. I use megaheal or betadine for dressing but mostly bettadin because after doing dressing with megaheal it hey pus ( little bit ) in the wound it happens to wound on elbow and feet please tell how can I solve this. And lil bit sorry for the bad explanation. And thanks

Answered on 10th June '24

The redness, bleeding, and pus are signs that your wounds might be infected. It's important to keep the wounds clean and dry. Use Betadine for dressing, as it helps prevent infection. Avoid putting too much pressure on your leg wounds to reduce bleeding. Your wounds will heal with time. 

Asked for Male, 16 Years

I am 16 years old and in my leg chop stinging

Answered on 5th July '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I am 18 years ol girl I have back pain and pain in arms

Answered on 10th June '24

You're having a hard time with back pain and arm pain. These are signs that may be brought on by factors such as bad posture, heavy bags, or sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long. Don't forget to take a break now and then, stretch, and do some light exercises like yoga which can help alleviate the ache. Additionally, you could use a hot water bottle or take a warm bath for relief. 

Asked for Female, 20 Years

For over a year now I have had something that sicks out at the bottom of my ribcage on the left. It fells like the end of a rib sticking out and hurts when being pushed on. I did lose quite a lot of weight a year and a half ago and it's ever since then that I have noticed it. It is visibly sticking out when I am just standing normally.

Answered on 8th June '24

You might have costochondritis. This is when the cartilage in your ribs gets inflamed, which usually causes pain and tenderness. It may be related to weight loss and sometimes comes on after an illness. To help relieve the pain, you can do some gentle stretching, use heat packs, or take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen.

Asked for Female, 46 Years

Hello, this is regarding a complicated problem Please let me know if a surgery is required for this or not Because different doctors said different stuff Can we cure this from physical therapy and rest?

Answered on 7th June '24

Some conditions can be resolved through rest and physical therapy. Be sure to tell your doctor what you’re experiencing, such as pain or difficulty moving. Knowing the cause of the problem can help determine whether or not an operation is required. You must follow the advice of your physician regarding the most appropriate treatment for yourself.

Asked for Female, 19 Years

Recently I started doing yoga again, and ive immediately been reminded why i stopped before. Basically some stretches feel fine, like once in the sides of my torso. But some other stretches i feel nothing at all, like if i put my soles together i can keep my knees fully on the floor and lie all the way forward and still feel absolutely no stretch, this is what most stretches feel like. But then some other stretches hurt WAYY to much, most importantly my hamstrings, i cannot lean even a bit forward with my legs straight and it already hurts like heck. I have no improvement in my hamstrings when doing more "gentle" yoga stretches, but then when i tried pushing myself a bit more in stretching my hamstrings, it would start hurting in my knees so much when i walked, almost like a pop or click with every step. Recently i considered the possibility of possibly being hypermobile, i can put my pinky fingers 90 degrees up, i can reach my wrists with my thumbs and i can do that thing where i lock my hands together behind my back and can put them over my head without letting go. I also get a strange uncomfortableness/awareness in my joints sometimes, not even a pain just uncomfortable. So basically my question is, do you think im hypermobile? and if so how (if possible) can i still do stretches/yoga without either feeling nothing or feeling intense pains? And is there any way i can get rid of the uncomfortableness in my joints?

Answered on 6th June '24

It sounds like you may be hypermobile, which means your joints can move more than usual. You might have less stretch during yoga or feel intense pain in some stretches as symptoms. Instead of pushing too hard when stretching, focus on gentle moves for flexibility because this can help protect your joints. Also, make sure not to do any position that causes discomfort or hurts.

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I m getting sharp shooting pain in right side..

Answered on 6th June '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Sir mein jab 10 year ka tha tabhi mera hand ka elbow tut gaya tha abhi mein 18 saal ka hun mera elbow deformity problem hei kaise thik kare kabhi kabhi bahot dard hota hei kisiko dikhana mein bhi saram ata hei lekin mera hand bilkul sidha hei lekin elbow ke upar ke gebu ke type kuch hua hei kya kare

Answered on 7th June '24

Most probably the problem you’re having is as a result of a broken elbow at the age of ten years old. This can cause the joint to be deformed hence uncomfortable. You should therefore see an orthopedic surgeon who will examine your situation and give a suitable prescription for treatment. Depending on how serious the deformity, they can propose some physiotherapy exercises or even surgery. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

When I was 10 years old, my wrist was broken and now i am 18 years old and i have facing elbow deformity problem . please tell me now what can i do

Answered on 8th July '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

I felt a pop in my chest and it took my breath away and now I have swelling under my arm

Answered on 10th June '24

You might have had a pneumothorax, which happens when air gets into the space between your lung and chest wall. This can occur with a sudden chest injury or the rupture of a tiny air sac. The swelling in your armpit could be connected to this. To receive appropriate care which may include releasing pressurized air by draining it out to facilitate lung expansion.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

I am 25 year old male. I was playing soccer and I had a fairly significant leg on leg contact on my shin, it shows lots of bruising but that feels expected. What is unexpected is that my ankle/foot has intense bruising that is a deep purple and fairly large. It is tender to touch but I feel no pain otherwise on my ankle. What could this be?

Answered on 7th June '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I'm 20 years old male having muscle pain only in my arms and thys for a long time of about 4 years. The pain is like chewing when it starts paining I became slept and it's relaxing for the pain but whenever I woke up from sleep the pain became increase.

Answered on 7th June '24

Asked for Female, 45 Years

Suffering from spine pain since 2 years.

Answered on 8th July '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I am 22 female I have a bump on my foot that is getting bruised and bigger

Answered on 6th June '24

You could have what’s referred to as a bunion. A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the base of the big toe. Tight shoes or heredity can be the cause of it. If it’s getting swollen and larger, it’s advisable to wear comfortable shoes and apply ice to reduce swelling. In some cases, surgery may be necessary if it’s very painful.

Asked for Female, 48 Years

My mother is 48 years old shes suffering from arthritis from 12 years please help me She sometimes complain that her arm and nerves inside her stomach paining and she also complain that nerves inside her stomach getting to blossom

Answered on 4th June '24

Your mother appears to be suffering from arthritis for a long time. The pain in her arm may be caused by joint inflammation which indicates that it’s a nerve problem if she experiences discomfort in the stomach too. When people have arthritis, sometimes they undergo a situation where nerves get affected hence feeling pain in different body parts apart from those with affected joints. To minimize the pain she is going through she should do gentle exercises, use warm towels if possible, and get drugs prescribed by a physician. 

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Sir my right hand shoulder is paining since from 3 years and it pains very harder and also get swallowed

Answered on 6th June '24

 The symptoms you are experiencing could be a sign of a Frozen Shoulder which is when the tissue in your shoulder becomes thicker and tighter than normal. A physical therapist can suggest some exercises that will help improve your range of motion while reducing discomfort.

Asked for Male, 34 Years

I have little pain and swelling in knee .. I visit orthopedic dr.. he say to me uric acid level high so it's gout .. thn he given gout and uric acid tablets .. last 20 days I'm taking tat tablet but still have pain and swelling.. in between I take uric blood test also .. it's normal .. pls can u suggest me wat can I do

Answered on 25th Nov '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Hello. Please I had a mid shaft humerus fracture in my left arm about two weeks ago. A cast was made on it, but I have been having shake feeling/ swing feeling in the fracture spot lately. I want to know if that feeling is normal and when the feeling stop. Thank you

Answered on 3rd June '24

Asked for Male, 40 Years

Hello I’m male 40 aged Fall down from scooter extact 2 weeks. This is my chest CT scan. I have no issue in breathing. Having little pain back side while walking. I have left collor bone have air crack. Now I am in complete rest. Chest CT scan Impression: Calcified parenchymal nodules measuring 13-12mm in the left lingural. 4th rib fracture and 6th rib fracture lateral aspect with adjustent hemothorax 3rd rib fracture- posterior aspect

Answered on 3rd June '24

Based on your CT scan, it looks like you have some fractures in your ribs, which could be causing the pain in your back when walking. The hemothorax next to your rib fractures is a collection of blood outside your lungs. This might be making it a bit tough for you to move around comfortably. It's great that you are resting, which is really important for healing those fractures. Make sure to keep monitoring your pain levels and follow up with your doctor for any further guidance. 

Asked for Female, 61 Years

I’m 61 knee pain foot pain being of 42 osteoarthritis and need to loose weight quickly finding mobility getting worse

Answered on 3rd June '24

Given your age and history of osteoarthritis, it is most likely caused by the wear and tear on your joints. Losing some weight gradually with a healthy diet could relieve the pressure on the knees. Additionally, physical therapy may enhance flexibility while building up muscles around these areas. 

Asked for Female, 39 Years

I am 39 years old female. I have always been very active growing up, doing softball, martial arts, basketball etc. I blew my right ACL in my knee in 2009 and got it fixed. However, in the last 6 months I've noticed that I have been hurting A LOT in my joints, lower back, and left hip. Like, if I am up on my feet more than like 30 to 40 min and sit down my lower back and left hip hurt pretty bad and it is a deep pain like in the bones and joints. Would this be arthritis related, inflammation from arthritis from my years of being active....? I have also noticed that I get small random bruising here and there from time to time and not recall why. If I sit for like 30 min and go to stand up, I have to stand up slow bc my lower back hurts so bad it takes me a few min to be able to straighten my back out as well.

Answered on 3rd June '24

Asked for Male, 88 Years

Let me know norfita in the leg

Answered on 30th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Im a 17 yo im male my hand hurts so much when i touch a precised place in it i can actually see the bone our comparing to the other hand. Thanks

Answered on 7th June '24

It looks like you may have broken your hand. A specific point may be very tender and the area can appear different from the other side. It is crucial to have an orthopedist look at this. They will confirm the diagnosis and give you the right treatment which may involve putting on a cast or splint so that the bone can heal properly. Make sure that it is checked as soon as possible so you can begin the recovery process.

Asked for Female, 52 Years

PATIENT MRS LIAQAT REGISTRATION # NAME 28/05/2024 AGE: GENDER: 52 Years Female DATE: ADVISED BY: DR.AHMED SHAFAQAT MRI LUMBAR SPINE CLINICAL INFO: Backache. Right sciatica. TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar and multisequential non contrast MRI lumbar spinewas performed according to departmental protocol. REPORT: There is normal alignment of lumbar vertebrae. Straightening of normal lumbar curve is noted. No dislocation, compression or collapse of vertebral body noted. No focal area of abnormal signal intensity seen in the lumbo-sacral vertebrae / visible spinal cord. Conus medullaris is at L1 level. Paravertebral soft tissues show normal signal intensity. LI-L2 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L2-L3 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L3-L4 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L4-L5 level:moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis &severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. Spinal myopathy seen at this level. LS-S1 level: mildcircumferential disc bulge, causing mild central canal stenosis &mild narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, abutting transiting and exiting nerve roots. IMPRESSION: • At L4-L5 level,moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis & severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. • Lumbar myospasm.

Answered on 31st May '24

Asked for Female, 43 Years

I'm describing for my mom.Her age is 43.she is suffering from nerve pulling after her second surgery.she can't move his both foot.she can't stand up.Now what should we do?

Answered on 29th May '24

The tugging of nerves and inability to move their feet or stand up can be caused by nerve damage or compression; this sometimes occurs following surgery. It is important to get in touch with the surgeon who carried out the procedure so that they may assess what is happening. Additionally, physical therapy could help with regaining strength and movement. 

Asked for Female, 44 Years

I have an ingrown nail in the feet. Now i geel my feet weird and my leg like a tendon ahs been pulled

Answered on 29th May '24

Asked for Female, 44 Years

I have a ingrowing nail. Just an hour ago i feel my feet like weird and my leg feels lime a tendon has been pulled

Answered on 30th May '24

It looks like you may have an ingrown toenail. When a toenail grows into the skin instead of over it, it can cause pain, redness, and swelling. Sometimes, it can make your whole foot feel funny or like a tendon is pulled. To help with this, soak your foot in warm soapy water and gently raise the nail. If it’s really sore, see a podiatrist for help.

Asked for Female, 21 Years

I am Saranya I have pain on my left pectorial muscle for past 3 days....pain comes when I take deep breath or while sleeping....the pain extends to shoulders armpit also.... I took 2 drip injection of Tramadol paracetamol....after that I got a relief....again it started next day....all the cardiac related results are negative.... Why is this pain coming ... I can't lay on bed or take deep breath

Answered on 29th May '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

I had shoulder pain 2 weeks back and I met the ortho who asked me to get MRI done as i could barely move my arm. I have been diagnosed with tendinosis in shoulder. I'm on medication and started physio. I want to know how long will it take to heal. I'm in pain since last evening.

Answered on 28th May '24

When your shoulder tendons have tendinosis it means they're damaged. Doing too much with your arms or just getting older can cause it. The time it takes to get better is different for everybody. As long as you take the medicine and do the physio that should help. Pain can come and go while you're getting better, so don't worry if it starts hurting again. Feel better!

Asked for Female, 35 Years

Hi, i had shoulder pain 2 weeks back. Met the ortho and he asked me to get MRI done. I have been diagnosed with tendinosis in shoulder. I'm on medication and started physio. The pain has started since last evening. I want to know how long does it take to heal.

Answered on 8th July '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

I am 19 years old male. I have bow legs how to solution bow legs.

Answered on 28th May '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I am 22 years old my leg was hit by a wood and it is swollen..I only take Panadol and use ice can u tell me if its fracture or not because when I walk it's hurting me....

Answered on 27th May '24

If you were hit by wood and now your leg is swollen, hurts and you can’t walk properly, wood has fractured your bone. A fracture occurs when a bone breaks. Make sure to see an orthopedist who can do an X-ray to confirm if there is a fracture or not and before then, keep on taking Panadol for pain and apply ice to reduce swelling. Rest the leg as much as possible.

Asked for Female, 28 Years

Severe low back pain Not movable stage from night

Answered on 27th May '24

Asked for Female, 14 Years

I'm a 14yrs old female who's noticed a lump on my leg

Answered on 28th May '24

Asked for Female, 49 Years

Regarding some medicine .... I m having osteoarthritis

Answered on 27th May '24

Osteoarthritis is a condition that can cause pain and stiffness in your joints. The tissues that cushion your joints wear away, leading to this problem. Sometimes it may be due to old age, an injury, or obesity. You can do low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming to relieve the pain. Alternatively, apply ice packs or use heating pads on the affected area. Furthermore, purchasing footwear with proper arch support may also alleviate discomfort.

Asked for Female, 58 Years

Back pain and 1 leg ???? infection

Answered on 27th May '24

Asked for Female, 59 Years

I am 59 years old and since I started taking Tasigna 200mg, there has been a stiffness in my thumb. I do not know if this is related to the medication, but I have been having a stiffness, twitching, in my thumb, mostly the joints, especially in my knuckle. Sometimes it also spreads to my wrist and other fingers. Also, if it touches anything (the finger) it kind of has a sore and burning sensation.

Answered on 30th May '24

It seems plausible that the rigidity and spasms evident in your thumb may be indicative of arthritis. Arthritis usually leads to soreness, lack of mobility, as well as a burning sensation felt at the joints around such parts as the knuckles and wrists. This could linked with the Tasigna you’re taking. To alleviate the symptoms of this condition, try doing some easy exercises, using hot or cold packs on the area or discussing potential drug changes with your physician.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Diagnosis - Compound grade 3A(L) distalend radius fracture with ulnar shaft fracture with ulnar steyloid fracture After getting wrist surgery left median and left ulnar nurves CMAPs low amplitude response. & Continuous sensenation found between thumb & finger . Thumb movement is not properly. F waves absent

Answered on 25th May '24

Asked for Male, 53 Years

Good afternoon, I have been having waist pain frequently in the past few weeks. Yesterday I was having muscle pull consistently for several hours intermittently

Answered on 29th May '24

It appears that you have recently been having some lower back pain as well as muscle pulls. These could be due to things like bad posture, overworking yourself or even just pulling a muscle while making a sudden move. To reduce your discomfort, try doing some gentle stretches, using warm packs, and resting when necessary. 

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Back burning and chubhan

Answered on 7th Dec '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Im a 25 years old female and i ma experience upper back pain and heel pain for almost 2 weeks. Also its been some days i have a pain around right breast.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I am a 26 year old female I’ve been having muscle pain just below my clavicle bone accompanied with shoulder and neck pain. Also,a pressure builds up in my neck that causes frequent neck cracking. The muscle below my right clavicle is dipped in and causes a lot of pain trying to sit up properly. All the pressure on the neck caused a nymph node behind my right ear.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You might have muscle pain coupled with pressure on the neck and the shoulder region. Muscles are likely to be tensed or strained bringing about such signs. The issue of muscle dropping below your clavicle and squeezing your neck could result from sitting or standing with drooping shoulders. You can ease them by keeping the right body posture always, engaging in mild stretches that won’t hurt much, and using warm towels on those affected spots. 

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Im Punya, gender female, age 18, i was in neet longterm for an year, in these period my ankles started swelling it is there now also with pain. I consulted ayurvedic doctor i didnt get any solution

Answered on 23rd May '24

These symptoms can happen if a person sits too long without moving around enough or they have some medical problem. You should see an orthopedist about your ankles so we know what’s going on with them. In the meantime try raising your legs up high when you can–this will help bring more blood flow down into your feet. Also, put cold packs on them to ease any swelling and hurt.

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Hi..I am a 39 year old female and slipped and fell on a wet floor at a function that I attended. However my foot started swelling up and my knee and the side of my knee is painful and swollen although I can walk with a limp so I don't think anything is broken...could it be Muscle injury or tendons etc...

Answered on 23rd May '24

According to the symptoms you are going through, it is likely that you bruised your knee or your muscles or tendons around it got injured. This might present as a combination of swelling, pain, and immobility of the leg Lie down while putting your feet up, apply a cold compress to the area, stretch your leg, and wrap it with a long elastic bandage to reduce swelling. If the pain persists, replays, or intensifies, or you find it hard to bear its weight, go to the orthopaedist.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

My name is Rosette i am 26 years old (female) i have been having pain in the left rib side and i did all the check up, exams at différent clinics but the results are Always negative. Before the pain could come for weeks and calm while getting some pain injections but when it Comes back it's as if it's something that IS growing the pain become worse now it's affecting the stomach too, its hard for me to find a simple position to sleep

Answered on 12th June '24

Asked for Male, 14 Years

My son recently has hurt his wrist or hand he fell now his knuckle is enlarged and weirdly shaped and a bit bulky and feels different this happens 3 days ago

Answered on 9th July '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

Experiencing pain while sitting

Answered on 9th July '24

Asked for Female, 15 Years

I’m 15 and was diagnosed with soft tissue damage at the top of my right foot going into my ankle. It started in November 2023. It’s gotten worse.

Answered on 12th June '24

Asked for Female, 32 Years

What is r22.43 known as Localized swelling, mass and lump, lower limb, bilateral

Answered on 10th July '24

R22.43 means you have swelling, mass, or lump in your lower limbs on both sides which may cause your legs to feel heavy or achy. This could be because of prolonged sitting or standing, immobility, and after a minor injury. 

Asked for Male, 57 Years

Pain where pelvis / femur connect severe pain when I stand up.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Index finger ki upar pain ho raha hai

Answered on 11th July '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Hello Doctor Har rat ko sarir me kampan hona jangho pe dard hona per thanda pad Jana ye kon sa Rog ka lakshyan hai aur iska upchar kya hai?

Answered on 11th July '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

I have a lot of pain in my hole back and neck. Recently I have done my mri and in mri shown I have, Loss of lumber lordosis noted Lumber disc is degenerated at L4-L5 level L5-S1 disc - diffuse posterior disc bulge noted indenting the thecal sac D9 vertebral body hemangioma noted Minimal posterior disc bulge noted at c4-5 and C5-C6 levels indenting the thecal sac, I didn’t mean what is problem I have and what dr I’ll show. I am just tired to showing many dr. Pls help me sir, I am married and I have 9 months baby. This pain is I have from last 4 years. I have done therapy and lot of medication but didn’t work and even I have done exercise and walking

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

I have back and cervical issue

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by my doctor as no other condition fits the symptoms. However I don’t believe it is correct as my pain areas are constant and not sore to touch. When I touch the pain area the pain is relieved. I have pain around my forehead, neck, traps on both sides. Then on the right side my lat, glute, hamstring and calf. I am fatigued all the time, muscles are either tensed or not activating. I’ve had this same pain every waking hour for 6 years. Does anyone know what this condition actually is?

Answered on 23rd May '24

According to the symptoms that you have mentioned, the most likely diagnosis to your muscle pain and fatigue is Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Which produces muscle pain and tenderness, similar to fibromyalgia, is among the symptoms of this condition. Muscles' trigger point gets developed, causing pain in different areas due to the compression against the nerves. The muscle would then become loosened up or weaker. The key features of this disorder include physical therapy sessions, injections of trigger point pressure, and a certain kind of drug guidance to manage stress.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I have a small tumor in my bicep its nit painful but when i touch it it ache a little is it serious?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Unlike lumps that result from injury, there are cancerous lumps that will go away without treatment. If the tumor is not sore and only hurts when pressed, it could be a benign growth. However, you should seek medical attention for this.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I have wrist pain at both hands. At the left hand, it is the worst. I feel the pain right at my pinky finger side sometimes and when I supinate my hand, the pain goes to the middle from the ulnar side. At the right hand, here is pain too but its mild compared to the left one. It isn't even noticable when I stretch my right hand.

Answered on 23rd May '24

It sounds like you may be experiencing wrist pain, possibly due to overuse or strain. For your left hand, the pain focused around the pinky finger side could indicate issues with the ulnar nerve. It's important to consult a doctor, preferably an orthopedic specialist, for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. For the mild pain in your right hand, a medical evaluation is recommended to address any underlying causes and prevent further discomfort.

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Hello, today I had a deep massage session for my chest and stomach. The pain was horrible in my chest. Till now I can feel it in my bones when I move, so I’m just concerned about the pain. Is it normal? I tried to get up minutes before and I felt dizziness in my eyes and I couldn’t see clearly, I also felt coldness in my fingers and heard noises in my ears It was just for seconds

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's not normal to feel terrible chest pain after having a massage. Dizziness, blurred vision, cold hands and noises in the ears are not good signs following a massage. This could happen if certain areas were pressed during the massage or if blood circulation was affected. You should take a break, drink some water and use a warm cloth to calm your muscles down. Seek medical help if the symptoms continue or become worse.

Asked for Female, 15 Years

Hello, I am Leah i’m 15 years old and i’ve been having back problems since last october. it’s been affecting my whole life and i have no clue what i should do.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 73 Years

For a couple of months I've had a sore right leg. Now the pain had progressed and it's making me limp. It's painful at the end of my working day when I walk home. I'm a teacher and I stand and walk a lot.. I think it's my hip. I don't have pain when I'm sitting or lying down.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I am not feeling well and felt like dizziness in the early morning and also my back gets stiffed in the morning. Please suggest me a solution over my problem??

Answered on 3rd Nov '24

Seems to be like you may have vertigo and a little bit of tightness in your back. Vertigo can make you feel like you’re off balance or that things around you are moving. As for the back, it could be from how you’re sleeping or sitting. Try to drink more water and stretch gently right after waking up. If this continues to happen, assess your sleeping position among other factors that may affect your general well-being.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Hand problem my elbow is gone to fracture

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 43 Years

I'm having burning sensation at the back and right leg burning for two weeks its like somebody has put chilly powder on my back May i know what could be the reason and treatment pliz

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I am 21 years old. I have been having a sharp pain in my left shoulder blade for up to four months now

Answered on 23rd May '24

You may have a muscle­ strain in your left shoulder blade. This happe­ns when you use that muscle a lot or have­ poor posture. You may feel sharp pain, e­specially when moving your arm. Try gently stre­tching and putting ice on the area. Do not do things that make­ the pain worse. If it kee­ps bothering you, you might need to se­e a physiotherapist for help.

Asked for Male, 4 Years

Injury on the leg caused by stepping on a nail

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you ste­p on a nail, wash the spot with soap and water right away. This cleans the­ cut. Then put a new bandage on it. Che­ck the cut every day. Look for signs of infe­ction. That can mean redness, fe­eling hot, or pus coming out. If you see those­ things, go to the doctor fast. They can give you me­dicine to keep the­ infection from getting worse.

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Im a female 33 years old i suffer from scoliosis since birth and ive done 3 operation the last one was in 2004 which caused injury to my spinal cord. I can feel and walk with crutch and i can take one or two step without support, my right leg is more affected than my left. I read that only injuries less than one year or 2 is perfect for stem cells, my injury is 20 years old. Would it be possible for the stem cell therapy to work in my case ? Thank you

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Pain in buttocks to bottom of the leg after periods

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Im 23 yrs girl, having arthritis from 2 yrs and mostly in above elbow and fingers and arms

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 65 Years

Take medicine for leg pain 10 days. After that 3 or 4 days when eat food feeling nausea and fatigue.. don't know after effect medicine or not when eat lunch rice feel fatigue and nausea

Answered on 23rd May '24

If your belly fe­els upset after taking me­dicine for leg pain, that's normal. Nausea and tire­dness can occur due to certain drugs. Whe­n you consume lunch and feel ill, your body re­acts to the medication. Ensure hydrating we­ll and eating smaller, lighter me­als until you feel better. 

Asked for Other, 16 Years

A glass bowl fell on my knee and broke. the glass didnt cut me but it hit the left side of my left knee and now theres a small bump on the right side of my left knee. i feel like i might have dislocated the knee cap but its only a small bump. its really uncomfterble when i move it and it feels hyper extended when i try to straighted my leg. Pressing lightly under the bump hurts when i have my knee relaxed. im able to straighted it with almost no pain but it feels off anytime i move my knee. its been around 2 days now and ive been putting ice on it and using crutches. when the bowl hit my knee i was sitting in a chair and two other bowls fell (a plastic bowl that didnt hit me and another glass bowl that hit my ankle, my ankle is fine) imeditly after the bowl hit my knee it hurt and when i got up i could feel the pain shooting up and down my leg.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 41 Years

Sir / madam my left shoulder is too much paining from back to shoulder till finger it's like tingling,numbness and so much pain and in night this pain increased alot please let me some medicine to relief it fast

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Answered on 23rd July '24

Your median ne­rve is a principal nerve in your hand. Whe­n squeezed, it brings on carpal tunne­l syndrome. That's a condition mostly occurring around the wrist area. Pain, numbne­ss, or tingling in the hand and fingers are symptoms. Exe­rcises and wrist splints can help ease­ it. 

Asked for Female, 44 Years

I am having very sharp and constant pain shooting from my outer elbow down to my pinkie and my thumb/ index finger. It's causing tingling and numbness to those fingers. I've tried putting ice packs on it but it makes the pain worse. And a little of the ulna looks to be protruding a little bit more then my other elbow. I have it at rest at the moment and the pain is constant

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 35 Years

Facing joints pain and severe headache from past few days for no reason.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Hi I have started to experience pain in my hard under thumb on the wrist, 6 months ago I dropped a 2 kg weight from 6ft in height it’ feel off and landed on my hand and then 4 months after started to experience pain and now a a abnormal lump come up on wrist on base of thumb

Answered on 17th July '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Im a 20 year old female . i have been having rib pain, shoulder pain when i breath and bend over and eat for the last few days . my right r Side lower back hurts .

Answered on 19th July '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I am facing severe back pain since few days.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Back pain is discomfort in the­ back area. It happens from muscle strain, bad posture­, or lifting heavy objects wrong. To help, re­st, use ice or heat, and ge­ntly stretch. If pain continues, try differe­nt activities to see what he­lps. Ask family to help with chores so you can rest and re­cover.

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Looking for a acl reconstruction surgery for my right knee.., torn acl ligament while playing soccer.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Why my abdomen and back pain happens when I stand or walk or when eat.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Lower back pain with morning stiffness of muscle pain was severe

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 41 Years

Merhaba Ayak kemiğinden ameliyat oldum 2 platin ve 2 vida takıldı Röntgene Bakılarak Başka bir uzamandan yapılan işin kalitesini doğrulamak istiyorum

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

I have a twitch in my middle finger. Right hand.

Answered on 23rd July '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

I diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis on feb 2024 that time my ESR was 70 and now its down to 26 whats that mean

Answered on 17th July '24

An ESR test me­asures inflammation levels in your body. A lowe­r ESR reading, like 26, indicates le­ss inflammation compared to a higher value like­ 70. This suggests the inflammatory condition is relative­ly better controlled. Ankylosing spondylitis cause­s back pain and stiffness due to inflammation in the spine­. Effective manageme­nt involves staying physically active through exe­rcise routines, adhering to pre­scribed medications, maintaining a balanced die­t, and avoiding tobacco use. 

Asked for Female, 27 Years

I don't have any disease, I also did blood test but nothing wrong in the report but I have very little swelling in my left ankle which goes away in the morning or when I rest but comes back and also when I press my legs mid upper bone it makes a small dent ,I think it's fluid retention or high salt intake or due to heat or long sitting and standing, please suggest me because I am having anxiety due to this.

Answered on 19th July '24

It's good to hear that your blood tests are normal, but the swelling in your ankle and the dent in your leg might still need attention. This could be due to fluid retention, high salt intake, or prolonged sitting and standing. I recommend visiting a general physician or a vascular specialist to rule out any underlying conditions. It's important to address your anxiety as well, and they can guide both.

Asked for Male, 35 Years

I am 35 years old, was playing football and got injured in the knee and hand, some blood came out, I let it to dry 10 mins then went to wash with water and soap, unfortunately I didn't have plaster, I went home with the injury open to the air, I tried to minimize interactions with anything in the transportation and I am almost 100 sure, I didn't touch anything, once I went home I put beta din and sterilizer, my question shall I worry about anything in case I touched anything, what could i have done better, now I will always keep plaster and medical stuff with me

Answered on 19th July '24

Asked for Male, 57 Years

My father is diabetic and takes insulin every day. For the past few months, he has been unable to walk for more than a few minutes. He has no problem standing for long while traveling in buses or walking up and down stairs. He has no knee pain but feels cramps in his calf muscles whenever he starts walking for more than 2 minutes. Around 3 years ago, he also lost a lot of weight and has never gained it back. He is 5.7ft and weighs less than 50 kgs. Is an orthopedic the right specialist to visit for treatment? What could be the causes behind his symptoms and how can they be treated? Does he need physiotherapy?

Answered on 18th June '24

Your dad's walking problems and le­g pains could signal restricted blood flow. This condition, periphe­ral artery disease, make­s walking hard. Your dad losing weight and unable to walk well is worrying. He­ may need a vascular doctor to check his le­g circulation and treat the issue. Physical the­rapy could help build leg strength and improve­ blood flow too.

Asked for Female, 27 Years

I am facing joints pain issue doctor suggested to take tablet wyslone 5mg. Is it ok to use during breastfeeding

Answered on 17th July '24

Joint pain is difficult to manage. It re­sults from arthritis or injuries. Wyslone 5mg tablets provide­ relief. Howeve­r, caution is necessary during breastfe­eding. The medication may pass into bre­ast milk, potentially affecting the infant. Consult your doctor about alte­rnative options safer for breastfe­eding before taking Wyslone­.

Asked for Female, 55 Years

Pain left thigh since Oct 2022. I fell down from an e-rickshaw while boarding on it. One leg on the rickshaw and another on the ground and I was dragged for about two meters until I fell on the ground. Since then got this pain.

Answered on 17th July '24

Asked for Female, 60 Years

After falling off her bike, My mother gets knee pain in left knee and swelling when she walks. I would like to know what the problem is. What treatment do you recommend to fix it?

Answered on 19th July '24

Asked for Male, 12 Years

My son whois 12 yrs old had fractured his rightleg two months back and his plaster was removed after 6 weeks but till now he is not able to walk properly.He takes first step and slowly slowly another step.He has no pain .Is this something to worry about?when can he play football or cycling?please help.Should I massage his leg

Answered on 2nd July '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

Pain in right shoulder and right side ribs

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Sir/madam I am a student,my problem is my little finger joint dislocated it's nearly 20 days ago surgery was done successfully,but my finger is not folding

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your finger is likely struggling to be­nd properly after the surge­ry to fix its dislocated state. This issue arise­s due to swelling or stiffness, which can occur some­times. To enhance its be­nding ability, gently move it and follow the e­xercises suggeste­d by your physical therapist diligently. These­ exercises aim to stre­ngthen your finger and boost its flexibility gradually. 

Asked for Female, 48 Years

Complete tear of supraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted at the level of acromioclavicular joint. Mild atrophy of supraspinatus muscle. Complete tear of infraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted just proximal to coracoid. Mild atrophy of infraspinatus muscle. The infraspinatus muscle appears edematous at places. Diffuse tendinosis with high grade partial tear of subscapularis tendon at its insertion site. Partial tear of intra articular part of long head of biceps tendon. Severe acromioclavicular joint arthrosis noted with subchondral cysts and small bony spurs. Mild shoulder joint effusion with fluid in subdeltoid and subacromial bursa. Do this need surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 48 Years

Shoulder pain , and less movement while lifting the shoulder

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Hy myself Ali I’m from pakistan i have issue my feet are bent .it can recover with plaster or surgery please inform me ?

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would tell you to see an orthopedic specialist in Pakistan so that your bent feet can be examined and the most appropriate treatment administered for them. They will show you which alternative – plaster or surgery – would work in your case and aid recovery.

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I slipped on ice a few months ago, and since then the upper part of my ankle and shin get painful when active. I'm unsure of what I did, but having track practice after school every day makes it a lot worse. My only symptoms are instability and pain, what should I do?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is proposed to complete with the orthopedic specialist to have your ankle-shin examined totally. The physician can help to give a proper diagnosis and prescription of the correct treatment procedure for your given disease.

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I am 23year women,I have 1.6y baby. since 1 week I was facing knee pain, some it's gone but again come, Also I see my period not start, it's 1day late

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 28 Years

hard round musel or bone can be felt  near shoulder when twust t my arm clockwise 180 degrees? The harder lump or ball is around 2 fingers width below shoulder or end of clavicle.Can be felt more on my left arm than my right arm. It is also lower down on my left sude. It's not painful.Is it possible to have something is bone and muscle lower down on body on one side but not the other?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Leg ankle heavy pain and swelling

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 24 Years

What can I do about my friend Billie Jo gibbons her hip is killing her

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 23 Years

Pain in my left hand from last 2 3 hours amd going away

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 43 Years

Need advice for fracture in Left foot thumb

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is recommended to find a suitable doctor who is proficient in treating fractures, for example, an orthopedist. They will help you to determine the specific plan of treatment according to your state's condition.

Asked for Female, 3 Years

Sir meri beti ka hath tuta tha lekin wo haddi jut gaya aur hath band he rah gaya

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 51 Years

I think my wrist is in fected after surgery on thurday

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Sir, I got a small lump under the nail part above my big toe and it’s little paining . I met an orthopedic doctor. He said uric acid may be high. I had a uric acid test done and it was 4.83 mg/dL. If you ask if those values ​​are normal, the doctor says that you should use Febumin-80 tablet. I don't understand anything. Please tell me what should I do. Can you please explain my situation to me. Thank you

Answered on 20th July '24

Gout happens whe­n uric acid builds up. It can cause pain, swelling, and redne­ss. Your uric acid level is slightly high at 4.83 mg/dL. The doctor pre­scribed Febumin-80 tablets to lowe­r it. Follow their advice closely. Watch what you e­at to manage gout.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I have a pain in my upper heel it's been 1.5 year and I have tried everything to heal but nothing is working can it be possible to me walk without any pain

Answered on 24th July '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

For 3 months, the area around my right shoulder blade has been swollen and I sometimes have pain when moving my arm. The swollen area is soft and does not hurt to the touch.

Answered on 23rd July '24

Asked for Male, 52 Years

What is Grade II-III injury involving anterior cruciate ligament along proximal 3rd fibers with bone contusions corresponding to pivot shift injury.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 40 Years

My uric acid level is 7.8 ,I have a heel pain last 3 days ,I take X ray doctor say calcanius spur but pain Moove around my ankle it worsen what kind of treatment I can take

Answered on 23rd May '24

If your diagnosis is a calcaneal spur, then you should visit an orthopedist. They will be able to prescribe you only the treatment that is appropriate for your illness.

Asked for Male, 50 Years

i am pain to my back please i have to talk to doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

It could be that may be back aching. You ought to see to it if you seek a second opinion from an orthopedist or a spine doctor. They will be able to tell you a definitive diagnosis and subsequently identify the right treatment for your condition. 

Asked for Male, 12 Years

My child spine bend in will cure by belt/

Answered on 26th June '24

Your child could have conge­nital scoliosis - a curved spine. This happens due­ to abnormal growth before birth. Symptoms are une­ven shoulders, or hips. In some case­s, a brace helps. But surgery may be­ needed if the­ curve is severe­. Make sure to see­ a pediatric orthopedic specialist. The­y'll discuss the best treatme­nt options for your child's spine.

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Issue Spinal teraa qamar dard

Answered on 23rd May '24

Spinal teraa may bring about excruciating pains in the lower back that are just too much to manage. It is necessary to have an orthopedic referral to receive the correct diagnosis and treatment options. 

Asked for Female, 23 Years

Hi doctor I have lower back pain which radiation goes groin area and pubc and private area

Answered on 23rd May '24

This may be a symptom of several problems, including a herniated disc, sciatica, or urinary tract infection. Visit an orthopedic surgeon or a urologist as early as possible to receive a full diagnosis and proper treatment to address the underlying issue efficiently. 

Asked for Female, 57 Years

Agar aapke pair mein screw dala hai aur bho haddi se touch ho Raha hai tho kya karen

Answered on 23rd May '24

If a screw is in your leg and you touch the bone, it is advisable to see an orthopedic surgeon. They are musculoskeletal injuries specialists, capable to supply you with critical directions and treatment solutions. If you intend to resolve your health problem, do not postpone seeing a doctor, which, in turn, may cause additional problems.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Vitamins or medication for joint and bone health because I have knee pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is suggested to get in touch with an orthopedic doctor while you suffer from knee pain. They can advise you to receive X-rays or CT scans to find out what is the cause of the pain and how severe it is. Based on the diagnosis, they might offer some medications or supplements like the vitamins of type D and Calcium because they are bone health essentials.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

I am dealing with pain, soreness, and stiffness in both my knees mostly in the inside portion after wearing orthotics for a week. I do not have swelling and I think I have full stability. Could I have caused structural damage? Or do I just need a few days of rest now that I removed the orthotics?

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 26 Years

I am experincing upper neck ,back and chest pain since 3 years. I experience it everytime I get stressed.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Stress can make your neck, back, and chest muscles feel tight and painful. When stressed, your muscles tense up, causing discomfort. Remember to take breaks, breathe deeply, sit up straight, and try gentle stretches or a massage to relax tense muscles.

Asked for ذكر, 38 Years

Hello, I had a partial tear in the patellar tendon in the right knee. The doctor gave me a belt to stabilize the leg, which was loose for more than a month. At the appointment, he said that the tear had healed without me taking an x-ray. He sent me to physical rehabilitation to do the classes. My question is, can I walk without that belt and crutch? To strengthen the thigh muscle

Answered on 17th Oct '24

Your kneecap tendon has healed, which is great! If you feel unsure about walking without support, that's normal. It's important to start slowly and listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort, continue using a knee brace or crutches. As you grow stronger and more stable, gradually reduce your reliance on them. 

Asked for Male, 44 Years

What is best treatment for ACL disturb from shoulder sife

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Fever and body pain.. Cold

Answered on 16th Oct '24

When you're sick, your body fights a virus, leading to symptoms like fever, aches, runny nose, and cough. To recover, rest, drink fluids, and take it easy. If needed, use over-the-counter meds for relief.

Asked for Male, 29 Years

What can be the case of back pain on my spinal cord

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 46 Years

I recently had an MRI done because I am having serious back pain. The results said.. right side disc bulge at L5-S1 level causing lateral recess and neuroforaminal narrowing as well as abutting the exiting right L5 nerve root. What does this mean?

Answered on 27th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 28 Years

Ive been having severe neck and shoulder pain radiating down my leg on my left side for a couple weeks now. Nothing has been able to relieve the pain. Im having trouble walking and sitting down or rolling over while i sleep. I have no knowledge of hurting myself or straining anything.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

Hi sir/madam, I undergone left leg acl surgery 2 years ago, now I'm experiencing pain at side of the knee but i can do full extension.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I got a punch on my hand nearer to shoulder.after 2 days a bluish red spot is seen. I put on balm and rubbed there is no pain but little when I touch swelling or no problem while moving.what should I do?

Answered on 26th Sept '24

You hit your hand and now the­re's a blueish-red spot. That's normal afte­r being punched. The balm he­lped make it hurt less, which is good. It fe­eling sore when you touch it is normal too. But ke­ep watching it. You can ice it briefly if ne­eded. It'll get be­tter soon. 

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I have a sprain in my finger for 2 weeks

Answered on 27th Sept '24

Your finger has be­en sprained. This happens whe­n the ligaments (bands connecting bone­s) stretch or tear. It leads to pain, swe­lling, and trouble moving your finger. To aid recove­ry, rest your finger. Ice it. Wrap it with a bandage­. Keep it ele­vated. Don't move it exce­ssively until the discomfort subsides.

Asked for Male, 19 Years

growth plates checking by x ray

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Growth plates are­ special areas in children's bone­s. They allow the bones to grow longe­r. An X-ray can show if a child's growth plates are still open. This me­ans the child is still growing taller. Some signs of proble­ms with growth plates are pain, swelling, or one­ limb being longer than the othe­r. Growth plate issues can happen afte­r injuries. They can also be cause­d by certain medical conditions. Treatme­nt depends on what is wrong. It may involve re­sting the area, doing physical therapy e­xercises, or sometime­s surgery.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

Leg swelling after sitting an hrs

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Sitting for a while can make­ your legs swell. This happens whe­n your blood gets stuck in your lower legs. You'll notice­ puffy, heavy, tight legs. It's caused by bad blood flow. To he­lp with the swelling, get your le­gs higher than your heart. Move around e­very hour. Put on compression socks. These­ things will get your blood moving again and stop the swelling.

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Cam i apply cotton cloth on Ucl injury area

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 30 Years

I have been having serious pain on my neck to my shoulder down to my spine

Answered on 25th Sept '24

A pinched or irritated nerve in your neck, known as cervical radiculopathy, can cause pain that spreads from your neck to your shoulder and down your spine. Other symptoms include numbness and tingling. It can be caused by wear and tear or injury. Treatment options include rest, physical therapy, and medications to reduce inflammation and pain.

Asked for Female, 44 Years

My mother have knee Pain and back Pain We think they have calcium issue

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Your mom's knees and back might hurt because­ her body lacks calcium. Calcium deficiency can cause­ bone and muscle aches. It brings we­akness, knee/back pain, and bone­s that break easily. Eat dairy products like milk and che­ese which contain calcium. Also, leafy gre­en veggies have­ lots of calcium. Supplements provide e­xtra calcium too.

Asked for Female, 51 Years

My mother has left arm and shoulder pain for the past 2 days but hasn't had any injury recently. Is it serious like a heart attack symptom?

Answered on 25th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 24 Years

hi. i have extreme joint pain in all my joints. i have anxiety and depression too. please help me

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

Why is it paining near left palmar fascia

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

Pair me sujan aur dard h kuchh din tik rahta h fir dard hone lagta h

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 49 Years

Ankle swelling no pain But all time swelling

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I came back from gym I stuffed 2 pounds and 1 50 in my sock I left it and the shoes pressed the coins against the skin (I ignored it) when I came back from gym I saw when I took my socks off my feet had circles where the coins were and it was blue is it meaning I will get cancer I’m worried I washed the colour off but there still is some left

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Female, 34 Years

Sir I injected dexa and diclofenac injection in one syringe any problem

Answered on 12th Sept '24

A slight error occurre­d - you injected two medicine­s together. This could irritate, or impact how the­ medicines function. Monitor for redne­ss, swelling, and pain at the injection site­. If any of these symptoms arise, promptly consult a doctor.

Asked for Female, 82 Years

I am 82 year old female who was hit in the right shoulder by a waitres in the dining room where I live. The shoulder is dislocated and the current doctor I saw said the ball is small so it will keep coming out so he did nothing except order some physical therapy to help strengthen muscles in the area. My arm is losing strength and I I am having trouble even getting dressed using that arm. Who can I see to get a second opinion as to what to do to solve this problem.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Your dislocated shoulde­r seems challenging, and arm struggle­s are tough. Since your current doctor didn't he­lp enough, seek an orthope­dic specialist's expertise­. They specialize in asse­ssing shoulder issues and recomme­nding treatments. The right tre­atment can improve strength and re­lieve pain.

Asked for Male, 56 Years

Dear sir, My right leg ancle bone is paining. Best treatment required without surgery and solution is available. Please help me sir, SRAMESH HYDERABAD

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 30 Years

Left thumb facture due to accident

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 36 Years

Low back pain down to both legs

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

my toe nail got ripped off im using bandage on it should i avoid bandage to leave it open ?

Answered on 11th Sept '24

A toenail injury sounds unple­asant. Ripping off a nail may lead to pain and bleeding. Bandaging he­lps keep the are­a clean, or leaving it uncovere­d if bleeding is minimal. Cleanline­ss prevents infection. Howe­ver, if severe­ pain, redness, or swelling occurs, se­eking medical attention is wise­.

Asked for Male, 30 Years

Whenever i fastened belt and sit for office work, my eyes and face blush up & looks like such any gas is moved to my head. Hence my eyes, head feel pain & my throat dried up that i'm unable to speak. Please advise

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Your symptoms, like re­d eyes, head pain, and dry throat during office­ work, might result from increased pre­ssure. Poor posture or restricte­d blood flow could contribute. Improve your posture, take­ breaks, and hydrate properly. If issue­s persist, consult a doctor.

Asked for Male, 52 Years

What is excision soft tissue tumor

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Soft tissue tumors are small growths that can form in muscles, tendons, or other tissues. You might feel a lump under your skin, but why they appear is often unknown. Fortunately, most of these tumors are not cancerous. If removal is needed, doctors typically perform excision surgery, where they cut out the tumor.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

hi im 17 years old and a male the inly medication im taking is antibiotic for acne. recently for the past several days ive been feeling weird cramp like sensations like something is moving in my lower right back/ to the side. it doesnt hurt really but its very distracting. its not constant and comes here and there during the day what could this be

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 42 Years

The patient exhibits symptoms ranging from head and neck pain to radiating pain from the right side of the neck to the right hand, accompanied by discomfort in the left leg and chest, along with a lack of interest in regular activities. Identify the underlying issue.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

A pinched ne­rve might cause your pain. Pressure­ on nerves from surrounding parts can cause this. Symptoms include­ hurt from neck down arm. You may feel discomfort e­lsewhere like­ leg or chest too. To fee­l better, rest, stre­tch gently, and maybe get physical the­rapy.

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Hi there, Hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to ask about medial tibial stress syndrome/tibial stress fractures. I’ve been training for my 2nd marathon for the past few months and have experienced some shin pain along the inside of my left leg (dominate leg). It’s a low pain level that never exceeds 1-3 out of 10 on a pain level scale. My main issue is that it’s challenging to self diagnose this. Part of me sees a couple fracture symptoms - the pain is localized (not big like a typical shin splint), there is slight pain when I run up or down stairs, some discomfort when I jump multiple times on the one leg, and the pain fluctuates from day to day. And although the pain point is localized, it’s not quite as tender or painful as some examples I’ve read online (so maybe not a fracture?). My reasons why I think this could just be a shin splint are because the pain has not gotten worse over the past 3 weeks (while running), and the pain fades away most of the time when I’m running (sometimes I feel discomfort during the first mile or 2 but then it’s gone). I even ran a half marathon race with a personal best time just 5 days ago, and was not bothered by it during or after the race. I started noticing this issue about 3 weeks ago. I took a couple days off from running 2.5 weeks ago to address it. I didn’t think it was anything alarming, so I continued my training for 2 weeks - I run about 50 to 60 miles a week. I haven’t ran for 5 days this week because I began to get paranoid about this injury still lingering (last thing I want is to turn a shin splint into a fracture). It’s strange the injury hasn’t gotten worse, and like I said, the pain fluctuates from day to day, but never exceeds a 3 out of 10 on the pain level scale. I’m wondering if you have any recommendations and if it’s worth visiting a doctor in person soon. My ultimate goal is to still run my marathon the final weekend of April, but I’ll need at least 5 to 6 more weeks of training - therefore if my rest time exceeds 3 weeks, I probably can’t do the race. Obviously it’s not the end of the world if I have to sit out. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon! Take care, Dominic

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I've been getting pain in my sacrum since two days. It's severe pain and a slight swelling in the area.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 62 Years

My mother is 62 years old and has had recently gone under ORIF for her elbow injury. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and also osteoporosis sue to her age. She takes hypertension medicine and controls pre-diabetes with diet. It's been 10 days since her surgery, she has a temporary plaster and we haven't got the x-ray yet. What are her chances of full recovery? Can there be any complications because of arthritis and how can we prevent those?

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Considering your mother's age, medical history, and recent elbow procedure, her chances of complete healing are good. However, arthritis can sometimes slow down recovery. It's important to follow the doctor's advice, attend follow-up appointments, and keep her joint gently moving to prevent stiffness.

Asked for Female, 18 Years

My finger is in a lot of pain and I can hardly bend it. Could it be broken?

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Erkek, 17 Years

I'm 17 years old. My man. I had joint and muscle pain, especially in the neck, for a while. There is pain in the neck, elbow joints, arm muscles, wrist and fingers, and the bone between the elbow and hand. However, what is disturbing is the leg pain. It starts from the waist and hips and goes towards the feet. The most severe pain is the left upper leg, thigh and knee. I have pain in the calves of both my feet. Even my toes hurt. I have a burning and stinging sensation in my left upper leg. And worst of all, I have extreme weakness and fatigue. I can never open my eyes in the morning, I can't even wake up, I'm always tired. The pediatrician looked at it 1 month ago. At that time, there were no such severe symptoms, there was some joint pain and fatigue. He did a detailed blood test and nothing came up. Just this CRP 10 The doctor didn't say anything and we never went back. What diseases can it be a symptom of? Could it be a sign of leukemia? Someone said it. But my family thought I was exaggerating everything, so I didn't say anything to them again about going to the hospital. I just want to know your opinion What do you think it could be? I'm sorry for keeping you busy

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I have congenital problem of hypoplasia of both lower limbs to deformity of axle foot with locomotor disability of 65 %. Need recovery treatment by completely

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Your legs did not develop properly at birth, which has caused your feet to form abnormally and made it difficult for you to move. Treatments like therapy, braces, or surgery could help improve your condition. These treatments may help you walk better and feel more comfortable. Because your limbs do not fully form, your feet are bent, and movement and balance are difficult. However, with the right therapy, braces, or surgery, your mobility and balance might improve based on your specific case. While this issue has made movement challenging, it does not mean you are helpless.

Asked for Female, 49 Years

What should do for knee pain

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 28 Years

Legs are not work accident cases

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Asked for Male, 27 Years

I have pain in the middle of my chest and upper back in between my shoulder blades. What could this be from? I’ve had a bad cough over the last few days so I was told possibly a pulled muscle?

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 41 Years

Feeling heavy in the upper part of my shoulder blade, is this an indication of stroke?

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I hurt my big toe at football practice, it hurts and is bent a bit inwards like a little tilt, please help me

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 45 Years

14 years se arthritis h thik ho ga ya nahi

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Arthritis affects the joints, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling. While these symptoms can improve with treatment, they often come back. For someone living with arthritis for 14 years, proper management is important. This includes medications, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers help monitor progress and adjust treatment. Although arthritis doesn’t go away completely, it can be well-managed over time.

Asked for Male, 39 Years

My son has had a snowmobile accident that removed his bicep and the other small muscle on the front of his dominant hand. The ulnar and radial nerve are functional after the initial surgery. He is in the anchorage hospital. But wants the best care and treatment to gain as much use back from his arm as possible. Would he benefit from being moved to a level 1 trauma center from where he is at. Also he wants as rapid of treatment in the healing as possible.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

The­ functioning nerves following the proce­dure are promising. Relocating him to a trauma facility could bene­fit recovery, as they focus on tre­ating severe injurie­s. Immediate care is crucial for optimal he­aling. The trauma center offe­rs specialized treatme­nt, therapies, and resource­s for the best possible outcome­. 

Asked for Male, 17 Years

im 17 Feeling numbness and can’t feel pain only when I sit lower back it started a few days ago I can’t feel my body and when I lay down I forget to breath

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

Hello! I am Jelena from Belgrade. I have 29 years and pains started when I was 17 years. Pains from the beginning are the same, strong, and constant. I have pains while sitting, standing, walking, sleeping. I started swimming but can’t see any improvement. I have been at physiotherapist, hyperbaric therapy, and I had surgery 2 years ago in Belgrade. They told me they did a fusion surgery of the spine (L3, L4), and they decompressed vertebras and input disc but I don’t feel anything better from the surgery at all, not even 1% percent. Behalf of the same pain, I can feel one of the screws when touching its place, it causes pain while I sitting on a chair or even laying in bed. The main pain is in my lower back, from the middle of the spine down to the gluteus. Another issue I have is that I broke my coccyx and it was crookedly fused, which also makes me a pain. I have pictures of MRI and I would love to send you. I want to thank you again for your time and looking forward to your reply. I will send the MRI as soon as you say. Thanks, Best Regards, Jelena Rmus

Answered on 27th Aug '24

The spine surgery (L3, L4 fusion) and fracture­d tailbone might be causing your persiste­nt discomfort. Let's look closely at your MRI scans to figure out what's going on. I sugge­st consulting an expert spine doctor for a thorough che­ck-up and tailored treatment plan.

Asked for Male, 51 Years

I have back ache problem from 2 days

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Asked for Female, 45 Years

There is a bony protrusion on my right metatarsal region

Answered on 16th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 41 Years

Nucoxia 90 is safe for daily use for long term

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Nucoxia 90 treats pain and swe­lling. Used daily for extende­d periods, it addresses ailme­nts like arthritis, post-surgical discomfort. Consult your physician regarding appropriate usage­ duration. 

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I think i have pectus excavatum i have a 2.6-2.7 cm concave chest i do not have problem in breathing but i think it might cause problem in future

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Asked for Male, 37 Years

I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist I'm suppose to have surgery on in the morning, the cyst disappeared 3 days ago. Should I still have the surgery or will they do the surgery still

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Your ganglion cysts aren't often painful, though sometime­s annoying or movement-limiting. Since yours vanishe­d naturally, surgery might not be require­d anymore. However, inform your doctor about this de­velopment so they can re­assess if the operation is still ne­cessary or not.

Asked for Male, 42 Years

Mere hath me dard ho rha hai kuch din pehle accident hua tha

Answered on 8th Aug '24

The accident you expe­rienced days ago could cause this pain. Some­times, injuries make tissue­s in our hands get hurt, leading to discomfort. You must rest your hand and apply ice­ to minimize swelling - raise it too. Give­ your hand a break so it can properly recove­r.

Asked for Female, 84 Years

My mom is having bedsore on tailbone and hips

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Your mom has deve­loped bedsores. Sore­s that hurt on her hips and tailbone. They occur when some­one stays still too long. These re­d, aching spots form from pressure. Not shifting positions freque­ntly causes them. Hard surfaces e­nable bedsores' formation too. Poor circulation is anothe­r factor. To heal bedsores, follow ste­ps. Help your mom change positions regularly. Ke­ep affected re­gions dry, clean. Use cushions or pads. They re­duce pressure on sore­s.

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Rheumatoid factor arthritis problem

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Your immune system protects you, but sometimes it mistakes friend for foe. That's what happens in rheumatoid arthritis—immune cells attack your joints instead of defending them. Mornings can be stiff and painful as joints swell. Medications can ease the pain and slow joint damage, but staying active and eating well are just as important in managing this condition.

Asked for Female, 24 Years

wrist pain alternating between both wrists, lower back pain, knee pains resembling bruising above the knees and sometimes bruise like pain in the thighs and sharp hip pain all the way to the foot (like a pulled string feeling) - most are often after overuse (phone, walking, sleeping wrong). They don’t always happen at once but sometimes all together. Other discomforts involve stabbing pain inside the foot from under when walking for too long, finger joint pains usually worse the second day after overuse and shoulder and elbow pains after sleeping slightly wrong or overuse. Occasional Tingling/numbness in fingers (I can’t feel my fingers for a few seconds sometimes) and most often stiffness in finger joints occur in the mornings. Occasionally, affected areas exhibit slight redness and warmth. Recently I’ve found that stretching the pained areas helps a lot. General tiredness persists. These symptoms have persisted for nearly a year, fluctuating in severity. There haven't been any major accidents. Tests * anti ds dna is negative * HLA-B27 is negative * Ana is positive — * RF factor negative. * Knee X-Ray shows some cartilage thinning * MRI done: report says Signal loss due to degeneration was observed in the L4-5 disc * vitamin d3 at 28

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I have history of injury 2 months back my mri report says I have partial ACL tear with PCL sprain. I have very instability does it require surgery

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

i have shoulder pain and weakness in arm for the past 6 months and i am constantly pulling my arm .when i consulted a ortho he prescribed me some pain killers but that did not help me and consulted him again and this time he told me the problem is all in my head and prescribed pain killers again but i didnt take it this time and the pain has worsen over time and i have to work a long time too

Answered on 25th July '24

Your shoulder pain is quite­ troubling. Weakness in your arm may indicate ne­rve or muscle problems. Pulling your arm could worse­n the issue. Consulting another doctor like­ a neurologist is crucial. They'll diagnose the­ condition precisely. After that, tre­atments like physical therapy may he­lp alleviate your symptoms. 

Asked for Female, 38 Years

Head to shoulder nerves pain

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I have low back pain for 10 days now and it's my only symptom. My pain started as a light pain and now progressed. When I sit – it hurts but it goes away after some time, when I find good position. I can't bend over. When I lay down, I find a position which suits me the best and the pain also goes away when I'm laying calm. It hurts when I'm walking. What should I do? Do I need to be worried? Painkillers don't help much

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Asked for Female, 31 Years

From one month onwards right forearm pain

Answered on 31st July '24

Asked for Female, 19 Years

I have a blister on reagion near coxal bone along with pain in bone or muscle

Answered on 31st July '24

Asked for Male, 18 Years

My tibia bone is curve and height was not increasing

Answered on 31st July '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Sound from joints specially from leg joint Black line on the nails now spreading on other nails also Dark eye circles

Answered on 26th July '24

Asked for Male, 38 Years

Sir Shoulder pain carry to Arm 8 month ago to yet

Answered on 29th July '24

Your shoulder and arm pain lasting 8 months sounds difficult. This prolonge­d discomfort could stem from muscle or joint issues, like­ inflammation or injury. It's crucial to give your arm and shoulder proper re­st. Ice packs can help reduce­ swelling. Gentle stre­tching exercises, as guide­d by a physical therapist, may provide relie­f too.

Asked for Male, 37 Years

Mild Pain at the left thigh what's the best remedy

Answered on 26th July '24

Asked for Male, 29 Years

i am suffering from bone problem

Answered on 31st July '24

You may have an issue­ with your bones. This could stem from lacking calcium or Vitamin D. When bone­s don't receive e­nough of those nutrients, they we­aken. Pain sets in, making moveme­nt difficult. To combat this, consume calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt. Eat leafy gre­ens high in Vitamin D.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

For tennis elbow and i dont know what is the problem

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 23 Years

I have tfcc injury about a 1 month which medicine is taken to treat this

Answered on 23rd May '24

Seeing an orthopedist and getting a full diagnosis and a treatment plan is the first thing I would advise you to do for the TFCC injury. The specialist would probably issue a script for painkillers, immobilization, and/or physiotherapy and surgery only if the damage is severe.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Leg pain and leg last porson heat

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Welche günstigen Kliniken Weltweit für die Beinverlängerung gibt es?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Leg-lengthening surgery is a delicate and dangerous operation that has to be undertaken by experienced specialist orthopedic surgeons. It will be better to avoid “cheap” clinics for this surgery that is not about saving money at all costs, but rather ensuring the highest level of care and expertise. 

Asked for Male, 22 Years

Hello, i have knee injury and already done the MRI... i wanna ask questions & opinions to the best Orthopedics in the world whether or not i need to do surgery, is there any platform for Q&A? Much Appreciated,thankyou!

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 29 Years

I’ve been having problems with my Achilles

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have developed a condition associated with your Achilles tendon, it is advisable to visit an orthopedic professional. They will provide an accurate diagnosis of the problem that will be reflected in the advised treatment plan which may include rest, physical therapy, or surgery.

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Hello, I had a pain in my right side since last Tuesday night. I went to the urgent care and they did bloodwork, urine sample, and examined me. She said she think it’s a pulled muscle. I still have the pain. It radiates down my leg too

Answered on 23rd May '24

You may have a muscle strain or herniation in the lumbar region of the spine. My advice would be that you have to opt for an orthopedic specialist or a neurosurgeon for a final diagnosis. The doctor can suggest an imaging test such as an MRI or CT scan.

Asked for Female, 48 Years

My mother has a small tumor on her elbow is it possible cancer?

Answered on 23rd May '24

There’s an urgent need for an expert like an orthopedic surgeon or an oncologist to inspect the tumor on your mother's arm. Not all tumors develop into cancer, so a thorough investigation is necessary to avoid any malignancy. Once it is confirmed that cancer is present, treatment alternatives can be explored. 

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I’m curious how much this usually cost, I have pre existing sprain or slight tears as well. That I’m sure this or stem cells else where could fix. I’m just looking for a ball park range since insurance won’t convert it

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is difficult to estimate the cost without knowing the severity of your injury and the treatment required. You can also visit hospitals that provide stem cell therapy and discuss your options with the specialists and getting a detailed cost breakdown, insurance coverage before proceeding with any treatment.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I have been experiencing ankle pain for about three months. However with mobility, it stops hurting. There's no swelling. But when I wake up in the morning it becomes stiff snd it hurts. Eventually with some movement it stops hurting.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Pain in the ankle, mostly in the morning, is probably associated with arthritis, gout, or tendinitis. It is best to see an orthopedist who has the experience and capability to diagnose the condition and provide suitable treatment. 

Asked for Female, 12 Years

I think I have osteomyelitis, I burned my hand with a curling iron two weeks ago, it blistered then popped. It got infected, then I started to notice pain in my bone near the infection. The infection is better but the pain in my bone has gotten worse

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

How to cope up sciatica ,that have been facing 3 months?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Did you consult with neurologist or orthopedist? If not then please do that. They can diagnose the underlying cause of the sciatica and provide appropriate treatment. Some self-care measures such as taking over-the-counter pain relievers, gentle stretching, and hot/cold compresses may also help to get rid of the symptoms. However, these measures should only be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Asked for Female, 3 Years

Bones pain always suggest for doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

Here are the list of best orthopedist in India, you can check and consult as per your sutability

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I have arm injury, got hit on the arm. It is swollen and paining since 3 days

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is recommended to seek medical attention from an orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treat your injury. They will be able to provide you with a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms and promote healing.

Asked for Female, 33 Years

What does this MRI mean? Very small right of midline C6-C7 disc herniation. No stenosis. No spinal cord edema or abnormal enhancement. There is a 9 mm right thyroid nodule

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I went to the doctor and they said I had hip flexor tendinitis. I took a steroids for 6 days and I am now taking a non steroid for 30 days. My hip flexor pain has gone away I think because I used to hardly be able to walk because I was in so much pain. But now I can hardly run without pain. I can’t figure out if it’s still my hip flexor or if it’s a pinched nerve in my hip, maybe my femoral nerve or if it’s my IT band. My pain stems from my right hip which I think is inflamed. Whenever I try to lift my leg while sitting down it feels dead weight almost. A pain shoots from my hip all the way down to the side of my shin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

It does sound like you may be having some other condition other than hip flexor tendinitis. It is better to see a orthopedist so that you can get a proper diagnosis. They may suggest advanced imaging tests or diagnostic procedures for your pain source.

Asked for Female, 69 Years

Total knee replacement..which knee replacement prosthesis is used & why is it the best?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I fell from the staicase and twisted my ankle. The pain wasn't much initially but now it is increasing and my ankle has swollen. It isn't paining much when in rest but while walking it is paining a lot

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 14 Years

Bone infection and water retention in both legs along with swelling

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 2 Years

Hello, my son of two years and five months has suffered two fractures in the last five months. The first time was fractured in the femur region of the left leg and the second time it was broken below that and above the knee of the same leg. I sent you the results of the test and the photo of the bone density. Please guide me. I took this test two days after opening his leg.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 20 Years

I got a bump on the back of my shoulder and it's making my stomach hurt and it's making me go numb a little bit

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Why do I get pain in my legs,arms, fingers, knees and gets worse while resting and in the morning.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I have pain in my index finger plz help me and I am unable to move it index finger of my right hand upper joint of the finger I got hit by a cricket hard ball

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 63 Years

ortho doctor for knee and leg pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have knee and leg pain, you need to visit Orthopedic Doctor. While, they focus mostly on the disorders and injuries of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. A specialist can help you get a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment that is specific to your case.

Asked for Male, 55 Years

My right hand,i am suffering from pain,what can i do now?

Answered on 23rd May '24

You can have pain in your right hand caused by different reasons including repetitive strain injury, arthritis, or carpal tunnel syndrome. A doctor, an orthopedic specialist, in particular, should be consulted to diagnose the condition's cause, and according to its extent therapy, meds or surgery may be suggested.

Asked for Female, 37 Years

Lower back and hip pain. Been to chiropractor twice and muscle relaxers not working

Answered on 23rd May '24

Lower back and hip pain result from many factors, like muscle strain, arthritis, or slip disc. It is better to consult a orthopedist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. An orthopedist can talk about physical therapy, medication and surgery if needed. Remember not to use self-medication and medical consultation to manage the pain.

Asked for Male, 33 Years

What is the diet chart as my creatinine urea uric acid level is very high?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 52 Years

My legs hurt all the time. Theyre swollen and very sensitive and numb. When i walk i feel like im walking on rocks

Answered on 23rd May '24

You should consult an orthopedist so that he can be able to determine the underlying cause of your leg pain and swelling. The following symptoms can be caused by musculoskeletal or vascular conditions and need to be immediately checked by the doctor.

Asked for Male, 28 Years

I had an accident 2020 December and till date the bone isn’t joining Why is it not healing

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 19 Years

Dislocated my shoulder 2 weeks ago snowboarding. All pain is gone and range of motion is fine but I can now slide my shoulder back and forth by pressing with my opposite hand in a way the I can’t in my other shoulder. Thoughts?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 34 Years

Hip me pin h pichle 25 days se

Answered on 23rd May '24

Seek medical help if you have been having hip pain for more than 25 days. Orthopedist will be the specialist to go in this situation. There could be the need for imaging tests to determine the source of the pain and the best treatment options.

Asked for Male, 72 Years

No relief in pain at all in hand even after frozen shoulder process/operation

Answered on 23rd May '24

If the pain does not go away and is not responding to pain management techniques, you should see a doctor. An orthopedic surgeon could further evaluate the problem and suggest the most effective treatment options.

Asked for Female, 24 Years

i am 25 year old female and have backache for last 2 months. I have used pain relief ointment cream for couple of days but haven't got any relief. What should i do now?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 32 Years

I fell down and hurt my frontal and side right ankle and foot. I used ice and keep my foot elevated. Underwent xray showing normal report. Took Hifenac MR and applied Systaflam Gel on the area. Pain has reduced but still sometimes I feel pain while walking. Swelling has reduced but still there. I feel pressure and heaviness on calf muscles and back of thigh area. Kindly suggest.

Answered on 23rd May '24

There is a chance of soft tissue injury resulting in pain, swelling, pressure, and heaviness. I advise to see orthopedist for detailed examination with subsequent treatment plan. You are suggested to elevate and ice the part that is hurting and avoid the activities that worsen the symptoms.

Asked for Male, 51 Years

I have disk Bulge I feeling severe pain now I got MRI SCAN RESULTS

Answered on 23rd May '24

Based on the MRI results, it is possible that your pain is due to disc bulge. It is necessary to consult a qualified orthopedic doctor for proper diagnosis and necessary treatment plan.

Asked for Male, 30 Years

Hi I met with an major accident last 2 months back and my right leg was opened and after surgery doctor had put k wire but today while gng to washroom I fell down and my kwire is bit moved and it bleeding what to so

Answered on 23rd May '24

you should get medical help immediately. Contact your orthopedic surgeon and follow medical advice given. Indeed, delaying treatment causes only more problems.

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Time different between first and second surgery for fracture knee patella?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 17 Years

Scapula me sikai kar sakte he

Answered on 23rd May '24

it is not recommended to treat yourself a shoulder injury like a scapula on your own. It is advised that you see an orthopedic doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of your case. Self-treatment may cause additional problems and contribute to prevention of the timely recovery. Please talk to an orthopedic specialist for future suggestions and treatment.

Asked for Female, 17 Years

Scapula ke doran exercise or yoga kar sakte he

Answered on 23rd May '24

Yes, you can do exercise or yoga in case of scapula pain as long as it does not increase discomfort. Nevertheless, it is wise to seek advice from an orthopedist before starting any exercise or yoga, as they can offer a proper diagnosis and give the right treatment based on your health history.

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Hello, I had Femur Condylar bone fracture on 25-Dec-2023, when I consult an orthopaedic specialist he suggested it can be cured with Synthetic bandage. However all seems to be good till 45 days no pain and everything looks good at the knee but after 45 days when we opened the bandage they we found one of the bone piece not set properly . But there no pain. And even I can stand and gold my knee upto 90 degrees. My question is 1) what can be done to set this 2) what happens if the leave that like this. 3) Can this be treated again without surgery 4) I had consulted multiple orthopaedic specialists and each of them suggesting different opinions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

As a medical expert, the first advice to you is to consult a reputable orthopaedic surgeon for the correct diagnosis and treatment plan for your femur condylar bone fracture. This may intensify a possible complication later. Surgery might be necessary, but this matter can be only clarified only after a thorough examination of your case.

Asked for Female, 30 Years

i am a 30 year old female, every morning for the last 5 days i have been waking up and not been able to move my fingers there is no swelling but i is very painful and tight

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 53 Years

Left leg , above heel is very sore to walk on and touch, it's kinda puffy or knotted out

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I've been having severe back pains for the past 3 days and its getting worse by the day.

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is advisable to see an orthopedist for severe long term back pain. The diagnosis and choosing the correct treatment is only possible by a doctor after the tests and examination are conducted.

Asked for Female, 55 Years

My mother is 55 years old. A little obesity. She got her surgery for Haglund deformity causing Achilles tendonitis. After two weeks the suture was removed. Till that time she was on antibiotics and antimicrobial treatment alongwith calcium and pain killer. But now it's been 3-4 weeks post surgery . The post surgical site is black and I don't feel like it's healing. What to do?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is recommended to go to the orthopedic surgeon who performed the operation and get the area examined. The black color could mean an infection or poor healing. It is necessary to have it diagnosed to take the treatment appropriately. 

Asked for Female, 12 Years

My hand got hit by a softball , and there are three marks left on my hand . Will there be swelling?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 26 Years

Been having lower back pains n numbness in my legs... Especially after I do little or strenuous chores that involves bending

Answered on 23rd May '24

Lower back pain and numbness in the legs can be indicators of a spine problem. It is recommended to see a spine specialist or an orthopedic surgeon to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Without necessary care, the situation will become more critical.

Asked for Female, 21 Years

I am having neck pain for 1 year 6 months now...i did every scans i did MRI , CT and even XRay found nothing....I did physiotherapy and even excercise for 3 months .... But still there is pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

This could originate from muscular issues, posture stress, or even subclinical nerve involvement which doesn’t show on the scan. As physiotherapy and exercise fail to cure the condition, you should consider revisiting your health care provider. They could then decide on a referral to a pain specialist, an alternative therapy or even re-assess your condition for missed factors. It is the long-term consistent pain that warrants a total re-assessment.

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Achilles tendon pops when standing on toes?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It can be an indication of several factors, including tendon tightness or inflammation and small tears in the fibers due to your Achilles tendon popping when standing on your toes. This trait most often indicates strain or overuse and needs medical evaluation. Rest, ice, and refraining from exercises that aggravate the symptom is recommended before being diagnosed with a definite treatment plan.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

Here is one of the patient actually I did ACL surgery last 8 month ago and now my knee start paining and swelling. Here is my MRI report please once check and tell me is here serious issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 80 Years

My father is 80 yrs old and is on blood thinner medicines as he has undergone valve replacement surgery of heart. he now wants to go for knee replacement surgery as he cannot walk due to pain. Please guide if he can go for it and is it safe for him. Thank you

Answered on 23rd May '24

The situation with your father is complicated because he suffers from heart problems and has to undergo knee replacement. A consultation with a cardiologist and an orthopedic surgeon is very important to assess the risks and benefits of knee replacement based on his heart condition as well as age.

Asked for Female, 35 Years

I am 35 years old and I have knee pain as well as back pain since long time and I have had consulted many doctors but have not get relief yet.

Answered on 23rd May '24

you should visit an orthopedic specialist for your knee and back pain. For the moment, pain-relieving methods such as gentle exercises might bring some relief including stretching and hot/cold therapy. 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

Sir I have not achieving my puberty I think and I never gain weight my body has less muscle and my bones are also thin

Answered on 23rd May '24

Delayed puberty requires consultation with an Endocrinologist. For muscle and bone issues, a visit to the Nutritionist Orthopedic specialist is recommended.

Asked for Female, 14 Years

My back is in so much pain every night

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 64 Years

I have knee pain from the last two years. Doctors advised for knee replacement but i dont want to go for knee placement. Will physiotherapy will do. Pl advise.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Physiotherapy can ease knee pain but only if the condition is not too serious. You should see an orthopedic specialist who will be able to assess your knee and prescribe effective treatment. A physiotherapist can collaborate with the orthopedic specialist to provide integrated treatment.

Asked for Male, 37 Years

I'm a 37 year old male suffering with post-axial polydactyly. My last two bones on my right hand are fused and my muscles are thin. And I have is medicaid. So what can I do to treat it affordably?

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would advise consulting with an orthopedic surgeon focusing on hand surgery. Delaying the care seeking should be avoided and even more so when Medicaid can reimburse treatment costs.

Asked for Female, 19 Years

ESR - 55mm/hr CRP- 17mg/l Vit-D - 9.58 Vit B12-165 HDL-34 Serum globulin-2.39 Urea -16.69 HB level - low Thyroid and HBA1C - normal RA- negative ANA - negative ACCP- negative Inflammation and pain over right wrist... Preferred diet? Foods that is not to consume? Any tablets needed? Or any further test and checkup required?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 45 Years

Body pains and backpain 2 months over

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is important to visit an orthopedic specialist if the individual has suffered from body pains and back pain for more than 2 months. These symptoms may show various conditions from simple muscle injury to more serious spinal disorders. 

Asked for Male, 30 Years

i have broken my ulna bone of left arm in an accident about 5 weeks ago. I got an plate implant on ulna bone. I need to know can I drive the car?

Answered on 23rd May '24

You should visit and have your doctor or an orthopedic specialist who will help in determining the condition. Whether you can drive a car comfortably depending on the severity of your injury and how soon your healing progresses could not be determined. 

Asked for Male, 38 Years

I have a lot of pain in my upper back.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

my back hurts and i can’t bend

Answered on 23rd May '24

You seem to have back pain and trouble bending. It could result from any number of factors, such as a muscle strain or back trauma. To correctly be diagnosed and treated for your condition, I would suggest that you visit an orthopedic physician.

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Sar Mujhe 12 Sal se problem hai Mujhe yah problem धीरे-धीरे badh rahi hai mujhe chalne firne mein problem sidhiyan chadhne mein problem a rahi hai vaise main normal hi rahti hun please help MI

Answered on 23rd May '24

It is wiser to consult an Orthopedic Surgeon or a Neurologist for diagnosis and treatment plan. Do not protract your visit to the doctor because early treatment may help prevent further complications.

Asked for Female, 15 Years

i am a 15 year old female ,i have been having knee pain for almost a year,i have visited a doc who gave me intamine cream and a compressor but its getting worse

Answered on 23rd May '24

You should consult an orthopedist. Various factors such as injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions can lead to knee pain. An orthopedic doctor will assess your condition and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. If the treatment is delayed, this may lead to worsening of condition.

Asked for Male, 27 Years

I was having back pain since 1 year i visited orthopaedic i also did my MRI my reports were normal i completed the medication given by doctor.When i was on medication then i did not have pain and now the pain again has started once i was done with my medications. could it be nerve problem due to which i am facing pain?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Perhaps your backache is associated with nerve injury. I recommend that you see a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. They will perform further tests and establish what is causing your pain.

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Hi, I got injured while playing football above the ankle but the damage interfered with the ankle thus resulting to severe pains how can I control it

Answered on 23rd May '24

I suggest you consult with an orthopedic specialist right away. This injured ankle may have damaged the joint, which led to a throbbing pain. During this time, you may relieve the pain by applying ice to the affected area; taking antinflammatory medicine and keeping your leg elevated. But these are only short-term fixes, which would require an official diagnosis and treatment from a specialist.

Asked for Female, 28 Years

I broke my big toe. It was pretty bad and painful and I went to the ER. They do X-ray and told me that by big toe is fractured. It was late and they didn't give me any other information nor my X-ray. They said that I have to buddy tape it for now but I cat step on it or put any shoes. Do you think I need a walking boot or some kind of immobilization to my foot?

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would suggest that you should consult an orthopedist for further investigation of the health status. The X-rays reports as well the correct diagnosis of fractures are necessary for severe injury assessment. Based on the level of severity, he or she may recommend immobilization using a walking boot or cast.

Asked for Female, 78 Years

My Mother age 78 yers x ray report There is presence of facyure of neck of right femur with overridding. Osteoporosis of bones under vision noted. Lumber spine shows mild-to-moderate spondylotic changes. IVD spaces are preseved. No abnormal soft tissue opacity seen.

Answered on 23rd May '24

The X-ray report suggests that your mother has a right femoral neck fracture with osteoporosis of the bones. Furthermore, she has mild to moderate spondylotic changes in her lumber spine. Your mother should see an orthopedic specialist to assess and determine the treatment plan for her fracture/osteoporosis.

Asked for Male, 23 Years

Due to a car accident a while back, I've been wearing diapers for an extended period because of my mobility issues. I don't currently have incontinence issues, but my reliance on diapers has made me wonder about the long-term effects. My primary concern is whether this extended use of diapers, even without incontinence, might eventually lead to total incontinence. I would greatly appreciate your insights or any information you can provide on this matter.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Prolonged diaper use may cause a number of health problems including urinary tract infections, skin rashes and discomfort.

Asked for Female, 69 Years

My mother has lumber descitis l3-4 and after surgery on 3 July 2023 back again and she has pain on her left leg which is not disappear so i need to know the solution meanwhile the doctor needs to make another surgery please help

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

My left and is painful.i want to know the reason?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Left arm pain can have various sources, including injury or oversuse and underlying diseases like cardiovascular disorders or arthritis. You should rather seek a medial opinion of an orthopedist to diagnose the source and take care for your pain.

Asked for Male, 28 Years

my brother is 28 years old, and he just had ACL surgery a month ago. I'm curious about what activities he can safely resume at this point. Can you provide some guidance on what's generally acceptable 1 month post ACL surgery for someone his age?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Now, your brother can begin with light exercises such as walking and stationary cycling. He should refrain from high-impact activities such as running, jumping or twisting until he finishes his rehabilitation program. It would be wise to ask his orthopedic surgeon or a physical therapist for more information on the recovery process and advice about activities that he can engage in without risk.

Asked for Male, 45 Years

I'm 45, had spinal fusion a decade ago. Lately, feeling a bit off. Is it normal to have new issues 10 years after spinal fusion?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 41 Years

How should I resume physical activities 4 months after Achilles tendon surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

After 4 months of Achilles tendon surgery, you can return to physical activities only with the consent of your orthopedic surgeon. You might have to begin with mild exercises and slowly intensify your exercise. Wear appropriate shoes, and always warm up before the exercise. A physiotherapist should be consulted for a smooth and successful recovery.

How soon can i drive after arthroscopic shoulder surgery?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery timelines for resuming driving recovery are determined and depend on individual patient healing, the magnitude of the case and surgeon recommendations. In most cases, several weeks will be needed before you are safe to drive. It is crucial to seek guidance from your orthopedic surgeon

Asked for Male, 56 Years

Autologous stem cell transplant death rate?

Answered on 23rd May '24

The mortality rate for autologous stem cell transplants can differ based on a number of variables that include the patient’s general health, condition treated and specific procedure details. This is why it’s crucial to discuss such issues with a hematologist-oncologist or transplant specialist who can provide personalized details based on the actual medical case. They may present possible data and evaluate the risks-benefits according to separate health condition of this patient or form of treatment for certain illness. It is important to have a broad understanding from an expert in this area.

Asked for Female, 34 Years

Which movements cause dislocation after hip replacement

Answered on 23rd May '24

In the case of a hip replacement, movements that pose potential dislocation risks may include leaning forward by bending more than 90 degrees at the hip joint, sitting cross-legged or twisting inward on one’s hips.
However, it is imperative to follow the particular instructions given by your orthopedic surgeon. They can provide specific guidance on safe movements and actions to avoid dislocation that will guarantee an uneventful recovery. They play a crucial role in the post-operative recovery and rehabilitation.

Asked for Male, 52 Years

Why is indomethacin preferred for gout

Answered on 23rd May '24

Indomethacin is generally used in the treatment of gout as it helps to reduce inflammation and pain associated with flares. However, it is important to discuss with a rheumatologist.

Asked for Male, 43 Years

What to take for gout when on warfarin?

Answered on 23rd May '24

When gout treatment while being on warfarin is considered, it's very important to avoid the drugs that may affect its metabolism. To have the assurance that safe and effective treatment options are selected, it is advisable to seek assistance from a rheumatologist. They can work with your general doctor to treat both conditions efficiently and safely.

Asked for Male, 49 Years

What to take for gout when on warfarin

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you are suffering from gout while on warfarin, then it is necessary that you seek advice from a rheumatologist because some of the medications for treating gout can interact with the drug. They can prescribe you a treatment plan that is both safe and effective while taking into account the competencies of your current medication. Do not self-medicate for this condition as there may be interactions with other drugs.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I am suffering with lower back pain with disc bulge at l5-s1 level..every doctor is suggesti g for surgery. But i am confused with different procedures microdiscectomy endoscopic with matrex, key hole . In confusion with all these procedures . Plz guide me with the details of all these kinds and which one is best for me

Answered on 23rd May '24

The choice to undergo surgery such as microdiscectomy, endoscopic or keyhole varies and is determined by your condition’s specific details alongside overall health condition. Consult with a spine specialist or an orthopedic surgeon who can describe to you the differences, propositional affordances and constraints of each procedure in respects to your case. They can advise for the best approach in choosing based on your disc bulge’s severity, symptom and other health issues. A second opinion can also help a person make an informed decision. Remember, optimal choice differs for everyone because of particular medical circumstances.

Asked for Male, 46 Years

Should i elevate my legs after sclerotherapy?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Raising your legs after sclerotherapy is often advised to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce any potential unwanted side effects. Raising the legs reduces swelling and encourages good blood flow, hence helps in absorbing sclerosant that has been injected into veins and prevents blood from collecting the treated ones. Your Doctor will give you specific guide lines as to how long and often should your legs be elevated. Implementing these suggestions may help to make the recovery process smoother, and with a better success rate of sclerotherapy in treating varicose

Asked for Female, 25 Years

Hello doctor My age is 25 ,female . 7 years back a rod was inserted in my right leg in femer bone ,so now I want to remove it. Will it be problematic in future ?? And will my leg heal if rod will be removed.? Please answer my question ?

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you have a rod in your femur that was installed to treat fracture, removing this is critical and needs careful reconsideration. The decision to take out the rod is generally made based on whether or not your bone has healed, if there are no complications and how good you have been feeling health wise. Talk to an orthopedic surgeon as they can assess if the removal is necessary and what risks it might carry. Healing will take place after rod removal, which may improve function and reduce pain in many people. However, the recovery process largely depends on bone condition and tissues surrounding it. So it is essential to consult some health care specialist who will give you parametrically applicable advice after the specific case has been carefully reviewed and medical history taken into consideration.

Asked for Male, 36 Years

How to get rid of knee crepitus

Answered on 23rd May '24

dealing with crepitus in the knee can be managed using many approaches. On the one hand, regular low-impact exercises and maintaining a healthy weight can assist in strengthening the muscles that support your knee. Physical therapy may help to enhance the joint stability and flexibility. Other recommendations might include avoiding activities that make the noise worse and to use good joint protection techniques. If crepitus is persistent or accompanied by pain anyway swelling it’s really important to consider a professional health care provider for the evaluation and designing of specific treatment procedures.

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Why does skin peel after gout

Answered on 23rd May '24

Skin peeling associated with a gout is possibly due to the inflammation and swelling characterizing this condition. Gout is associated with the deposition of uric acid crystals in joints that causes painful inflammation. In severe conditions, skin overlying the affected joints may become stretched and ruined because of swelling that can lead to peeling as soon as inflammation reduces. Secondly, some drugs administered to patients suffering from gout in an effort to control the problem may have negative effects on a patient’s skin. Consulation with a doctor is necessary to identify the exact reason for skin peeling in relation to gout and get proper advice about treating and dealing with it.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Limb lengthening surgery age limit?

Answered on 23rd May '24

The limb lengthening surgery age limits differ depending on issues such as the technique applied, health of an individual and whether growth plates are present. These procedures are usually more prevalent in pediatric cases since the bones keep growing. For adults, age limitation is not very rigid and suitability depends largely on bone density as well as the overall health. People who are considering limb lengthening should consult an orthopedic surgeon with experience in this procedure, so he could analyze their situation and decide whether the operation fits them or not.

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I don’t know what I did to my foot. I rolled my ankle and not the top of my foot hirts

Answered on 23rd May '24

It looks like you have suffered the straining of ankle and injury to foot ligaments. Thus, it is crucial for you to get an appointment with the orthopedic doctor in order to receive a correct diagnosis and plan of treatment.

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I have this wierd full feeling in my legs. At my right leg I've got this dull wierd pain that feels the most in popliteal as well upper calf. Pain is from to 10 around 2 and 4 depending on time and I've been experiencing this for now 12 days. Sometimes pain is less. In my left leg I have similar situation, same symptoms started around 5 days ago and yesterday I had this painful dull pain in calf and popliteal area but it has now passed. I've done no hard physical activities or have any injuries in my leg. What could be happening with my legs?

Answered on 23rd May '24

It seems that, according to your described symptoms, you are dealing with one of the types of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a clot in the blood vessels deep inside body. You should immediately seek the advice of a physician, preferably from among vascular specialists to allow for proper testing and diagnosis. DVT is a severe condition that requires emergency treatment.

Asked for Male, 35 Years

I have phase 2 ACL injury. Now I can climb stairs but sometimes feel pain slightly during downstairs. But there is slight swelling. Should I go for Physiotherapy? I supposed to journey by bus and auto. Sometimes feels slight buckles in my knee.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You better see an Orthopedic Specialist. ACL injuries necessitate accurate diagnosis and treatment to prevent additional damage. Sometimes physiotherapy may be beneficial, but it is more advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in order to get an adequate treatment regimen. Since the buckling can be a symptom of an unstable joint, you must address it immediately.

Asked for Female, 62 Years

Hello sir, my mother is having severe knee joint pain. She can't walk properly, cant stand for long time. In x ray there is gap between bones. In bhopal mp dr told for surgery. Should I go for it Or it may cure by non surgical procedure

Answered on 23rd May '24

An X—ray showing gap between bones may represent joint degeneration or osteoarthritis. Initial options might be non-surgical, which may include physical therapy medications and lifestyle modifications. But if the joint damage is severe and affecting day to day function, possibilities like knee replacement surgeries may be suggested. Therefore, it is essential to contact an experienced orthopedic surgeon who can evaluate the individual condition, offer possible choices and offer tailored recommendations depending your mother’s health condition

Asked for Female, 46 Years

Why allopurinol is contraindicated in acute gout

Answered on 23rd May '24

Acute gout is a contraindication to the use of allopurinol as its initial usage could possibly increase symptoms. It may therefore increase serum uric acid levels temporarily when allopurinol is initiated against an acute attack of gout given the mobilization of urate crystals. This may result in aggravation of inflammation and the patient’s condition gets worse. Allopurinol is usually initiated following the acute phase to prevent further gout attacks by reducing total uric acid levels in the body. Managing acute gout flares may involve the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine or corticosteroids.

What to expect 5 months after knee replacement?

Answered on 23rd May '24

After five months of knee replacement surgery, most patients have a significant reduction in pain and improvement over their pre-surgery status. You may be able to go about your everyday activities more easily, but there will still be some mild discomfort and swelling after long periods of activity. Range of motion should be significantly better, but it may still have been incrementing over time and full recovery often depends on continuous physiotherapy. While you should still avoid high-impact groups, low impact striking activities such as swimming cycling and walking are usually recommended. Recovery time may vary from person to person so it is important that you continue your surgeon’s advice and your physical therapist.’

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Hi, iam 32 years old lady, i have lumbar spine bulging and disc degeneration so will there be any problem for pregnancy?

Answered on 23rd May '24

PREGNANCY with LUMBAR SPINE bulging and disc degeneration is POSSIBLE... Disc degeneration is common, not a serious issue... However, bulging may cause PAIN... Consult the DOCTOR for advice... Maintaining proper POSTURE and EXERCISE may help...

Asked for Male, 28 Years

Good morning, Myself chowdri I got a question if scraped bone got a gap of 1.6mm Whether want to do surgery or it will get ready with POP

Answered on 23rd May '24

Surgery is typically necessary for a 1.6mm gap in scraped BONE, as a POP alone is usually not enough for complete healing...

Asked for Male, 28 Years

My back left side and hand one side like tumor

Answered on 23rd May '24

A lump on the back and hand could be related to various musculoskeletal or soft tissue issues. Talk to a doctor to assess your symptoms. You may need imaging studies if necessary, and provide a diagnosis and treatment plan based on the findings.

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I have back pain which effects my legs I have numbness in legs due to it and can't walk properly and I can't bend or sit down. The reason is I was inactive for a whole year I used to stay in bed for the whole year

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Your INACTIVITY caused muscle weakness, leading to lower back pain.. The pain could now be radiating down your legs as numbness. The numbness in your legs could be due to nerve damage. You need to consult a DOCTOR who will assess your condition and advise you accordingly....

Asked for Male, 3 Years

My son was got hurt by car fall in his leg figure

Answered on 23rd May '24

I'M sorry to hear about your son's injury . First, stop any bleeding with gentle pressure.... Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.. Visit a doctor to rule out any broken bones. Follow any instructions for medication and rest. Avoid putting weight on the INJURED leg. MonitoR for signs of infection, like REDNESS or fever. Contact the doctor if symptoms worsen or persist....

Asked for Male, 64 Years

My father has diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the right femoral head with joint capsulitis and moderate joint effusion and ischemic changes in the neck of the right femur

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Backpan after 5 years way backpan sir

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 78 Years

My father is extremely overweight and has COPD and Emphysema, can he have a hip replacement

Answered on 23rd May '24

YES, your FATHER can have a hip replacement surgery.. However, his weight and lung problems can increase the risk of complications during and after the surgery. He will need to work closely with his doctors to prepare for the surgery and manage his conditions. Losing weight and improving lung function before the surgery can help reduce the risk of complications and improve the outcome.. It is important that he follows his doctor's advice and instructions for a safe and successful surgery..

Asked for Male, 37 Years

My patient is having disc bulge at L4 L5 with sciatica pain. Size is 7.4 mm. Please advise

Answered on 23rd May '24

Disc bulge at L4 L5 with sciatica pain.. Size is 7.4 mm..
Here are some facts to keep in mind:
1. Rest and AVOid heavy lifting
2. PAIN medication CAN be taken as prescribed
3. Physiotherapy can help ALLEviate pain and improve flexibility
4. SURgery is an option if symptoms worsen or persist over time.
5. Good posture and regular EXERCISE can prevent recurrence..

Asked for Male, 27 Years

meniscuse treatmen its before 1year injury

Answered on 23rd May '24

Meniscus injuries can be treated non-surgically Typical care is RICE therapy. It means Rest Ice Compression And Elevation. Physical therapy is also used for healing and strengthening Surgery may be necessary for severe damage or joint instability.. Meniscectomy and meniscus repair are common procedures Recovery time may take up to 4-6 weeks Follow doctor's advice for better results..

Asked for Male, 64 Years

My father has diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the right femoral head with joint capsulitis and moderate joint effusion and ischemic changes in neck of the right femur.So does he require hip replacement surgery?

Answered on 23rd May '24

YES, HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY IS LIKELY NECESSARY FOR AVASCULAR NECROSIS.. Avascular necrosis is when bone tissue dies due to a lack of blood supply. It can lead to pain and joint damage. Joint effusion is swelling from excess fluid, while joint capsulitis is when the joint capsule is inflamed.. ischemic changes refer to REDUCED BLOOD FLOW.. All of these can make it difficult to move and cause pain.. Surgery may help improve mobility and decrease pain.. YOUR FATHER'S DOCTOR WILL BE ABLE TO ADVISE ON THE BEST TREATMENT PLAN..

Asked for Female, 39 Years

Is surgery required for a hip labral tear before pregnancy?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Pre-existing hip conditions may be impacted by the changes in weight distribution and joint laxity that occur during pregnancy. Try physical therapy and pain management first.

Asked for Female, 38 Years

Can trauma trigger or worsen rheumatoid arthritis?

Answered on 23rd May '24

While trauma isn't a direct cause of rheumatoid arthritis, it can lead to symptom flare-ups in those already affected by it.

Asked for Male, 45 Years

What to expect 5 months after knee replacement?

Answered on 23rd May '24

At 5 months after knee replacement surgery, patients can expect to have significantly reduced pain and improved mobility compared to the pre-surgical state. However, complete recovery may take up to a year or more. Regular physical therapy, exercises, and follow-up appointments with the doctor are necessary to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Asked for Female, 56 Years

What causes thigh pain after hip replacement?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Thigh pain after hip replacement can be caused by various factors such as tissue damage during surgery, incorrect placement of the joint, or inflammation due to the body's response to the implant. It is important to consult with your doctor if you experience persistent or severe thigh pain after hip replacement surgery.

Asked for Male, 55 Years

Why do i get gout when i stop drinking alcohol

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. While alcohol consumption can increase the risk of gout, stopping alcohol suddenly can also trigger a gout attack. This is because alcohol interferes with the body's ability to eliminate uric acid, and sudden cessation can cause a rapid increase in uric acid levels.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

I got a pain below my knee while playing soccer, which is literally hurting me now and my leg is swelling, I'm 21 years old, I think I've injured a vein, the injured area is swelling and feels watery. What can I do in such a situation?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 45 Years

Iam sufferings from serious back pain l4 l5

Answered on 23rd May '24

For severe back pain over the counter pain medications can provide relief. Consult a orthopedic or physical therapist for exercises and stretches from well known hospitals is advisable. Maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes, such as weight management, can also be beneficial. 

Asked for Female, 33 Years

Knee pain when sitting and when walking on the stairs

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 38 Years

I have severe lower back pain that runs into my right leg and now my left hand is numb

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 42 Years

Dr, In 2014 I had a scooty accident and broke my left hand bone just above my elbow,at that time from the nearest hospital I had the surgery and got treated with metal plates supporting the bone and from then on I couldn't move my hand freely through the elbow. So, now can I here take out metal plate and treat my left hand bone with your help. Hope to get an answer. Thankyou!

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I am suffering disc bulge

Answered on 23rd May '24

Suffering from a disc bulge leads to back or neck pain, which radiates into the arms or legs. To address this, consult an orthopedist, who will diagnose the condition through physical examination and imaging tests. Treatment options range from taking rest, physical therapy, and medication or surgery in severe cases.

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Neck pain and left hand and left side back pain h

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 24 Years

My neck, shoulde and arm hurt nespicially when i move, isot serious

Answered on 23rd May '24

Muscle strain, poor posture, nerve compression, or underlying medical conditions can cause pain in the neck & shoulders. Some cases may not be serious and can be attributed to minor issues like muscle tension. Consult an orthopedic for diagnosis.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Lower backpain and curved lumbar pain in both legs also

Answered on 23rd May '24

To address lower back pain and leg discomfort, first, consult an orthopedic for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. They may suggest pain relief measures, physical therapy, and exercises to improve mobility. Pay attention to posture, use heat or cold therapy, and consider lifestyle changes like weight management. Only in certain severe cases surgery may be an option.

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Spinal cord complete injury

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 15 Years

Hi,im a 15 year old boy and i have a really bad lower back pain that has been white for like 1-2 months and i can't walk, sit, stand or sleep because of the pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You should seek immediate medical attention from a professional, orthopedist, or family doctor for an evaluation and diagnosis. Possible causes include muscle strain, injury, structural issues, or medical conditions. Avoid activities that worsen the pain.

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I feel a strong pain in my shoulder and it keeps cracking when I move it, and it is becoming harder and harder to use it.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 51 Years

Pain in spinal cord from 7 years

Answered on 23rd May '24

Experiencing spinal cord pain for 7 years requires urgent medical evaluation. Consult a spine specialist or orthopedic doctor to diagnose the cause. They can recommend treatments, and pain management strategies, and monitor your progress.

Asked for Female, 17 Years

17 - suspected broken ankle after a fall from dismounting a horse. Landed on an already weak ankle and heard an audibe crack (mum heard it from 4m away. It is swollen, isolated bruising on the ankle bone and sore to touch this part. Am abke to bear small amounts of weight into the joint however flexing and twisting the ankle is very painful

Answered on 23rd May '24

This could indicate a serious ankle injury, possibly a fracture. It's crucial to seek immediate medical attention to determine the extent of the damage and receive proper treatment. Rest, elevate your leg, and apply ice in the meantime, but prioritize getting medical help as soon as possible for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Asked for Male, 20 Years

Hi doctor. I had complete tear of ACL on September 2022 and underwent ACL reconstruction and lateral meniscus repair on October 2022 It was almost 6 months post op.. but i slightly neglected my rehabilitation and i used to do the exercises only once in a day when I used to meet my physiotherapist. Due to this i couldn't achieve complete extension and flexion. On one day my physiotherapist asked me lie down on my stomach and forceful ly pushed my knee to achieve beyond my comfort (i was able to achieve around 100 degree flexion ). From then i am having severe pain and i am unable to straighten my leg and also i am unable to stand straight. On consulting my surgeon.. without a much of physical examination he said it os just muscles spasm .. saying if any other complications were there my legs would have swollen.. since there was no swelling he concluded that it is spasm and adviced me to take Hifenac and take complete rest along with icing. The pain as subsidied alot but not completely. I am worried a lot..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Communicating your persistent symptoms to your healthcare team is important. In the meantime, stick to your rehabilitation plan, consider a second opinion if needed, and remain patient during your recovery as it can contribute to a better outcome for you.

Asked for Female, 17 Years

I feel pain in my shoulder such as that a frozen shoulder

Answered on 23rd May '24

For shoulder pain similar to a frozen shoulder, it's best to consult an orthopedist for accurate diagnosis and treatment advice. Possible steps to consider could be physical therapy, pain management with medications (under medical guidance), hot/cold therapy, stretching, gentle movement, and, if necessary, corticosteroid injections or surgical options. 

Asked for Female, 60 Years

I have a broken rib but the brusing is getting worse everyday it is massive now

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 54 Years

I have slight cereballar Atrophy which was caused by Lyme disease. My symtoms are lack of balance and issue with walkin, talking and fine motor skills. I have been told is the US there is nothin that can be done. I am wondering if stem cells in the brain may help - if so which doctors and hospitals have experiance with this. Willing to travel anywhere.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Cerebellar atrophy from Lyme disease can cause balance, walking, talking, and motor skill issues. While stem cell therapy is being researched for various conditions, its effectiveness for this specific case is uncertain 

Asked for Male, 18 Years

I am having left hand pain whiling pushing heavy like benchpress or doing pushups or dips , i have been using cold compress but it's not working

Answered on 23rd May '24

Experiencing left hand pain during heavy exercises like bench pressing, push ups, or dips could be due to muscle strain, nerve compression, tendonitis, joint issues, or even heart related concerns. It's important to consult a healthcare professional like an orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Hi I need some advice on having pins removed from my kneecap.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Before having pins removed from your kneecap, consult your orthopedic surgeon to discuss the procedure and timing. Prepare according to their instructions. The removal is usually done under local anesthesia, involving a small incision to remove the pins. Expect some discomfort and swelling post surgery.

Asked for Female, 18 Years

I have knee pain a couple of months ago

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 27 Years

I had sprain 2 days ago and the swelling was around ankle and pain was there. But now the swelling is around the feet but the pain is not there. Ankle swelling has reduced. But the pain is still there

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

Hello, I am writing from Iran and because my English is not good, I have to use translation I have L1, L2, and L3 lumbar disc that presses on the nerve of the left leg, which causes pain exactly in the axillary area facing the outside of the thigh and the middle of the thigh, and after 60 sessions of physical therapy, I still have the same pain. Actually, my pain goes away with electrical devices, but it keeps coming back

Answered on 23rd May '24

If the Lumbar disc issues are causing nerve compression, consult an orthopedic specialist or neurologist, for a comprehensive assessment and to discuss further treatment options, which might include therapies, medications, or surgery based on their evaluation.

Asked for Male, 26 Years

Sir I have tendon deformity in right hand ring finger

Answered on 23rd May '24

Treatment for tendon deformity varies. Options include physical therapy, orthotic devices, medications, injections, surgery, occupational therapy, rest, and consult a specialist. Consult a professional for tailored advice based on your condition.

Asked for Male, 37 Years

Complain of pain in right arm since a month heaviness tingling weakness..not exact pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 24 Years

Hello my name is pradeep and my age is 24. Actually I am 130 kg with no medical history. But few weeks back I got back pain suddenly I started talking one pain killer it's better now but I just want to ask can I go to water theme park with little back pain or i should avoid it?

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you've had sudden back pain and have been taking pain medication, it might be best to consult a doctor before going to a water theme park. Certain activities there could worsen your back pain. If you decide to go, opt for gentler attractions and listen to your body to avoid discomfort. 

Asked for Male, 25 Years

A couple of days ago I was getting up off the floor after some push ups and lost my balance a bit and felt several cracks/pops from my left knee. I was crouching on the balls of my feet falling backwards and to try to regain balance I was leaning my knees forward in full flexion, with my thighs pressing onto my calves. I kind of collapsed one the spot, more due to surprise than in pain but it was sore after that. Now it's not really hindering me while I'm on my feet at all aside from a sense of fragility if that makes sense, though that could be more mental to be honest. However I do start to feel a tiny bit of pain and a combination of discomfort and weakness when I flex my knee approaching a 90 degrees with my thigh, both behind my knee around the end of my thigh and on top of my knee towards the outside and a bit below the kneecap.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Flexing your knee at around 90 degrees causes pain behind and on top of the knee. It's essential to seek medical advice to diagnose and treat the issue properly. Avoid putting stress on the knee and consider resting and elevating it until you see an orthopedist.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

Hi, about one month ago i was doing yoga and while doing Surya namaskar my left leg knee got twisted little badly i went to the nearest dispensary. They prescribed some medicine and didn't say much. I also applied some oil for pain relief and used crap bandage. It felt fine after 7-8 days. Now recently i went for trekking and there my same leg slipped now I'm having little discomfort in knee so should I go to doctor and do some x-ray or it will be fine.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 59 Years

Hi Doc,. I'm suffering from lower back pain due to herniated disk. The pain spreads to my lower abdomen around the testacles and is more when i feel pressed

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 32 Years

Navicular bone hurts very much

Answered on 23rd May '24

Navicular pain can happen due to stress fractures, tendonitis, arthritis, structural issues, injuries, or ill-fitting footwear. Avoid self diagnosis and seek advice from an orthopedist for your foot pain.

Asked for Female, 60 Years

How much cost of robotic surgery with all hospital charges included doctors fee and valve

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 17 Years

I have knee injury from 1 month I fell pain when I rotate me leg

Answered on 23rd May '24

Experiencing knee pain for a month, especially during leg rotation, requires evaluation by an orthopedist. Avoid aggravating activities, use ice and over the counter pain relief as needed, and seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Asked for Female, 55 Years

Hi I Want to check knee issue of my mother

Answered on 23rd May '24

Take her to see an orthopedic professional, such as a primary care physician or orthopedic specialist, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. 

Asked for Male, 34 Years

I need pain meds for back

Answered on 23rd May '24

For back pain, consult an orthopedist to identify the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Pain medications should be prescribed by a doctor. Avoid self medicating and consider non pharmacological approaches alongside medication.

Asked for Female, 25 Years

My foot and hands are hurting so much at night and my neck has swll.

Answered on 23rd May '24

It may happen due to poor sleeping positions, repetitive strain injuries, or maybe arthritis. To get a proper diagnosis and advice, you need to consult a medical professional. Meanwhile, try to maintain a comfortable sleeping position and consider using ice packs for swelling. 

Asked for Female, 48 Years

Hi i have a spinal stenosis

Answered on 23rd May '24

For spinal stenosis, you should consider consulting with an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, or a spine specialist. You may be facing symptoms like back pain, numbness, and weakness and you must seek prompt treatment.

Asked for Male, 30 Years

I have lower back pain, from past two years some time it increase more

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's essential to consult a professional for a proper evaluation. In the meantime try gentle exercises, proper posture, heat/ice packs, and pain relief medications.

Asked for Male, 17 Years

Should I go to doctor if my knee popped and collapsed playing soccer the other day and now I have burning in my knee

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult an orthopedic specialist or sports medicine doctor for proper evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage. take rest, avoid weight bearing on the knee, and apply ice until you can see a doctr..

Asked for Female, 18 Years

Nek ka Vikas nhi hua hai nek age ki taraf jhuki hai kya thik ho sakti hai

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you are experiencing concerns about your neck development or posture, consult with a professional orthopedic. They can examine your condition, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment options or exercises to improve your neck development or address any posture related issues.

Asked for Male, 67 Years

Suffering from right hand joint pain since 4 months

Answered on 23rd May '24

Repetitive pain caould be due to arthritis, repetitive strain injury, or some previous injury.. Consult an orthopedic specialist or rheumatologist, for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Asked for Female, 15 Years

Muscle knots due to stress all over back and neck. Very healthy but slightly high lymphocyte count but doctors say its fine. I am so freaked out

Answered on 23rd May '24

Muscle knots are usually caused by stress. Stress & tension later develops in the form of muscle tightness and discomfort called muscle spasms.
Regarding your slightly high lymphocyte count, if your doctors have reassured you that it is not a cause for concern, it's generally best to trust their expertise. Minor variations in blood cell counts can occur without indicating a serious health issue.

Asked for Female, 60 Years

My mother has pain in knee ., Knee fluid is lower she is 60 years , diabetic taking tablets . Can she take sandhi Mitra vati ..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Take your mother to a doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner, before starting any new medication or supplement like Sandhi Mitra Vati. This is particularly crucial for patients with pre existing conditions, like diabetes, and considering potential interactions or contraindications. 

Asked for Female, 28 Years

I have back and neck pain Countinusly.. What is the reason.. Can't able to understand . There is no benefit of volini spray n all..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Back and neck pain can have various causes, including poor posture, muscle strain, injuries, degenerative conditions, and stress. Consult with a specialist for personalized recommendations for treating your pain. In the meantime trypracticing good posture, gentle stretching exercises, applying heat or cold packs, and stress management techniques may offer some relief.

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I have pain since last few weeks in left arm shoulder or hip.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 41 Years

Hip replacement surgery and cost

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 35 Years

Hello my name is Katie Spencer and I have inflammation in my leg and I have changed my eating habits and I exercise at work and take fish oil and everything was getting better, but now my leg is so stiff when I walk. What could the problem?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 25 Years

How to get rid of wrist,back head and neck pain?

Answered on 23rd May '24

To relieve wrist, back, head, and neck pain, focus on maintaining good posture, taking regular breaks to stretch, and applying heat or cold packs. Practice relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension and consider pain relievers as your doctor prescribes.. So consult your doctor for proper treatment.

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Im suffering from knee burning pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

Knee burning pain can have various causes. Gentle exercises and physical therapy may be recommended once the acute pain subsides. To alleviate the pain try resting and applying ice or heat therapy, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers if appropriate.

Asked for Female, 70 Years

Doctor, i have left hand weakness & stiffness with nerve pull for past 3 months

Answered on 23rd May '24

Some potential causes of your problm can be nerve compression, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve injury, muscle strain, or other medical conditions. Consult a neurologist or an orthopedic specialist, who can evaluate your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and possibly order additional tests to determine the underlying cause.

Asked for Female, 62 Years

Do you perform knee replacement surgery. AI Robotic surgery?

Answered on 26th July '24

Asked for Female, 31 Years

What are the possible long term effects and treatment options for a foot injury sustained from a hand pallet truck roll-back incident?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 31 Years

I am having tailbone pain for almost 3 weeks. The pain is sometimes sharp sometimes it goes away, I am quite tensed about it as tailbone pain relates to some serious diseases. I have consulted my family doctor, he said it's nothing serious. But the pain comes and sometimes it is very sharp, it is hampering my daily routine and work.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 58 Years

Reed ki haddi ki NAS dabbi Hui hai uska upchar bataen

Answered on 23rd May '24

You need to rest and avoid excessive strain. You may take pain killers, try heat or cold therapy. Do gentle stretching exercises and maintain good posture. 

Asked for Male, 28 Years

Hi, Iliac creast pain, I am getting this pain some times only and suddenly It comes and with in seconds it stops. Please any suggestions.. Thank you, Harish.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You need to visit a doctor if the pain is excruitiating. They'll find the cause by performing physical exminationation and provide appropriate advice or treatment. Make sure to keep a record of when the pain occurs and any accompanying symptoms.

Asked for Male, 86 Years

What can I give an elderly man of 86 years For arthritis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Its advisable to get proper diagnosis and treatment from an orthopedic. General approaches can be used like medications/ pain relievers or anti inflammatory drugs, physical therapy to improve joint mobility, hot and cold therapy for pain relief etc. Also maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and a balanced diet may also be beneficial.

Asked for Female, 16 Years

I have had a sharp, stabbing pain in my knee that comes every few months for the past few years. Could this be serious?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Stabbing pain in the knee can be due to many reasons. It could be ligament or meniscus injuries to inflammation or other medical conditions. Get it examined with an orthopedic for proper evaluation and treatment if required.

Asked for Female, 30 Years

Knee pain i need permanent solution

Answered on 23rd May '24

Check with an orthopedic near you to get the pain examined, and accordingly the doctor can prescribe you medications. They would prescribe pain relief medications and physiotherapy if required..

Asked for Female, 62 Years

Hi Sir/Madam good morning, my mother has done mastectomy of left side but unfortunately her left hand get fractured, is surgery is possible of left hand after mastectomy

Answered on 23rd May '24

Yes its generally possible to undergo surgery on the left hand after a mastectomy. The decision to proceed with surgery will depend on your mother's condition and the recommendations of her dcotors.

Asked for Female, 31 Years

I am having pain in my calf muscle when I give rest to my legs, whether sitting or sleeping. The pain is too strong

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you're experiencing intense calf muscle pain when resting you mist consult an orhtopedic for evaluation and treatment. Muscle cramps, deep vein thrombosis, muscle strain, or peripheral artery disease could be the potential causes.

Asked for Male, 15 Years

I've been having knee pains for a few years but never very bad. Last year, I hyperextended my knee and ever since I'll have someday where I almost don't feel any pain, and other days where I feel like it's ready to just give out. Is there any advice on what this could be or how I could treat it?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Persistent knee pain along with hyperextension injury should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. It could be due to ligamentous injury, meniscal tear, or patellofemoral pain syndrome. Some rest and pain medications can provide temporary relief.

Asked for Male, 36 Years

How safe is a spinal fusion? And is surgery the only way to fix the lower back pain caused by a vertebrae trapping a nerve?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Spinal fusion is a surgical operation used to stabilize the spine and reduce pain. While it carries certain risks, advancements have improved its safety. Surgery may be recommended if non-surgical treatments fail or if there is a risk of further nerve damage

Asked for Male, 63 Years

One year ago my LS spine L3 4 L4 5 operation done but my pain is continuous please ask solution

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 48 Years

I just got to know that my mother leg fractured

Answered on 23rd May '24

In this case It's best to consult an orthopedic for detailed evaluation and treatment. Depending on the severity and type of fracture further interventions will be needed such as realignment of the bones (reduction) or surgical intervention.

Asked for Female, 14 Years

I have pain in the inside of my legs for a week and a half and it hurts whenever I put pressure on it.

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you're experiencing pain on the inside of your legs that worsens with pressure, it could be due to muscle strain, adductor tendinitis, groin hernia, or nerve impingement. It would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

Asked for Male, 21 Years

What if you have shoulder imbalance

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's not possible to say anything without examining. An orthopedic can evaluate your shoulder condition, diagnose any underlying problems, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Asked for Female, 16 Years

Signs of broken and finger leaning to the side a bit

Answered on 23rd May '24

It can be due to a finger fracture or dislocation. Check with your nearest doctor.

Asked for Female, 25 Years

SHE has paid in right hand knee , he suffer form 3 month ph no : 9064560550 mail id :

Answered on 23rd May '24

Knee pain can be happening due to some injury, overuse, arthritis, or other underlying conditions. It would be best for her to consult with an orthopedic specialist or a primary care physician who can evaluate her symptoms perform a physical examination, and potentially order tests to determine the cause of the pain.

Asked for Male, 39 Years

I am suffering from frozen shoulder issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

I’m 25 year old female. Wanted to know if I can take oxycodone 5mg with 325 mg of acetaminophen for pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Yes they are both combination medications, such as the one you mentioned (oxycodone 5 mg with 325 mg of acetaminophen), are commonly prescribed for pain relief. 

Asked for Female, 36 Years

Calf muscles have been hurting off and on everyday for a couple months.. haven't took any medications for the problem.. it's a type of pain that feels like my legs are fixing to cramp or spasm if I tense up my legs

Answered on 23rd May '24

The cramp or spasm can happen sue to muscle fatigue or overuse, especially if you engage in activities that strain your calf muscles, such as running or excessive exercise. 

Asked for Female, 77 Years

How long does it take to get healed after undergoing hip replacement surgery

Answered on 23rd May '24

Recovery time after hip replacement surgery can vary, but initial healing typically takes 6 to 8 weeks. Full recovery and return to normal activities can take several months and rehabilitation and physical therapy play a crucial role.

Asked for Female, 22 Years

Hello, I fell on some stairs yesterday and landed straight on my hip. I was able to get up and walk, but the pain became really bad after about 30 minutes. I couldn’t and still can’t put any weight on my left fod. My hip is not swollen and not bruised. I have been taking pain meds but it is not helping. What should I do

Answered on 21st Sept '24

It's possible that you may have sustained an injury to your hip or surrounding area. Seek medical attention from an orthopedic in this situation, especially if the pain is severe and you are unable to bear weight on your left foot. 

Asked for Female, 23 Years

I have constant back bone pain in my thoracic region for months, it's sharp and stabbing and gets worse when touched also it gets worse in the morning

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 50 Years

Knee injury left side and unable to stand up or walk sujan please guide wich doctor meet

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult with an orthopedic specialist or an orthopedic surgeon immediately =to check. Based on evaluation, diagnosis and treatment will be provided.

Asked for Female, 45 Years

Hi I am 45 year old women, I fell at work two days ago. I hurt my right leg. The leg wen underneath me when I fell. My foot ia swollen as well as my went to hoapital had to wait 8 hours they took xrays and gave me two voltarin injections I couldnt wait anymore so I never got the results the emergency room was to busy. My foot is getting wors I can barelry walk

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consider visiting an orthopedic specialist or contacting your primary care physician for further evaluation and treatment of your leg injury.

Asked for Male, 22 Years

I'm looking for pills or oil to use for my legs and hands veins so that I will stretch 360° with my legs without pain and turn my hands all the angles without pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you're experiencing pain in your legs and hands you must consult an orthopedic doctor. They can assess after examining your condition.

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Pain in only left leg after bmac avn stage 3aright 3bleft surgery in both legs ... Reasons? Wat can be done to come over this issue / pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 16 Years

I have been having this problem for a while, its pain in my index finger when I make high pressure against something like when I punch a pad for my boxing like all the time when I make a fist or punch my index finger hurts and clicks/pops and it hurts and when I make a tight fist it hurts for both index fingers on each hand any advice or help thanks

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 35 Years


Answered on 23rd May '24

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a condition in which the blood supply to the bone is disrupted causing the bone tissue to die. Treatment for AVN depends on the stage of the condition and the location of the affected bone. Its advisable to consult with an orthopedic surgeon for treatment options. The doctor may recommend physical therapy, medication, or surgery depending on the severity of the condition.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

I have suddenly randomly gotten lower back pain right above my tail bone out of the blue. No prior injuries or accidents. It does not spread but is a 24 7 constant pain and a little warm. My mid spine was also sore for about 2 days but has gone now and hasn't come back but the back pain is still there. It has been like this for almost 3 months. Excerises helps for atleast 20min and then the pain comes back again. Sitting and lying down is the worst. I can't sit for more than 10min.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 22 Years

I had an accident on November 27 2022, A cut near my right hand wrist and later I had stitches on it now my last two fingers are not working properly

Answered on 23rd May '24

Consult an orthopedist soon if you're experiencing reduced function in your fingers after a wrist injury and stitches. The cause of your symptoms may be nerve damage or reduced blood flow to the affected area, which results from certain types of injuries or surgical procedures. 

Asked for Male, 33 Years

Hi, Greetings. I had bike accident around 11 months ago. In that accident i had: -Head Injury. -Comminated Patella fractured. -Tibia Fractured. -Clavicle Bone Fractured. Around 45/50 days ago TBW & K-wire has been removed.. I have very limited ROM . So I would like to get expert advice as an second opinion to get back to the normal life again. Hope I will be connected ASAP. Thanks. Regards, Subhash Singh +977-9857058901 Butwal-Lumbini Province, Nepal.

Answered on 23rd May '24

I would advise you to consult with an orthopedic specialist or a physical therapist who can evaluate your current condition and provide you with a tailored treatment plan to regain your mobility and function.

Asked for Female, 22 Years

I have Carpal tunnel in both wrists and I have swelling on the dorsal side of my left wrist and I find it hard to move my wrists and I want to know what is the best option for me

Answered on 23rd May '24

Kindly  consult an orthopedist or hand speicalist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Asked for Female, 63 Years

Incomplete 5months TKR physiotherpi done still both knees are painful after 20 minutes walk how many days still I have to bear pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 49 Years

My left leg is paining a lot. Not even able to walk. Upper thighs, calf and ankle.

Answered on 23rd May '24

If the leg pain is so severe that affects walking then get it checked by an orthopedist as it could indicate a serious medical condition. Possible causes can be muscle strain, deep vein thrombosis, or nerve problems.

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Suffering From Right Hip Groin Pain Since Last 03Month, Checked With My Virtual Doctor For Arthritis, She Said To Take Xray For Pelvis Hip AP, Checked and Got To Know, Right Hip Joint Space Reduced With Sclerotic Changes In Femoral Head. Request You To Assist On This. Regards Sunaina arora

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your symptoms are similar to osteoarthritis. This condition occurs when the protective cartilage in the joints wears down over time, causing pain and stiffness. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or surgery to manage symptoms. Continue monitoring your symptoms and contact your doctor if you experience any new or worsening symptoms.

Asked for Female, 32 Years

Hi I'm Sunaina Arora Residing At Juhu Versova Link Road, I'm Suffering From Right Hip Groin Pain from last 3months, My arthritis Doctor Consult Me To Check With Orthopaedic Doctor For Hip and Joint Issue, As Seen By Pelvis Hip AP X-ray, she said their is right hip joint space reduced with sclerotic changes in Femoral head. Please Assist For The Same

Answered on 23rd May '24

Based on the pelvis hip AP X-ray, it shows that you mayhave reduced joint space and sclerotic changes in the femoral head. Follow up with your orthopedic doctor for further treatment. They may recommend additional MRI test, to get a more detailed look at the problem area.

Asked for Male, 78 Years

After walking4 or5 kilometres my feet hurt and swelling very pain full

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Male, 14 Years

R. Sir My daughter, Age 14, is having one normal foot and second one is broad by birth. We had consulted to your goodself in (Dr.Vakhariya Orthopedic Hospital), Jamnagar, Gujarat when she was of 4-5 month of age. At that time your good self asked to take advice after the age of 13/14. I request to guide further in the mette please.

Answered on 23rd May '24

You must follow up with an orthopedist again to determine if further evaluation is necessary.They may recommend further imaging X-rays or MRI, and may suggest certain treatment or surgery depending on the severity of the condition and any associated symptoms.

Asked for Female, 50 Years

I'm 50 year old facing sharp pain behind knee muscle after hit in knee

Answered on 23rd May '24

The pain could be due to a knee injury, so rest your knee and avoid putting weight on it. Consult an orthopedist and take pain medications as prescribed. And keep applying ice. If the pain persists or worsens keep your knee elevated and use crutches or a knee brace if you need to move around.

Asked for Female, 19 Years

I am a 19 year old female with a knee injury

Answered on 23rd May '24

You must consult an orthopedist if its a serious knee injury. if not you can try home treatment. Apply ice, take good rest, compression to reduce swelling, and take pain killers as prescribed by your doctor. 

Asked for Female, 32 Years

I have pain in my tips of right hand fingers , little swelling in pinky finger and also pain in palm . Feeling uneasy near elbow and shoulder.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 21 Years

Perineal exercise I have lower abdomen pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you are experiencing lower abdomen pain while doing perineal exercises, it may be because you are overexerting yourself or performing the exercises incorrectly. Consult a physical therapist to assess your technique and ensure that you are performing the exercises safely.

Asked for Male, 22 Years

Muscle distop is genitck My genitck report is - Sir please help me

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 20 Years

I am having backache from last three days. What should I do to recover from it

Answered on 23rd May '24

Asked for Female, 25 Years

I want to know how many can a person gain from limb lengthening and does it depends with the cost and expenses

Answered on 23rd May '24

The maximum lengthening achievable is around 8-10 cm for the femur bone and 6-8 cm for the tibia bone. The amount of limb lengthening a person can gain through surgery varies according to the individual's initial height, the type of surgery, desired lengthening etc.

Asked for Male, 50 Years

Sir I am 50 yrs old man and gets pain in my bones specially in lower back and legs when I have to stand for long or climb stairs. Which test I should get performed before consulting your good self.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Before medical consultation with your doctor, there are a few tests that you can get like x-ray, bone density test, blood tests, MRI or CT scan. If you visit a doctor near you they can assist you with the tests that are important for you.

Asked for Female, 14 Years

Hi, I am 14 years old and I have had pain in my knee for months now and I am a gymnast and sometimes when I land there is a shot of pain that goes straight through my kneecap and it feels like it just breaks and then it will hurt for about 5 minutes and then I will be fine. I can’t lunge or squat without it hurting and we have tried a lot of things but nothing is working. Thanks!

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your knee pain could be due to ligament sprains or tears, tendonitis or a meniscal tear.. Its common cause of knee pain in young athletes often caused by overuse or repeated stress on the knee joint. It can cause pain around the kneecap that worsens with activities like jumping or squatting. Contact a specialist to get it checked thoruoghly. You need to rest your knee to avoid pain and activities that aggravate your symptoms. Try using ice packs or a cold compress for 10-15 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling.

Asked for Male, 55 Years

I have right side knee pain

Answered on 23rd May '24

For your knee pain, please visit an orthopedist. He will evaluate your condition to know the exact cause of knee pain. It can be caused due to sprains, arthritis etc. Based on the diagnosis and cause, a proper treatment will be suggested to you which can include physiotherapy, medications or surgery. 

Asked for Female, 24 Years

I am 24 year old,girl, have pain in Coccyx for 6-7years.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Please visit an orthopedist as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and to understand the cause of the pain. Based on the cause and diagnosis, a suitable treatment will be suggested for you. Also, certain activities that trigger your pain should be avoided. I hope this proved useful. 

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